Layers and layers of management; no team inclusion or knowledge sharing; nothing done timely; CEO is checked out and clueless, along with senior management, some riding the gravy chain of old small company success and their financial gain, while being checked out completely, and letting true morons make costly decisions, as Senior Management isn't at work. A CEO blogs about his lovely family vacation and lay-offs in his same internal all employee message, along with instructions to IT and Sales they can't take a vacation - Mind Blowing Disfunction at its best!
Job is interesting and I love the company I work for - focusing on a world without disease, and putting patients, then employees, then community before stockholders
I noticed that the Bel Air Pain territory for Depomed is now open. I wouldn't even consider interviewing for it unless the District Manager changes. She takes micro-management and crazy to a whole new level. I personally know the rep that was in the position and anyone considering should reach out to that individual before interviewing.
My manager is unfair, creates a horrible work environment and culture of in-fighting and lack of teamwork, upper management lacks the ability to explain a clear vision for the future and a why behind our goals.