They are coming over to escape the NBU because it's abundantly clear that ADHD or neuroscience is NOT part of the long term plan at Shire. Many if not all fear the demise (sell off) of this BU. There is NO pipeline and they will squeeze the life out of this cash cow unless they can unload it to pay for more "Biotechy" things.
That being said, people are kissing her ass for a seat on the Opthamology lifeboat and are basically playing the game, nothing more. 99% of those coming over despise KK and her bs antics but unless you are a ZD, you don't have to deal with it every day - just play the game. It has been said before on other threads..... People smile at her, nod their head and then laugh about how inept she is behind her back. Just watch all the texting that goes on when she's on stage. It's all about her and what a tool she is. Selling their souls is an appropriate description.