Xeljanz VP tells reps to talk w other companies

Also he is not matching competitor offers like he said at the NSM in front of the entire division. I know of 2 in the past month try to get matched & he did not. One left & the other one got stuck w Pfizer because the competitor who offered 20k more heard they were trying to get Pfizer to match so they withdrew there offer.
Bottom line VP is not going to match offers for 2 reasons.
1) the I&I budget is extremely limited & tight to begin with as Richard even asked to look for areas to cut expenses & be frugile
2) the virus shutdown crushes revenue for 2020 . Be lucky to hit 70% of budget if we resume normal in May 1st.
****also the internal pay bumps will only effect 10% that are making below 115k.

So do not expect a match on your high dollar offers as it now happen.

Also he is not matching competitor offers like he said at the NSM in front of the entire division. I know of 2 in the past month try to get matched & he did not. One left & the other one got stuck w Pfizer because the competitor who offered 20k more heard they were trying to get Pfizer to match so they withdrew there offer.
Bottom line VP is not going to match offers for 2 reasons.
1) the I&I budget is extremely limited & tight to begin with as Richard even asked to look for areas to cut expenses & be frugile
2) the virus shutdown crushes revenue for 2020 . Be lucky to hit 70% of budget if we resume normal in May 1st.
****also the internal pay bumps will only effect 10% that are making below 115k.

So do not expect a match on your high dollar offers as it now happen.
Yes my counterpart did not get any counter from him. So he is going to bail now.
Going to Biogen Neuro expansion

Only a Fool or an Idiot would say this on the big stage. Hard for me to believe anyone would say this at that forum in a once a yr venue, let alone North America VP
If he did, he has zero business IQ and needs to go back to marketing, manufacturing or wherever he came from.

Only a Fool or an Idiot would say this on the big stage. Hard for me to believe anyone would say this at that forum in a once a yr venue, let alone North America VP
If he did, he has zero business IQ and needs to go back to marketing, manufacturing or wherever he came from.

Leadership in I&I is in the toilet. Sad state of affairs in the race for biggest leader loser. From greatest field force to biggest loser in a matter of a few years.

Leadership in I&I is in the toilet. Sad state of affairs in the race for biggest leader loser. From greatest field force to biggest loser in a matter of a few years.
True. All the primary care & vaccine rep expansion into I&I last 2yrs just watered down talent & kill the division w poor leadership.

Look at the colossal bone head hires.
- 130 new reps from PC who can sell and free load off existing good territories
- 16 new DMs 12 from PC or worse than PC-GI
-25yr PC RD West who turned over most his team
- over his head RD Central who was Norvartis rep few yrs ago that has turned over half his team
- East RD that a puppet who is looking for next gig
-VP 7m who is more over his head than when the Titanic as it settled at the bottom of ocean. Never sold cookies or anything, needs be back in manufacturing or marketing cubical. Portrays fake imagine on stage for false illusion to reps as he is a whiskey slamming arrogant cocky big mouth prick - just a jerk
-VP Mkt 1m who is hatchet man Jack Welch style
- NA VP 7m whom you can not understand and the largest sales ever managed was equal to size of Montana. 9 jobs in 15 yrs riding coat tail of Richard. Says one thing about caring for reps but actions are opposite
- Global Pres 10m, who only cares about # and wants to downsize & collapse div upon LOE. 16 jobs in 24 yrs.

Well at least you have VP support & blessing to look for new job w better culture & compensation. If he said it on stage at the NSM in front of entire Division, then your Non Compete clause is voted & N/A in the courts as he gave you permission (in those state that actually allow non compete w pharma companies as most do not)

His encouragement & direction legally freed you from any non compete in the courts, so be happy you are let off the hook & are a free agent with no strings.

Well at least you have VP support & blessing to look for new job w better culture & compensation. If he said it on stage at the NSM in front of entire Division, then your Non Compete clause is voted & N/A in the courts as he gave you permission (in those state that actually allow non compete w pharma companies as most do not)

His encouragement & direction legally freed you from any non compete in the courts, so be happy you are let off the hook & are a free agent with no strings.
Exactly, you have your freedom to talk w other companies without reprimand . Enjoy your handcuffs being taken off & go ca$h in!

Exactly, you have your freedom to talk w other companies without reprimand . Enjoy your handcuffs being taken off & go ca$h in!
Sounds to me like a very smart way to initiate a downsizing w people bolting & not having to pay severance if laying off.
If you ask me, that was his reason to tell everyone to go talk to other companies, as NO Insane person would intentally say that without a hidden reason or agenda as it is STUPID for a leader to say something like that.

This is the most absurd ridiculous thing I ve ever heard anybody say in corporate Amercia at any level , let alone VP!
So this had to 100000% be his way of reducing headcount before an upcoming downsizing as it would accomplish same thing but cost nothing vs tens of millions w 50% layoff severance.

This is the most absurd ridiculous thing I ve ever heard anybody say in corporate Amercia at any level , let alone VP!
So this had to 100000% be his way of reducing headcount before an upcoming downsizing as it would accomplish same thing but cost nothing vs tens of millions w 50% layoff severance.
Diddo. This MUST be an encouragement to downsize by attrition knowing something major w restructuring is coming up.
Only sane and logical reason ANYBODY would say something like this to the entire company.

Really sad to see such a prominent division crumble in a short period of time! I hope new leaders emerge as we need this team and brands to be successful for shareholders.

Really sad to see such a prominent division crumble in a short period of time! I hope new leaders emerge as we need this team and brands to be successful for shareholders.
???? It is the new leaders who were involved in what created the division to fall off the cliff.
Marketing is the one who forecast UC opportunity , the ones who decide on Call, Reach, Freq, Share of Voice which determines how many rep so expand 2yrs ago .
Marketing laid a F ing *-&$( load in middle of Collegeville.
Head of Marketing making these poor decision is VP of Sales the past 9 months....

???? It is the new leaders who were involved in what created the division to fall off the cliff.
Marketing is the one who forecast UC opportunity , the ones who decide on Call, Reach, Freq, Share of Voice which determines how many rep so expand 2yrs ago .
Marketing laid a F ing *-&$( load in middle of Collegeville.
Head of Marketing making these poor decision is VP of Sales the past 9 months....
They follow every suggestion that ZS provides.