Why Don't Bridgeless Oldies Get Respect?


Imagine if that is happening to your Dad or Mom and you are still living at home and sponging off them.

You are young and think too highly of yourself.

These days compassion is hard to find. Do you even have a soul?

Imagine if that is happening to your Dad or Mom and you are still living at home and sponging off them.

You are young and think too highly of yourself.

These days compassion is hard to find. Do you even have a soul?
Get away from compassion only a crunch for the weak minded and uninformed. You want to succeed then embrace greed and intestinal fortitude. Grow a pair, get out of bed in the morning and accomplish something of value.

Get away from compassion only a crunch for the weak minded and uninformed. You want to succeed then embrace greed and intestinal fortitude. Grow a pair, get out of bed in the morning and accomplish something of value.

Come back in 20 or 30 years and we'll talk again about how tough you are.

One day you may be in a car crash and you wish people would be more compassionate, stop, help, and call 911 on your behalf.

Come back in 20 or 30 years and we'll talk again about how tough you are.

One day you may be in a car crash and you wish people would be more compassionate, stop, help, and call 911 on your behalf.

I am quite sure that you represent that great socialist Democrat party. I work for a living and pay my way. Do yourself a favor and quit stealing from the producers. Every problem you are confronted with is of your own making. Make sure to order a little extra lunche to feed the up and coming leeches. Bye now I must get to the club.