Why did we buy King?


Why did we buy King Pharmaceuticals!!??

I assume for the pain franchise/technology. Even though Embeda and Remoxy (which could be bigger than TOFA) have had setbacks...the technology will be used in many of the pain molecules. With all of the crack down on pain meds, etc I think there is a ton of potential.

I think us buying King was similar to an NBA team drafting a player "on potential"

Pfizer's purchase of King was a boondoggle of proportions that can only be absorbed by one of the biggest and richest companies in the world. King products were terrible, headlined by a pain patch that didn't work, didn't stick, didn't relieve anything except the patient of their money. The pain pills are not covered by insurance and primarily prescribed by the so-called pain specialists, who in reality are just dope dealers with a medical license. And then there's the sales force. I spent almost 40 years in the business and the management and sales force with King was beneath contempt. Totally incompetent, poorly trained and liable to say anything to get a sale. I was shocked that ANY personnel from King was retained - it must have been in the purchase agreement. Now more people are gone as always, at Christmas.

I am an exec on Pfizer side and this is not accurate about King. I have in the past hired many from King. They were great reps, managers etc and very compliant. They actually sold and sold conversationally. I found mgt in most cases to be above board.

Sadly, Pfizer reps are not regarded by any means in a positive light by doctors or other hiring companies.

The fact that you people post such nonsense in insane and unprofessional. You will all be gone within month anyway.

I am an exec on Pfizer side and this is not accurate about King. I have in the past hired many from King. They were great reps, managers etc and very compliant. They actually sold and sold conversationally. I found mgt in most cases to be above board.

Sadly, Pfizer reps are not regarded by any means in a positive light by doctors or other hiring companies.

The fact that you people post such nonsense in insane and unprofessional. You will all be gone within month anyway.

King worst purchase ever, they have not had a good drug since altace!

I am an exec on Pfizer side and this is not accurate about King. I have in the past hired many from King. They were great reps, managers etc and very compliant. They actually sold and sold conversationally. I found mgt in most cases to be above board.

Sadly, Pfizer reps are not regarded by any means in a positive light by doctors or other hiring companies.

The fact that you people post such nonsense in insane and unprofessional. You will all be gone within month anyway.

Agree. That comment is typical Pfizer. How many times did I hear "We've got to "pfizerize" them" when we bought company after company in the 90s and 00s. We always implied that our people were inherently better than the people that just happened to have the misfortune of working for a company that was dumb enough to partner with us to push their pills.
Well, look at us NOW! I lost count of how many major cuts we've undergone in the past 5 years. And yet, our management still trashes the people from the newest acquisition.
We are a pathetic lot, we really are....

Agree. That comment is typical Pfizer. How many times did I hear "We've got to "pfizerize" them" when we bought company after company in the 90s and 00s. We always implied that our people were inherently better than the people that just happened to have the misfortune of working for a company that was dumb enough to partner with us to push their pills.
Well, look at us NOW! I lost count of how many major cuts we've undergone in the past 5 years. And yet, our management still trashes the people from the newest acquisition.
We are a pathetic lot, we really are....

The ONLY good purchase was Wyeth. Pfizer finally got a professional, well-trained sales force. The problem was they tried to Pfizerize Wyeth with price increases, psych rep mis-managers (LOL!)and silly follow-the-bouncing-ball tablet presentations which are completely inappropriate in vaccine sales. At least they got a free ride for awhile. In time, Merck will knock Pfizer off its pedestal in vaccines. It's too bad but it's Pfizers market to lose.

The ONLY good purchase was Wyeth. Pfizer finally got a professional, well-trained sales force. The problem was they tried to Pfizerize Wyeth with price increases, psych rep mis-managers (LOL!)and silly follow-the-bouncing-ball tablet presentations which are completely inappropriate in vaccine sales. At least they got a free ride for awhile. In time, Merck will knock Pfizer off its pedestal in vaccines. It's too bad but it's Pfizers market to lose.

Wrong. If we don't buy Upjohn/Pharmacia, we would have no oncology franchise, no Celebrex, and no Zyvox.

Agree. That comment is typical Pfizer. How many times did I hear "We've got to "pfizerize" them" when we bought company after company in the 90s and 00s. We always implied that our people were inherently better than the people that just happened to have the misfortune of working for a company that was dumb enough to partner with us to push their pills.
Well, look at us NOW! I lost count of how many major cuts we've undergone in the past 5 years. And yet, our management still trashes the people from the newest acquisition.
We are a pathetic lot, we really are....

I am with another company now and can tell you that any resumes received in HR from PFE...disregarded. You guys are seen as robots and big pharma. Small biotechs will not touch you. BTW - we hired several King people. Fantastic! Kudos to the reps, the managers and just how proud they all were of King. How many of you at PFE can says that?

That's BS - a troll post. I know someone who came over from King then circulated her resume (a Pfizer resume by that time) and landed an EXCELLENT job w/ a biotech company.

Exactly.... Anyone who makes blanket statements about Pfizer is either a competitor or a casualty from an acquisition or layoff. Just an incredibly stupid and demonstrably false thing to say, as well as a pretty good indicator of troll activity.

That's BS - a troll post. I know someone who came over from King then circulated her resume (a Pfizer resume by that time) and landed an EXCELLENT job w/ a biotech company.

The "Pfizer" name has lost its prestige throughout the industry. In the 80's and 90's Pfizer was the pinnacle of the Pharmaceutical Industry. The perspective has changed.

It is about the person. If you have only been a rep...forget it!
You have to have had otjer things (skills, certifications, accomplishments...etc)

They all hate PFIZER reps.

Exactly.... Anyone who makes blanket statements about Pfizer is either a competitor or a casualty from an acquisition or layoff. Just an incredibly stupid and demonstrably false thing to say, as well as a pretty good indicator of troll activity.

As usual, you couldn't be more wrong. Pfizer's reputation is on the lower end of pharma. Why? two big reasons: unlike most big pharma, we have no real management selection/development process. (Those corny ARM, DDO, Sales Opps-thingys don't qualify). So the perception is that only the politically astute, or those who met some predetermined gender/race/ sex orientation/ religion criteria became managers. Most of our competitors find that laughable. Ask your friends at Merck or Amgen what it takes to be a DBM over there. You will be shocked!

We started the pod mess, and very one knows it. So, everyone sees us as having easy products to sell (like Viagra or Lipitor), we had huge teams calling on doctors to sell these easy products.

Bonus: name me another pharma company that got pilloried in Fortune.