Why are so many people leaving Tom Lyon's region?


Could it be the reps in Tom's region finally realize no matter how many business plans they put together for him, no matter how hard they try for him and no matter how hard they suck up to him, Tom doesn't appear to promote most of his reps nor will he hire them internally for account management positions within the region so reps are finally moving on where they can finally be appreciated? The irony is most of his region is made up of reps that came over with him or came over from the constant invasion from tablets. There are almost no original MVD folks left yet Tom appears uncomfortable hiring his own people for these account management positions that have recently come available. He rather hire outside the company or bring over even more tablet folks, bypassing his loyal lapdogs. How sad.

It sure seems like quite a few hard working S2's have left, moved to other divisions or went to WestPoint in the last few months. Some of them were Tom's biggest cheerleaders. Can you believe it Tom? Some people don't want to waste their lives trying to impress you anymore, which is impossible, because they figured out it gets them nowhere. They also realize doing a worthless special project for you is not the equivalent of getting stock options anymore either. I guess life isn't so levelset in Tommyland anymore.


...you really need to ask that question? He is a horrible leader! He should lead a team a team of 0.0 people.

Can somebody please explain how Tom Lyon is still the DCO of the Midwest Region? In just the last few years alone dozens of CTL's and reps have run for other positions and out of the company. Now the guy wants to waste more money on extensive training to hire folks outside the company or in other divisions who have no clue about vaccines?

I don't care if he lumbered across the virtual stage this year. The guy has been a Vaccine DCO for over 10 years and he's only had 1 or 2 successful years over that decade. That doesn't equate to success. How long can J. Nissan cover for him? She's on thin ice too but that's for a whole other thread. It's time for a change. His leadership, his learnings and his losing business plans are not level set anymore. Time to go Tom.

Tom is the last DCO left from the original vaccine DCO's and he will be gone shortly along with the vaccine division.

The Vaccine Division should be fine. Tom should have been pushed out when his only cheerleader, Alina E., was forced to waddle out the back door. The Three Stooges (Margie, Mike and Alina) completely ruined the division.

...you really need to ask that question? He is a horrible leader! He should lead a team a team of 0.0 people.

Obviously, Tommy's M2 University (What a joke. Wait, more like a clown school.) has a low graduation rate if he is hiring more outside his region. What's going on Professor Lyon (Rolling my eyes laughing.)? It's obvious you need to update your lousy curriculum or get a new professor with a clue because you are epically failing.

Tom is the last DCO left from the original vaccine DCO's and he will be gone shortly along with the vaccine division.

The original Vaccine Directors were Tom Melios and Bill Darnell. They were two really good guys that new their stuff, treated their reps with respect and liked for their sales team to have fun while selling. Phil and Tom are the exact opposite of Tom and Bill which is why the environment sucks and people are running away from them.

Reps went above and beyond for Tom and Bill because they treated their people like human beings with families. Both Tom and Bill left in disgust because of how bad the new management team came over from USHH and destroyed MVD. Ironically, Don Berman, Tom and Bill all came from USHH but they wanted to run this division like it was a competitive organization that could have fun and treat it's people with respect. It's obvious when the three stooges came over they wanted to suck the life and fun out of the Vaccine Division by bringing over like-minded control freak narcissists like themselves to mismanage the division. Well done stooges.

He could lead Loudmouth Loser Phil Lowery, now that would be a team.

Tom is not a leader. He's a wannabe professor that thinks he is smarter than everybody else. His region's performance is stagnant because nobody is really selling.

His reps are too busy putting together business plans, listening to worthless teleconferences or doing special projects that benefit Tom only. Few people are even getting promoted in his region. Hell, most of the management team that has worked for him and his favorite reps have run from him after only a few years because his expectations are ridiculously unattainable.

He is far from amazing as a director and he needs to go. He's been in Vaccines for a decade and only has 2 years of being the top region out of over 10. Oh yeah, nobody likes him, including his fellow directors. Pathetic. It's time for new leadership in the Midwest. His reign of terror and error need to finally come to an end.

Midwest here. Tom is a fair man and brings the best out in his region and reps. Just because someone couldnt make their numbers and then comes here crying isn't toms fault.

Midwest here. Tom is a fair man and brings the best out in his region and reps. Just because someone couldnt make their numbers and then comes here crying isn't toms fault.

Hey it's one of TL's bootlicking cult followers. Keep believing that delusion. Tom is a backstabbing, hypocritical, unethical narcissists.

He has damaged a lot of people's careers for his own personal gain, reps and fellow directors alike. There is a reason why this guy has multiple threads on this website. He has hurt a lot of people and he will eventually reap what he sows. Even most of his devout followers have abandoned him because he even screws over his most loyal followers on promotions. If you don't believe me ask around about all of the managers and reps who have left his region over the past few years. He is a cancer and his region is unable to perform at their best because of him. Sober up off that Tommyboy Koolaid.

This has to be Tom's little red lapdog, S Swider. Everyone know how much of a top notch sycophant he is.

Can someone please explain to me how the Michigan VKCL, S. Swider, doesn't have time to go or even stay at district meetings but he has time to shoot local Southeast Michigan television commercials to fulfill his delusion that he is a sought after actor/model. If you don't believe me, I can send you a link to one of his dumb commercials. I thought Tommyboy was smart. He really doesn't know how lazy his little red lapdog is.

Can someone please explain to me how the Michigan VKCL, S. Swider, doesn't have time to go or even stay at district meetings but he has time to shoot local Southeast Michigan television commercials to fulfill his delusion that he is a sought after actor/model. If you don't believe me, I can send you a link to one of his dumb commercials. I thought Tommyboy was smart. He really doesn't know how lazy his little red lapdog is.

I think your assessment is correct. He is notorious for listening to other's ideas and using them as his own. And never doing any actual work either. But loves to make it known how busy he is. There is a long track record of this going back to HQ days.

...you really need to ask that question? He is a horrible leader! He should lead a team a team of 0.0 people.

Vaccine DCO's should be reduced to two and Tom Lyon should be the first to be let go. He probably has the highest salary/ incentives, way too much employee turnover and few successful years. Cutting him would save Merck $500,000 or more. Time to trim the fat.

Vaccine DCO's should be reduced to two and Tom Lyon should be the first to be let go. He probably has the highest salary/ incentives, way too much employee turnover and few successful years. Cutting him would save Merck $500,000 or more. Time to trim the fat.
Listen you insignificant worm, I run this group and I encourage all you maggots to crawl away at your earliest! A correction, I make much more then 500k!

Can someone please explain to me how the Michigan VKCL, S. Swider, doesn't have time to go or even stay at district meetings but he has time to shoot local Southeast Michigan television commercials to fulfill his delusion that he is a sought after actor/model. If you don't believe me, I can send you a link to one of his dumb commercials. I thought Tommyboy was smart. He really doesn't know how lazy his little red lapdog is.

Can you pick out the little red schmoozer in the commercial? He was a CTL at the time too. I would tell him stick to his day job but he sucks at that too. Enjoy!
