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Whose next


Not sure if true but you had to figure. They did this BS two different times. Back when they launched Symbicort and then Dean McWonderful (at least to himself) brought it back to life around 15'-16'. Then that pooped out. Both times, those reps were either waved bye-bye or rolled into PCP team.

I expect the same thing this time. Just when?

Yep agree with above poster. Respiratory specialty is just a glorified higher salary overlay.

Our RST doesn’t even go to the pulms anymore. Said they are all closed and non access. So now pretty much calls on just primary care docs. Again, AZ all about redundancy and inefficiency. So in essence combined with PCx team you have 4 reps all promoting breztri to the same providers. Talk about going backwards. It’s like the old Crestor/Nexium days when you had multiple reps all calling on same doctor with same product.

To above poster...My RST too! Way too much emphasis on PCP's. And they get all huffy when I try to make calls on Pulm's. All they care about is getting a PCP to write for Fasenra so they can have a story to tell when a bio position opens. It is so obvious and really aggravating. I personally stopped trying to with them around Pulm's and just go when in route. They want to over-extend into your customer base but want you to walk on egg shells with theirs.....

Yep agree with above poster. Respiratory specialty is just a glorified higher salary overlay.

Our RST doesn’t even go to the pulms anymore. Said they are all closed and non access. So now pretty much calls on just primary care docs. Again, AZ all about redundancy and inefficiency. So in essence combined with PCx team you have 4 reps all promoting breztri to the same providers. Talk about going backwards. It’s like the old Crestor/Nexium days when you had multiple reps all calling on same doctor with same product.

Um, you realize a large portion of PC reps make more than the RSTs.. right?
Educate yourself before making ignorant posts.

Perhaps a long time AZ PC rep makes more than a new RST. But they do get a higher target bonus than primary care reps at the same CL.

Im sure a newer PC rep will be paid less than an RST. Depends where you fall on CL and MRP.

Would you mind sharing what the range would be for RST vs PCx?

Um, you realize a large portion of PC reps make more than the RSTs.. right?
Educate yourself before making ignorant posts.

I was an RST rep and can confirm this is true. Your goal is much harder to hit due to the fact it is an “overlay” position. You need to have both PCP geo’s performing well to make bonus (at least in my case). It’s not specialty, not even close.

Nice to see a poster with a modicum of intelligence.

I believe you meant to ask “who’s” next?

please identify yourself because it will be easier for the company to terminate you on grounds of documented stupidity.


Rumblings of reorganization of RST team due to Breztri lack of performance???

thats interesting considering......

1.) rst just had a national call last week with leadership talking about how they're doing better than expected
2.) mina got on a national call two weeks ago talking about how rst wasn't going anywhere because apparently people got worried when woodson left
3.) rudd got on a national call three weeks ago talking about how rst is a pivotal part of the resp org.

if anyones getting cut going forward its the overinflated pc team where they have three damn reps per territory caring two products!!

thats interesting considering......

1.) rst just had a national call last week with leadership talking about how they're doing better than expected
2.) mina got on a national call two weeks ago talking about how rst wasn't going anywhere because apparently people got worried when woodson left
3.) rudd got on a national call three weeks ago talking about how rst is a pivotal part of the resp org.

if anyones getting cut going forward its the overinflated pc team where they have three damn reps per territory caring two products!!

thats interesting considering......

1.) rst just had a national call last week with leadership talking about how they're doing better than expected
2.) mina got on a national call two weeks ago talking about how rst wasn't going anywhere because apparently people got worried when woodson left
3.) rudd got on a national call three weeks ago talking about how rst is a pivotal part of the resp org.

if anyones getting cut going forward its the overinflated pc team where they have three damn reps per territory caring two products!!

And you trust their word? Must ne new to AZ.

And you trust their word? Must ne new to AZ.

Oh god no I don’t trust shit that they say. Honestly though why bother with the massive dog and pony show. Mina talked for 20 some minutes about the long term future plans for the RST team on that call. I don’t trust shit that they say but it’d be pretty hard to be that much of a bold faced liar...

Nah. They will just come out and say something like: "based on the current market conditions we unfortunately need to alter current sales force make-ups. The decision being made is not easy and we gave it very careful consideration." blah blah blah

Then what they should add is: "but don't fret, all in senior leadership positions will remain unaffected and in place for the good of AZ."

I have been telling anyone who is willing to listen.....sociopaths and psychopaths. You don't get to that level w/o being one or the other.