Who is the WORST Manager at Teva NS & Why?

I would immediately fire any Manager that rode with his Rep for 3 days. Ever hear of creating a hostile work environment? Anyone answering to someone like that should recruit 2 others in their region and file a class action. Trust me everybody is suing Teva these days, and you might as well try to cash in on a settlement before the bankruptcy occurs in December. Not to mention if a Manager actually thinks they are impacting sales favorably by riding 3 days is a total doucher. This is why office access is drying up.

Without a doubt, the douchiest comment from an obvious fucktard. First, if your manager works with you for 3 days then you are one of two reps;
A, You suck at your job and they want you out. (Seriously) They are looking for consistency of behavior that validate your ranking -like inconsistent call average versus when you work alone, or consistent failure to deliver the approved message, or compliance violations. If you do, in fact, suck then 3 days will allow you to show your true colors and expose yourself. You can’t help yourself and hide those shortcomings for 3 days straight.
B, You live in the middle of nowhere.
The question goes back to you. Do you live in ebf, or are you option A?
Don’t blame the man for doing his job simply because you are a waste of money and a bad investment for a financially f’d organization.

I would immediately fire any Manager that rode with his Rep for 3 days. Ever hear of creating a hostile work environment? Anyone answering to someone like that should recruit 2 others in their region and file a class action. Trust me everybody is suing Teva these days, and you might as well try to cash in on a settlement before the bankruptcy occurs in December. Not to mention if a Manager actually thinks they are impacting sales favorably by riding 3 days is a total doucher. This is why office access is drying up.

Well stated and spot on.

Without a doubt, the douchiest comment from an obvious fucktard. First, if your manager works with you for 3 days then you are one of two reps;
A, You suck at your job and they want you out. (Seriously) They are looking for consistency of behavior that validate your ranking -like inconsistent call average versus when you work alone, or consistent failure to deliver the approved message, or compliance violations. If you do, in fact, suck then 3 days will allow you to show your true colors and expose yourself. You can’t help yourself and hide those shortcomings for 3 days straight.
B, You live in the middle of nowhere.
The question goes back to you. Do you live in ebf, or are you option A?
Don’t blame the man for doing his job simply because you are a waste of money and a bad investment for a financially f’d organization.

Just as long as any manager doing this is confident he has no shortcomings that can be proven. No allowed harassment, condoned homophobia, gender discrimination, race issues, etc. Managers aren't the only ones who build cases.

Without a doubt, the douchiest comment from an obvious fucktard. First, if your manager works with you for 3 days then you are one of two reps;
A, You suck at your job and they want you out. (Seriously) They are looking for consistency of behavior that validate your ranking -like inconsistent call average versus when you work alone, or consistent failure to deliver the approved message, or compliance violations. If you do, in fact, suck then 3 days will allow you to show your true colors and expose yourself. You can’t help yourself and hide those shortcomings for 3 days straight.
B, You live in the middle of nowhere.
The question goes back to you. Do you live in ebf, or are you option A?
Don’t blame the man for doing his job simply because you are a waste of money and a bad investment for a financially f’d organization.

Wow...looks like someone nailed it. The doucher Manager that rides 3 days at a time with his Reps also replies on Cafepharma. Priceless! Are you stupid or have a sugar honey for a wife? We know the answer. Your wife has cash, you have a insecurity problem, right?

Wow...looks like someone nailed it. The doucher Manager that rides 3 days at a time with his Reps also replies on Cafepharma. Priceless! Are you stupid or have a sugar honey for a wife? We know the answer. Your wife has cash, you have a insecurity problem, right?
The problem with working places such as this is that the toxic management approach infect the average person/ rep that took the job wanting to help people with illness—- not understanding the money and greed that truly drives pharma industry complex. There are actually companies that are ethical with mostly good people around you. Once you leave, you’ll kick yourself for not leaving sooner. And your spouse and children will thank you also, even if the income takes an initial hit....

The problem with working places such as this is that the toxic management approach infect the average person/ rep that took the job wanting to help people with illness—- not understanding the money and greed that truly drives pharma industry complex. There are actually companies that are ethical with mostly good people around you. Once you leave, you’ll kick yourself for not leaving sooner. And your spouse and children will thank you also, even if the income takes an initial hit....

This company is so desperate for money that it's their only focus. Communications throughout the company illustrate how cash focused they are. The focus is not the patient at all, it's prescriptions and how many you can generate from the physician's. Sales is always the goal in sales, but in pharma they must be somewhat concerned with patients and this place isn't. There is never any mention of the patients, just prescriptions and how to convince the doctor to prescribe more. They hold sales reps accountable for keeping the patients on the drug. No one cares if the patient had to stop the drug, just do any and all possible to generate those Trxs and keep them on it at all costs. If you want ethics in your company, and to really work for a company that is in the business of caring for patients, this isn't it. All the lawsuits and corruption should show you that.

Without question Brian Atwater is the biggest fucktard of a manager that anyone has ever worked for. He plays the race card, the gay card and is the most condescending RSM I've every worked for. Fuck em', unfortunately he's protected and will continue to be the fucktard he is as a manager!