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Where are they now?

To any ex-Galderma colleague struggling through the seemingly endless job search process right now, I just want you to know that you are not alone. This process is so hard. Countless applications, calls, assessments and rejection emails every day. All of it just sucks.

To any ex-Galderma colleague struggling through the seemingly endless job search process right now, I just want you to know that you are not alone. This process is so hard. Countless applications, calls, assessments and rejection emails every day. All of it just sucks.
Same here, I understand. The job market is not easy at the moment.

The majority of management is still here because they need to be, not because they want to. Many have been interviewing for a number of months - R&D, HR,etc. - but no one else has been stupid enough to hire them so far.

Apparently there are no jobs available. Most senior VP’s are still looking for a new opportunity and doing “consultancy work” until something turns up. The job market is though.
I landed a job after 6 months and almost 100 applications. It’s a difficult market and finding a job is a full time job. Good luck everyone. I hope you find better after Galderma.

Apparently there are no jobs available. Most senior VP’s are still looking for a new opportunity and doing “consultancy work” until something turns up. The job market is though.
I hold a senior role and would catch shit from these unqualified, unemployed turned consultants hillbillies. Their “intel” is total garbage with overdone PowerPoints. Complete SCAM!

You must feel great about yourself - there is a thing called life where they might also be going through health issues, economic downturn, etc. Some of these comments are sickening - instead of wishing everyone the best (bc we ALL good fucked by this company), you just pass on judgement and negativity. Karma will always come back to get you :)

You must feel great about yourself - there is a thing called life where they might also be going through health issues, economic downturn, etc. Some of these comments are sickening - instead of wishing everyone the best (bc we ALL good fucked by this company), you just pass on judgement and negativity. Karma will always come back to get you :)
What is sickening is senior leaders lying about their experience and engaging in unethical behavior to make themselves look better and cash in.