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When is the next car fleet order?

Forget your car benefit, Pfizer is driving the new pharma sales paradigm of virtual. We will save tons of $s with rep layoffs and no car leases! We in AZ Finance told y'all this day was coming!!
Dear Pencil Pusher: Nobody is going to layoff a Wolf Pack rep - - - take it to the bank!! We all want Audis for our next company car. Aroooh, Strong, Pride, Aroooh!

Forget your car benefit, Pfizer is driving the new pharma sales paradigm of virtual. We will save tons of $s with rep layoffs and no car leases! We in AZ Finance told y'all this day was coming!!

That model will flop. Anyone on the front lines can attest to the fact virtual is not a long term thing or viable. Physicians and customers are already tired of it and people with no relationships trying to set up appts or interactions will struggle.

Sounds sexy now but Covid will become manageable and things will start opening back up. Virrual is just a stop gap measure and won't replace relationships and territory knowledge.

Hope you guys are ready to wait. I ordered back in October 2021 and still waiting. Delayed until July or longer. Car I have now is 125k miles. Fleet actually approved a 4k repair which is shocker. I guess that’s what they get for skipping so many order cycles over the years etc.

Are they even doing a spring order?

It may not be the company that is the problem. The chip shortage has manufacturers in a bind. Chips are being allocated to more profitable units first. Low profit models, the types of cars usually found in fleets, are last in line. Would you rather sell an optioned SUV or a generic sedan or low margin Matrix. AZ fleet may well have ordered the car without having a clue as to when it will arrive. What you ordered May also affect delivery. Remember 3 or 4 years ago when the Matrix was first offered on the selector? They took 2-3 months longer to get in than the Camry, Malibu, or Optima.

The above poster is correct. AZ offers some of the most basic options compared to other companies remember the original rav4 hybrid that had no power seats, had to put a key in the ignition and no auto headlights.

with the bolt being the only EV option now thats not even a great.

At least the Amgen teze reps got the option of electric Volvo suvs.

in regard to the previous poster yes the chip shortage is to blame etc. but az is notorious for skipping order cycles making reps stay in their car even longer now. They should release an order order cycle now knowing that it could be 6-9months before a rep gets their car instead of the usual 2-3 month wait.

What’s probably happening is more repairs are having to be done on these older car costing the company money and not to mention having to put the rep in a rental.

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