What's the deal?


The word is that Deerfield going to force cuts soon if the ship doesn't start to move. Get rid of sales force and collect the cash, There is no upside for this bloated company. Start your looking

The word is that Deerfield going to force cuts soon if the ship doesn't start to move. Get rid of sales force and collect the cash, There is no upside for this bloated company. Start your looking

don’t know how we stayed afloat for this long. Does this mean that Christine will stop all her self promotion on LinkedIn?

So, I am not sure I can take it anymore. Today we heard about courage from our CEO who would have us believe she actually has courage. By the way I have to think that speech was written by someone else for her. So, let's talk about courage. We have a head of sales that hasn't hit a forecast in how long. At what point in time do you say I have to make a change, maybe not fire her but certainly move her to another position. That would take courage to make that decision, especially if you are going to fire her. I don't want to see anyone get fired but let's be clear regardless how you dress this up it is a business.
Have you ever looked at our numbers? Not the sales numbers, we never get those, that would take courage to really let us know how we are doing. So, we look at boxes, are we ahead, are we behind or are we flat? Why are sales numbers such a secret?
Christine, you should be so, so happy you we aren't a public company where these numbers would be seen by all, it would be an embarrassment and it would destroy this persona you are so intent on building for yourself. The only question that is more baffing to me is why has Deerfield allowed this continue.
Concerning the marketing of our products, how many different sales aids are we going to produce that say the same thing. Really, do you think if you move the graph from page 4 to page 6 a physician who has never prescribed Orbactiv or Kimyrsa is going to change their minds? Data, data changes people's minds, fight for data, even if it says the drugs don't work but please no more new sales aids. It must cost a fortune.
For the first time from where I sat today, I realized that our management team does not care. It is a gravy train for them, I would imagine great salaries and bonuses, flying first class, all the perks. Their biggest concern is not sales, or launches, or being courageous. It is I hope this train doesn't stop because I am not sure where I can go after, I mean, where can you go and get rewarded year after year and not hit our box number.
So, I am sure we will continue to see the linked in posts form Christine and John talking about people and how great we are, by the way we are. But push comes to shove they will throw us under the bus and be the first off the ship with I am sure would-be great packages!
That is called courage in their minds.

I’ve wondered this myself. All this self-promotion by John and Christine…rah,rah,rah…we are so awesome, but yet our sales numbers truly suck. Instead of showing COURAGE to acknowledge this fact, they move on like nothing has happened. They fired many KAMs, but it’s not their fault that the data isn’t there and that the products don’t hold against the competition.

I’ve wondered this myself. All this self-promotion by John and Christine…rah,rah,rah…we are so awesome, but yet our sales numbers truly suck. Instead of showing COURAGE to acknowledge this fact, they move on like nothing has happened. They fired many KAMs, but it’s not their fault that the data isn’t there and that the products don’t hold against the competition.

you can act like that when there is no accountability.

So, I am not sure I can take it anymore. Today we heard about courage from our CEO who would have us believe she actually has courage. By the way I have to think that speech was written by someone else for her. So, let's talk about courage. We have a head of sales that hasn't hit a forecast in how long. At what point in time do you say I have to make a change, maybe not fire her but certainly move her to another position. That would take courage to make that decision, especially if you are going to fire her. I don't want to see anyone get fired but let's be clear regardless how you dress this up it is a business.
Have you ever looked at our numbers? Not the sales numbers, we never get those, that would take courage to really let us know how we are doing. So, we look at boxes, are we ahead, are we behind or are we flat? Why are sales numbers such a secret?
Christine, you should be so, so happy you we aren't a public company where these numbers would be seen by all, it would be an embarrassment and it would destroy this persona you are so intent on building for yourself. The only question that is more baffing to me is why has Deerfield allowed this continue.
Concerning the marketing of our products, how many different sales aids are we going to produce that say the same thing. Really, do you think if you move the graph from page 4 to page 6 a physician who has never prescribed Orbactiv or Kimyrsa is going to change their minds? Data, data changes people's minds, fight for data, even if it says the drugs don't work but please no more new sales aids. It must cost a fortune.
For the first time from where I sat today, I realized that our management team does not care. It is a gravy train for them, I would imagine great salaries and bonuses, flying first class, all the perks. Their biggest concern is not sales, or launches, or being courageous. It is I hope this train doesn't stop because I am not sure where I can go after, I mean, where can you go and get rewarded year after year and not hit our box number.
So, I am sure we will continue to see the linked in posts form Christine and John talking about people and how great we are, by the way we are. But push comes to shove they will throw us under the bus and be the first off the ship with I am sure would-be great packages!
That is called courage in their minds.
The reason Deerfield allows this to happen? Look at their web site. It's all about DEI. It's not about hiring the right people, it's about hiring the right looking people.

The reason Deerfield allows this to happen? Look at their web site. It's all about DEI. It's not about hiring the right people, it's about hiring the right looking people.
I agree with you, but I’d still like to know their thinking. They have owned us for at least seven years now while never turning a profit. I don’t get it…thought they would have sold us off by now.

I agree with you, but I’d still like to know their thinking. They have owned us for at least seven years now while never turning a profit. I don’t get it…thought they would have sold us off by now.
No one want's us. We have nothing special and hard to grow products. And there are no other products they can buy. No clue what they are thinking