• Thurs news: AbbVie Parkinson’s drug. Arch raises $3B biotech fund. Biogen dropping failed Sage tremor drug. AZ gets sought-after Tagrisso OK. Pfizer withdrawing sickle cell med. See more on our front page

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As we sit at home, trying to engage providers (not going well on that front) I wonder what the plan is. This isn't going away anytime soon. Offices & IDN's are sending out communications outlining no vendors until AT LEAST May.

How can you bonus someone for Q2 when we really have no idea when we can go back to work (real work)? I have to wonder if they suspend bonuses in Q2. And if they don't, what algorithm can you use that makes any sense? Also, it would be a way to limit costs so we are secure until this blows over. Just remember, a bonus is just that. If you need that to survive you need to re-evaluate how you live.


AZ will do what other companies in the private sector will do, lay-off employees. How long is this sustainable? Medical offices are closing so who are we going to interact with?

Similar situation when the HIPPA regulations came in...lots of offices used it as an excuse to limit reps access..
what used to be a stand in the sample closet/hallway became a wave behind the glass as you got a signature...

Offices will Covid closure to even further limit access... Nobody in the Sales/Marketing wants this but the accounting/finance will take a hard look at numbers and probably see gee... Rx's didn't fall off a cliff even with no reps pushing products... another good reason for corporate to reduce sales head count

Similar situation when the HIPPA regulations came in...lots of offices used it as an excuse to limit reps access..
what used to be a stand in the sample closet/hallway became a wave behind the glass as you got a signature...

Offices will Covid closure to even further limit access... Nobody in the Sales/Marketing wants this but the accounting/finance will take a hard look at numbers and probably see gee... Rx's didn't fall off a cliff even with no reps pushing products... another good reason for corporate to reduce sales head count
This is but another nail in the coffin of the Pharma rep. At one time is was a great job, decent respect from physicians, viewed as a medical knowledge resource, and the source of an occasional night out at a great restaurant where the doc could even bring a spouse. Glad I was able to experience the good times. What’s left has gone to shit in one short week.

there is no reason to carry a salesforce when this is goin to be a MAJOR issue into july-august......or well into next year....we all know we are overdue to hit the reset button and shake it up......other companies lay off then rehire later on when the time comes if necessary.....wouldnt be surprised if this is the event that finally puts the nail in the coffin of this obsolete industry tho...

So boring being a naysayer...We will be in the field by May 1 and it will be business as usual.

ur delusional!!! CDC announced nearly 40% of US COVID-19 hospitalizations involve adults under 55!! people of all ages are at serious risk!! reps will go extinct over the next 12-18 mos!! already in a recession!!

ur delusional!!! CDC announced nearly 40% of US COVID-19 hospitalizations involve adults under 55!! people of all ages are at serious risk!! reps will go extinct over the next 12-18 mos!! already in a recession!!

Go extinct from coronavirus deaths? Seriously, what is the matter with people like you?

This may take a while to get through but the need for customer facing sales reps will always be there. May be fewer in the future but a sales rep role won't become extinct due to Covid19. Not back to your medicating bottle of vodka.

I agree that it is very possible there will be fewer of us. As Covid-19 continues, HQ will very likely be evaluating whether they really need as many reps--and, dare I say, managers--to drive business. I'm sure numbers will maintain without us for awhile. Despite the need for SOV to launch new product, it has long been known there are too many in the field with not enough to do. The only reason there are so many of us is because DSMs need us to justify and keep their jobs!

totally agree!! they should at least take this time to offer us an optional severance package and see who agrees to take one. they would be surprised by how many would take one if given the option!!!

Go extinct from coronavirus deaths? Seriously, what is the matter with people like you?

This may take a while to get through but the need for customer facing sales reps will always be there. May be fewer in the future but a sales rep role won't become extinct due to Covid19. Not back to your medicating bottle of vodka.

They will never get rid of reps! Oh, they would love to, but they know they can’t!

It would cost more money to get rid of us and rehire and train.
True but do they need this many reps and maybe they find that dsms and cbds could manage more people. I’m thrilled they pulled us from the field and that they are paying us. Moving forward the structure of the sales force may be different.

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