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What is happening in aesthetics?


I am in a competitor company and your aesthetics business has been on fire! You've grown market share with a crappy toxin and had some big filler launches. But, in just a couple of months you've lost several big people in your company. Firing Alisa made no sense. Firing Aaron made no sense. Now, firing Drew makes no sense. Who is left running your aesthetics? We are going to destroy you now.


I am in a competitor company and your aesthetics business has been on fire! You've grown market share with a crappy toxin and had some big filler launches. But, in just a couple of months you've lost several big people in your company. Firing Alisa made no sense. Firing Aaron made no sense. Now, firing Drew makes no sense. Who is left running your aesthetics? We are going to destroy you now.
Excellent question and observation. We have been acing it with our products. Substantial market share gain not only in the US but other markets too. Firing Alisa, Aaron, Drew and dozens of others across the world makes no sense. We don’t understand and don’t have an explanation. There is no one competent left to run the aesthetics business.
Our idiotic CEO who doesn’t understand our industry thinks he knows it all. It’s the beginning of the end for us. Competitors will be laughing all the way to the bank as Galderma implodes.

I am an outsider, but it sounds like the CEO is a douche and needs to be fired. Anyone with a name Flemmimg is a mommy boy. Where are all the new people going? Where they any good?

People on the outside may not know how bad it is on the inside. These threads shed light on what is really going on and it is pretty sad how Fleming destroyed a once great company.

Excellent question and observation. We have been acing it with our products. Substantial market share gain not only in the US but other markets too. Firing Alisa, Aaron, Drew and dozens of others across the world makes no sense. We don’t understand and don’t have an explanation. There is no one competent left to run the aesthetics business.
Our idiotic CEO who doesn’t understand our industry thinks he knows it all. It’s the beginning of the end for us. Competitors will be laughing all the way to the bank as Galderma implodes.

God help us! After listening to Erick our VP rambling during a Veeva call about fires, hurricanes, COViD and just about everything else that was irrelevant to the call, we are in trouble. Brenner is worthless and next year we will have a lot of turnover as this place collapses.

Welcome to our new Global Head of Restylane with zero experience in aesthetics, medical devices or pharmaceuticals. Not that that's a bad thing, but WTF?
Look at the backgrounds of those hired the past 18 months. Perhaps the reason we’re sucking wind is that we’ve been forced into hiring people that have crazy unsuitable backgrounds.
I don’t want to call out specific positions, but it’s just crazy - Flemming fired highly competent ones only to hire people not fit for the job or the company.

I am in a competitor company and your aesthetics business has been on fire! You've grown market share with a crappy toxin and had some big filler launches. But, in just a couple of months you've lost several big people in your company. Firing Alisa made no sense. Firing Aaron made no sense. Now, firing Drew makes no sense. Who is left running your aesthetics? We are going to destroy you now.

Insider here. Makes no sense to us either. It’s almost as if Biden f’d this up as well.

Everyone in this company does deals. If you don't do deals and use your DEET samples you will never hit your goal. This is expected. Nobody will verbally say it but everyone at the top of the company knows why we have samples. No samples = no orders. Just don't get caught doing what the company wants you to do. Yes- we play in the gray and this is a shady business. Its the stuff that is never talked about in meetings but its the core of what we do. This is the game we signed up to play. If you don't play you get no pay!

Everyone in this company does deals. If you don't do deals and use your DEET samples you will never hit your goal. This is expected. Nobody will verbally say it but everyone at the top of the company knows why we have samples. No samples = no orders. Just don't get caught doing what the company wants you to do. Yes- we play in the gray and this is a shady business. Its the stuff that is never talked about in meetings but its the core of what we do. This is the game we signed up to play. If you don't play you get no pay!
Exactly! Everyone playing dirty business games to reach targets. Total disregard for compliance. Galderma is rotten to the core.

It’s the entire industry. It’s not just Galderma. When was the last time you saw someone buy Xeomin because they think it’s the best toxin on the market? They buy it because of the buy 1 get 6 free from the rep which is funded by the company. None of this stuff should be considered “dirty”. It’s how the entire industry has operated for years and years. You think the Allergan top accounts don’t get major deals. There’s buy 2 get 1 free Botox and juvederm all over the place. Just look at Instagram. You think accounts offer these 2 for 1 promos without company support? Now go take a bath!

Why does a longtime Dysport account need !0 vials of training product a month? Don’t they already know how to use it?
75% of samples are used for deals. EB, Directors and RSMs know this is accurate.

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