What happened to Aaron G?


Suddenly Fired

So funny seeing a guy that called himself “The Terminator” get terminated.

He crashed and burned....

Is there anyone that doesn’t think he’s disgusting?

Its such a shame. He had so much potential and so much going for him. Its so funny how certain leaders tell their subordinates how to behave and watch what they say and do yet when you're in a high ranking position those rules don't apply to them. The ego and too much testosterone are what finally caught up with him.

AG should have NEVER been a sales director.

He bragged all the time about having EB and AL wrapped around his finger. He always said he could do whatever he wanted.

EB is responsible for letting AG hurt a lot of people and Galderma.

EB has known for a long time that AG is inappropriate towards women and abusive and EB did NOTHING.

AG is a failure and sick guy.

EB should be fired for not stopping AG a long time ago.

No one really knows what happen to AG. He didn’t leave for another job. Everyone is saying he was fired? What did he do?

AG spent most of his time flying an old plane and posting about it on social media. He never worked. He would fly to a region, rent a nice hotel, vacation and expense it.

EB should be fired too for letting AG steal from the company and sexually harass female employees for so long.

Simple. He was living in a glass house and was throwing rocks. Aaron took pride in saying he was the terminator. When he was the Eastern Director on an Inner Circle trip, he bragged to sales reps that he was going to the West to clean it up. But his ego destroyed him.

EB is destroying Green now. It is sad because EB seemed to love AG's single guy stories and now he is talking shit about him. typical Erick

EB is so phony. He fired AG because he has daughters and was disgusted by the way he treated women? Yeah right!

EB talking shit about AG behind his back is text book EB. EB talked shit about MH and AL too. AG did all the things he did with EBs approval.

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