What’s it like getting paid to do absolutely NOTHING?


What an awful use of a company’s money. It’s so sad that Merck will not be a big boy and make a decision to get rid of so much waste. No rep earns their pay anymore. Protected if they are liked by horrible managers. Protected from breaking policies as well. I could give you many examples.


No normal industry operates like Big Pharma and by default Merck...That should tell you a whole
lot about the Pharmaceutical industry. It's all play money to them...Like Monopoly money or something...
When you can extract it endlessly from heath systems, payors, and patients, the money flows and flows
and paying reps to stay home isn't really much different than paying reps to "work." The whole thing is
quite a scam. Paying people 6 figures with company cars and benefits to call in food orders. They should
just start hiring people that have experience with Door Dash,Grub Hub and Uber eats.

Total joke...such a waste of money and resources.

No normal industry operates like Big Pharma and by default Merck...That should tell you a whole
lot about the Pharmaceutical industry. It's all play money to them...Like Monopoly money or something...
When you can extract it endlessly from heath systems, payors, and patients, the money flows and flows
and paying reps to stay home isn't really much different than paying reps to "work." The whole thing is
quite a scam. Paying people 6 figures with company cars and benefits to call in food orders. They should
just start hiring people that have experience with Door Dash,Grub Hub and Uber eats.

Total joke...such a waste of money and resources.

Great gig if you can get it to finance a side hustle though!

Why it’s absolutely wonderful! It just simply can’t get any better! Tennis, the gym, the pool are all where I spend my time when I am not lying about work. I am to spoiled to go back to the way things were. It just can’t happen.

It feels great!!! I’m not faking calls anymore because there are no calls. I don’t have to ride with my manager because there is nowhere to go. I don’t have to hit sales numbers anymore because who’s counting? I don’t have to pre-call plan anymore because who gives a Shit!!! I didn’t create this mess I’m just living in it. Oh by the way I’m going to get my 1S bonus paid at 100% sometime in September also. Do we get paid tomorrow?? I think so, Thanks for being such a great Employer Merck!!

It feels great!!! I’m not faking calls anymore because there are no calls. I don’t have to ride with my manager because there is nowhere to go. I don’t have to hit sales numbers anymore because who’s counting? I don’t have to pre-call plan anymore because who gives a Shit!!! I didn’t create this mess I’m just living in it. Oh by the way I’m going to get my 1S bonus paid at 100% sometime in September also. Do we get paid tomorrow?? I think so, Thanks for being such a great Employer Merck!!

Good post! You should feel great! You are following in the footsteps of a grand and elegant tradition
of thousands of Merck reps before you...Merck is (and always has been) one of the most quintessentially
generous of all corporate welfare situations...No other industry can pay people for not doing
anything the way Merck does, but it's all just play money to them anyway...Now go out there and stimulate the economy with those free Merck Bux!

Good post! You should feel great! You are following in the footsteps of a grand and elegant tradition
of thousands of Merck reps before you...Merck is (and always has been) one of the most quintessentially
generous of all corporate welfare situations...No other industry can pay people for not doing
anything the way Merck does, but it's all just play money to them anyway...Now go out there and stimulate the economy with those free Merck Bux!

I think its great and lets not forget to thank Dr Faucci who has predicted a second wave which means another 4 month vacation. Great. looking forward to having most of November and December off.

I think its great and lets not forget to thank Dr Faucci who has predicted a second wave which means another 4 month vacation. Great. looking forward to having most of November and December off.

All these years, now I know what it is like to be an NAE. Sit home and get paid to make 2 phone calls per week. Don't forget the free fleet car, NAE' s turn their's in every 3 years with 6k miles on them.

Those 2 phone calls/week that IAM makes are to reps to identify right contacts. They are too lazy to even search for them. It was bad access before and will worsen with time. They take up unnecessary customer’s time and access with limited ROI to company. The cuts could be eliminated here with little affect to bottom line.

Their will be no cuts!!! I guarantee this fact!!! Merck just received Billions of dollars To produce a Covid vaccine from the Government. No way they make dramatic cuts anytime soon.