West Region has lost 40% reps past year

horrible. they know the vax is causing blood clots especially at higher altitudes yet they still allow vaxxed pilots to fly. fucking evil people running the airline industry

Our Xeljanz West Region has lost 40% of our reps in past 12 months.
Just past 6 wks have lost a dozen to AZ Rhuem Lupus division.
Hindsight good for them having the forsight to see the collapse & demise of our once great division and region.
Ever since Chris Thompson left 3yrs ago, our West Region Culture & Quality of management and reps have decreased dramatically.
RD is Pfizer box checker, DMs he has hired where ones that were avg at best IM /PC DMs or inexperience Xeljanz reps
They are just "yes men/women" DMs.
Before covid our SE mgr never worked, ever. More like a Virtual DM before we had virtual.
Entire division is a cluster and West leads the way.
Good for those who saw a sinking ship & bailed with the poor leadership of Pres & VP & RDs.
Come Jan, we will be no more anyway.
Just hope we get good severance.

It is way more than that now in our region!
Some districts are 70% reps leaving past 12months.
Heck Nationally is 40% rep turnover
and half DMs have left since Feb 2020.

Bottom line - it is bad and the worse of all divisions with Pfizer. Facts are Facts

It is way more than that now in our region!
Some districts are 70% reps leaving past 12months.
Heck Nationally is 40% rep turnover
and half DMs have left since Feb 2020.

Bottom line - it is bad and the worse of all divisions with Pfizer. Facts are Facts
Lotz can not hire talent & the last 3 yrs that trickle effect has watered down the division to below average worse in the company.
He & President have destroyed this division in 3yrs from poor decisions & decision making with zero strategy as well as horrendous eye for talent when hiring.
There is a line around the block who want to meet little pompous arrogant zero skills Jeffrey in the back alley to humble the cockroach that he is.
If the higher ups knew the racists & sexists as well as condescending attitude he has, he would be fired & likely sued by employees.
What reps see on the big stage is all a fake act.
Just ask people who have worked with him in the office over the years.
Not to mention all the Weinstein acts with females

Our Xeljanz West Region has lost 40% of our reps in past 12 months.
Just past 6 wks have lost a dozen to AZ Rhuem Lupus division.
Hindsight good for them having the forsight to see the collapse & demise of our once great division and region.
Ever since Chris Thompson left 3yrs ago, our West Region Culture & Quality of management and reps have decreased dramatically.
RD is Pfizer box checker, DMs he has hired where ones that were avg at best IM /PC DMs or inexperience Xeljanz reps
They are just "yes men/women" DMs.
Before covid our SE mgr never worked, ever. More like a Virtual DM before we had virtual.
Entire division is a cluster and West leads the way.
Good for those who saw a sinking ship & bailed with the poor leadership of Pres & VP & RDs.
Come Jan, we will be no more anyway.
Just hope we get good severance.
Yes massive exit of reps & DMs the past year but it doesnt matter.
Come Dec, we all are so screwed as much as the females who work under Jeff

Yes massive exit of reps & DMs the past year but it doesnt matter.
Come Dec, we all are so screwed as much as the females who work under Jeff
You mean we are doomed & going down like JL's Xeljanz promoted women!
Be careful with they type of favors you give and who you give them to as the outcome is always known.

LOL you must work in Collegeville over the years knowing this info!
Insiders do not nickname it the Brothel for nothing!
You mean Orgieville from those of us who work there. With all the liberal mindset and each generation more & more liberal, affairs & open marriages is the majority.
Sad but true.

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