Well folks...Over 1,200 of your Novartis bretheren will be out on the streets!


As if you needed further proof, that at best, Pharma sales is a dying, lame way to make a living...(with little or no future)

Check out the Novartis board..things have gone from bad to weird over there...

Apparently, there is a DIOVAN bloodbath...

Take a long hard look at wasting your work life in this profession and at Merck...

You will get screwed eventually as everyone always does here....



As if you needed further proof, that at best, Pharma sales is a dying, lame way to make a living...(with little or no future)

Check out the Novartis board..things have gone from bad to weird over there...

Apparently, there is a DIOVAN bloodbath...

Take a long hard look at wasting your work life in this profession and at Merck...

You will get screwed eventually as everyone always does here....


Spoke to a recruiter this week who told be about this kind of thing all over....no one is surprised. The recruiters are having a field day with all the heads to choose from.....one good thing, they liked my resume.

Who knows if any offers will come.... but Im waiting it out till the very end.......

As if you needed further proof, that at best, Pharma sales is a dying, lame way to make a living...(with little or no future)

Check out the Novartis board..things have gone from bad to weird over there...

Apparently, there is a DIOVAN bloodbath...

Take a long hard look at wasting your work life in this profession and at Merck...

You will get screwed eventually as everyone always does here....


Yup. Take it from the many who have learned that lesson.

FU Merck

Do you really think any millionaires really feel the pain of people who cant even pay their mortgages?

Find some other quote.

That "I feel your pain" quote was used during one of Clinton's presidential campaign. It has since then quoted more for being disingenuous. Perhaps you are too young to remember when it was used?

That "I feel your pain" quote was used during one of Clinton's presidential campaign. It has since then quoted more for being disingenuous. Perhaps you are too young to remember when it was used?

I am old and saying that is and was disingenuous.

Love it when billionaires bitch about not having that 3rd or 4th home...yet someone else is out in the street because they lose their job and cant pay for that 150K mortgage.....