Welcome to the Roche Board


Staff member
  • cafead   Aug 15, 2003 at 07:46: PM
Welcome to the Roche company board. Anyone is welcome to post here, whether they are an employee of the company or not. You may post anonymously without registering (registered users please logout before posting if you wish to do so), or with a registered username.

Managers and reps are encouraged to communicate with fellow employees here. If you are interested, we can also provide you with a private, password-protected board for your pod, district, etc. Just email webmaster@cafepharma.com for the details.


Wake up. Roche has a long way to go. You are right the primary care sucks. With stupid managers and stupid reps all across the board. Xenical what a f joke!!!!!!!!!!!

You have GOT to be KIDDING! Did you not know that we are laying off about 1/3 of our entire sales force this Thursday?

Did you know that Roche lays off several hundred people everytime payroll gets a little too high? That is the only logical explanaiton because they don't offer CURRENTLY available positions in other pharm. divisions to people who are being laid off! They hire from outside! That is because the cheap S.O.B.'s don't want to pay more than the absolute minimum. Then, after you have been there for a few years, and your pay is becoming liveable, they announce "a business decision" to reduce the work force by a small amount to "Optimize efficiency."

In short, this is NOT the place to plan on building a career. If you only expect to work here for 3 to 5 years, and don't mind being fired (oops, laid off) without cause, come on in.

If you are planning in working in the southeast, you will be unlikely to last even that lone.

Thanks for asking, and good luck in finding a real job with a reputable company.

Well we just went through a down sizing. Some good managers left. One decent one is JN in Pittsburgh. Helped developed some good skills in his people. We made great bonuses this year. Luckily he's still around. One to watch, likely destined for bigger things!

You're right, Primary Care sucks. I was just layed off after 10 years, but I have to tell you that selling Rocephin in the hospitals is a wonderful job. Roche's strengh is in their specialty areas of oncology and virology. Their salaries are higher than most others in primary care...while it lasts. They should've stayed with their wonderful hospital products..primary care has been adn will continue to be a failure. HOwever, specialty care will be bright., Good luck!

Roche is a horrible company with a terrible track record with drugs and employees. Check the internet and look for yourself at the number of lawsuits against this corrupt co.
Joan Zeltwanger Gozales vs Roche, Igen vs Roche, the U.S government, 500 million fine - Worldwide Vitamin Cortel. etc, etc. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

Raking what up Bubba?, Roche Corp has produced such fine products as Posicorps, Xenioil, Accudeath,the date rape drug,
and many other blockbusters, Novartis will write a check out for Roche /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
