We keep hearing about IS..what is your opinion on fate of PC in next few months??

I came from an acquired company and was excited to be assimilated by the Borg.

Then I saw that 100% of the focus was on activity. Couldn't believe that the had been so successful for so long. Results don't matter, just TBOs and activities.

Meh, just give me my severance.

I came from an acquired company and was excited to be assimilated by the Borg.

Then I saw that 100% of the focus was on activity. Couldn't believe that the had been so successful for so long. Results don't matter, just TBOs and activities.

Meh, just give me my severance.

So true. Saw no real quality selling only expectations for activity how many programs, how many calls, how many lunches. The products they bought has kept them going

I came from an acquired company and was excited to be assimilated by the Borg.

Then I saw that 100% of the focus was on activity. Couldn't believe that the had been so successful for so long. Results don't matter, just TBOs and activities.

Meh, just give me my severance.

Aye Men Brother.

I came from one of the more recently acquired companies and I am proud to say it. Like all the rest of the acquired Wyeth and King employee's, I have seen no behaviors or competencies to justify the arrogance of a Legacy Pfizer employee. This company gives no value to competencies. Promotions and calibrations are based on nothing more than your relationship and your ability to network. SLT, your management team is open about communicating how Pfizer does not value competencies and that networking is the key to calibration and promotion.