Very Unhappy Florida


As a team everyone seems very confused and unhappy. No one will ever say it as it is thats why these forums were created. I haven't stopped hearing stuff from Miami and in other parts as well. It starts with the leaders which one in particular is a complete hypocrite, and has been spoken on this before. Heard he hired a complete crazy person which is destroying him and his team by the minute. People down there are not happy lots of favortism especially with the other part of that mans team. Its just hard, to work in an environment like this one. Everyone trying to prove themselves for what, either you are liked or not.


You wouldn't be referring to Donna P. in Onc? I could see how one might confuse her for a he or perhaps you're speaking code? This mental case has done more damage to the Fla team than hurricane Andrew did to the state. She has single handedly managed to destroy the lives and or careers of more reps than I've seen in my many years at PFE. More people have quit, relocated,or sought the aid of local mental health professionals due to her treatment/behavior than any district within Oncology. The people that remain will forever bear the scars of her lack of emotional intelligence. What remains is a shallow, fearful, arse kissing group of robots that have learned to not ask questions and just comply to get by. Objectively, she is a failure. Her 4+ years as a MGR have been marked by consistently leading sales from behind, holding the distinction of being ranked last her entire tenure. What makes this so disgraceful is that the Ivory Tower in Manhattan has done nothing to correct the situation despite the trail of succesful reps leaving, multiple honest exit interviews identifying her psychotic behavior, multiple Omnudsman interventions, multiple HR complaints & Consistent low ratings on her end of year assessment by her team. Maybe the lesson here: If u want to be successful in this new era of Onc straight talk, you may want to reach out to her & ask for her mentorship. You may be thinking to yourself that this hack must have an ax to grind. You would be wrong. I do not work for her nor have I been directly affected by her, I am simply using this forum to cast light on a situation that upper management has neglected to address. I wish only the best for those that remain in Fl & for those that are new to the Fl Onc team. I hope you realize that this isn't how the vast majority of Onc DBM's treat their people. Hang in there & God Bless!

Cry me a river! Onc suxs. If that's all your having to deal with a "crazy DM" then consider yourself lucky! News Report.. They are all psycho! The world has changed. Just like our politicians you need to lie,steal and cheat and above all " kiss some major stain" if you want to survive and prosper at our lean forward PFE. Be happy you have a job schmuck. And above all remember the unemployment rate is at an all time low, insurance is less than 100 bucks a month, Veterans are all killers, and unicorns really do exist!

You wouldn't be referring to Donna P. in Onc? I could see how one might confuse her for a he or perhaps you're speaking code? This mental case has done more damage to the Fla team than hurricane Andrew did to the state. She has single handedly managed to destroy the lives and or careers of more reps than I've seen in my many years at PFE. More people have quit, relocated,or sought the aid of local mental health professionals due to her treatment/behavior than any district within Oncology. The people that remain will forever bear the scars of her lack of emotional intelligence. What remains is a shallow, fearful, arse kissing group of robots that have learned to not ask questions and just comply to get by. Objectively, she is a failure. Her 4+ years as a MGR have been marked by consistently leading sales from behind, holding the distinction of being ranked last her entire tenure. What makes this so disgraceful is that the Ivory Tower in Manhattan has done nothing to correct the situation despite the trail of succesful reps leaving, multiple honest exit interviews identifying her psychotic behavior, multiple Omnudsman interventions, multiple HR complaints & Consistent low ratings on her end of year assessment by her team. Maybe the lesson here: If u want to be successful in this new era of Onc straight talk, you may want to reach out to her & ask for her mentorship. You may be thinking to yourself that this hack must have an ax to grind. You would be wrong. I do not work for her nor have I been directly affected by her, I am simply using this forum to cast light on a situation that upper management has neglected to address. I wish only the best for those that remain in Fl & for those that are new to the Fl Onc team. I hope you realize that this isn't how the vast majority of Onc DBM's treat their people. Hang in there & God Bless!

I felt I was lucky not landing the gig with her. It was the most uncomfortable interview I've ever done, and it was only by phone!

Thanks for completely confirming my suspicions about her.

I'm retired now but during my almost 30 years at Wye/Pfi, I had 13 DMs and 3 of them were nuts. I also had a few great ones and my run of average ones. Here's how I survived the crazies, I pretended they were my biggest potential customer and doing business with them would give me the power for big bonus and promotion - in short I had to change my attitude (as in Who moved my Cheese). Long story short, I survived them both and even won a national honor award one year under one of them. And lo & behold, suddenly one day, unexpected realignments occurred and I was done with each of them. That's my story and that's my advice. Best of luck, I know it isn't easy but you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

I'm retired now but during my almost 30 years at Wye/Pfi, I had 13 DMs and 3 of them were nuts. I also had a few great ones and my run of average ones. Here's how I survived the crazies, I pretended they were my biggest potential customer and doing business with them would give me the power for big bonus and promotion - in short I had to change my attitude (as in Who moved my Cheese). Long story short, I survived them both and even won a national honor award one year under one of them. And lo & behold, suddenly one day, unexpected realignments occurred and I was done with each of them. That's my story and that's my advice. Best of luck, I know it isn't easy but you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

This is one of the best and most productive things I ever read here. I have had more good managers than bad but when you get a jacka$$ it is hard to tolorate. Often they are scared and shallow because they are in over their heads and do not want to be exposed. Tell them what they want to hear and play the game. They will move on to someone else.

My attorney told me their is no law against being a jerk. You will not win. You will not beat the manager who is backed by HR and legal. Open doors always lose. If your boss makes your life bad, tell them what they want to hear and ride it out or get another job.

You wouldn't be referring to Donna P. in Onc? I could see how one might confuse her for a he or perhaps you're speaking code? This mental case has done more damage to the Fla team than hurricane Andrew did to the state. She has single handedly managed to destroy the lives and or careers of more reps than I've seen in my many years at PFE. More people have quit, relocated,or sought the aid of local mental health professionals due to her treatment/behavior than any district within Oncology. The people that remain will forever bear the scars of her lack of emotional intelligence. What remains is a shallow, fearful, arse kissing group of robots that have learned to not ask questions and just comply to get by. Objectively, she is a failure. Her 4+ years as a MGR have been marked by consistently leading sales from behind, holding the distinction of being ranked last her entire tenure. What makes this so disgraceful is that the Ivory Tower in Manhattan has done nothing to correct the situation despite the trail of succesful reps leaving, multiple honest exit interviews identifying her psychotic behavior, multiple Omnudsman interventions, multiple HR complaints & Consistent low ratings on her end of year assessment by her team. Maybe the lesson here: If u want to be successful in this new era of Onc straight talk, you may want to reach out to her & ask for her mentorship. You may be thinking to yourself that this hack must have an ax to grind. You would be wrong. I do not work for her nor have I been directly affected by her, I am simply using this forum to cast light on a situation that upper management has neglected to address. I wish only the best for those that remain in Fl & for those that are new to the Fl Onc team. I hope you realize that this isn't how the vast majority of Onc DBM's treat their people. Hang in there & God Bless!

This is great. I would love to hear some real like actions from this "leader".

This message makes me sick. Note that the receptionist says the lunch is for sale in the subject line. It was sent to approximately 50 reps that call on the office.
Subject: Lunch for Sale
> Lunch on Monday, 1/16/2015 is available! Let me know if you want it. There
will be 29 employees in the office. That number includes 6 doctors, Dr. Kocian
will be out. Lunch arrival should be no later than 11:30 AM. This appointment
runs from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. It is important that the appointment last no
longer than 1:00 PM as our doctors begin seeing patient again and another rep
comes in shortly thereafter. Thanks everyone!

This message makes me sick. Note that the receptionist says the lunch is for sale in the subject line. It was sent to approximately 50 reps that call on the office.
Subject: Lunch for Sale
> Lunch on Monday, 1/16/2015 is available! Let me know if you want it. There
will be 29 employees in the office. That number includes 6 doctors, Dr. Kocian
will be out. Lunch arrival should be no later than 11:30 AM. This appointment
runs from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. It is important that the appointment last no
longer than 1:00 PM as our doctors begin seeing patient again and another rep
comes in shortly thereafter. Thanks everyone!

This is exactly what you are worth to doctors and their staffs. My daughter, a NP, interviewed with three offices in the past two weeks and one of her"perks" was that lunch would be provided each day! By guess who. Do you know why most doctors are lousy dressers? Because we don't buy their clothes. I had a doctor who sent letters to selected reps that he wanted us to split the cost of the catering for his daughter's wedding! God honest truth!
Very sad that intelligent, well- educated, well trained professionals are perceived as little more than a meal ticket. Been doing this for twelve years, and it was bad early in my career, but is much worse now. I, personally am planning my exit from Pharma very soon. The money and benes are great, but not worth my own self respect. Being a caterer isn't why I went to college.
Even more sadly, management includes this activity as a metric by which to measure our performance. Don't do at least three lunches a week and you are perceived as not working! The pharma sales model that started about 20 yrs ago when lunches and dinner programs,became mandatory needs to be scrapped. Until we regain the respect from physicians that we once had, we are doomed, and e-marketing will replace us. As the newly minted, money- driven doctors continue to come into practice, we will be replaced by Amazon and Ali Baba....order your lunch by 9, delivered by noon. Product literature included free.

This message makes me sick. Note that the receptionist says the lunch is for sale in the subject line. It was sent to approximately 50 reps that call on the office.
Subject: Lunch for Sale
> Lunch on Monday, 1/16/2015 is available! Let me know if you want it. There
will be 29 employees in the office. That number includes 6 doctors, Dr. Kocian
will be out. Lunch arrival should be no later than 11:30 AM. This appointment
runs from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. It is important that the appointment last no
longer than 1:00 PM as our doctors begin seeing patient again and another rep
comes in shortly thereafter. Thanks everyone!

Wanna bet $100 she got 50 replies to do that lunch!? Kick us in the teeth and well come back for more.

This is exactly what you are worth to doctors and their staffs. My daughter, a NP, interviewed with three offices in the past two weeks and one of her"perks" was that lunch would be provided each day! By guess who. Do you know why most doctors are lousy dressers? Because we don't buy their clothes. I had a doctor who sent letters to selected reps that he wanted us to split the cost of the catering for his daughter's wedding! God honest truth!
Very sad that intelligent, well- educated, well trained professionals are perceived as little more than a meal ticket. Been doing this for twelve years, and it was bad early in my career, but is much worse now. I, personally am planning my exit from Pharma very soon. The money and benes are great, but not worth my own self respect. Being a caterer isn't why I went to college.
Even more sadly, management includes this activity as a metric by which to measure our performance. Don't do at least three lunches a week and you are perceived as not working! The pharma sales model that started about 20 yrs ago when lunches and dinner programs,became mandatory needs to be scrapped. Until we regain the respect from physicians that we once had, we are doomed, and e-marketing will replace us. As the newly minted, money- driven doctors continue to come into practice, we will be replaced by Amazon and Ali Baba....order your lunch by 9, delivered by noon. Product literature included free.

"Well educated and well trained"? You, my friend, are in for a rude awakening if you think that the "outside world" views us as anything but Ken and Barbies with a small expense account.

"Well educated and well trained"? You, my friend, are in for a rude awakening if you think that the "outside world" views us as anything but Ken and Barbies with a small expense account.

Thats what it WAS, you state what it IS! And you are RIGHT!

It is also the reason for the continual reduction of sales reps...unnecessary baggage to the company and a drag on profit.

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