Very depressing to hear this

Oh please! Democrats are for the unions and working people; they love social programs which are necessary (of course) but the unions get greedy and unrealistic so you pay for state employees to get checks for hundreds of thousands of dollars of sick unused time for 20, or 30 years and we all pay for a lot of the fat. The Republicans are judicious about spending (like accountants) and no one wants to hear it. So when states are hemmorrhaging about money, benefits, etc. you know the story....... democrats. The way this country is going (mentality of everyone wants what the other guy has, no immigrant work ethic etc.) it is pretty sad. Your kids (I do not have any) will really pay for this MESS.

Here is one for all you to ponder. Here in NYC they just passed a budget with $millions allocated to pay for attorneys for illegal immigrants who face deportation. Can't make this crap up. Also in the paper today -the Obama administration is looking at a site in Bethpage (Long Island NY) to house illegal immigrant children that are streaming across the border without their parents (how did they get to the border???). Of course that will lead to higher medicaid, welfare costs....not to mention higher school taxes since they have to go to school. In case you don't know this, Long Island school taxes are among the highest in the country already. Mine is $8,500/year and I am considered low.

I have plenty of guns ditto head. I am a rational person. The gun lobby nuts are not.

Let say 25 kindergarteners gets slaughters by an idiot who stole a legally acquired gun. What is the Republican response? Ease access to guns. Eliminate background checks. What a bunch of idiots.

I don't like the Democrats either but at least they are tax and spend. The Repubs are spend and let future generations pay for it.

You are such a ditto head. You get manipulated by the religion, patriotism, and guns and all along you are getting raped.

Like Michael Savage says: "Liberalism is a mental disorder". Proven right here. Maybe we have been living under a rock, but I thought that the corroptocrats were responsible for a 17 trillion dollar debt. 3 times higher that the last president in office, who BTW was a republican. Idiots is what is wrong with our society, just as we know its whats wrong with Pfizer. They even out themselves.

Like Michael Savage says: "Liberalism is a mental disorder". Proven right here. Maybe we have been living under a rock, but I thought that the corroptocrats were responsible for a 17 trillion dollar debt. 3 times higher that the last president in office, who BTW was a republican. Idiots is what is wrong with our society, just as we know its whats wrong with Pfizer. They even out themselves.

Compassion is not a mental disorder, however.

Here is one for all you to ponder. Here in NYC they just passed a budget with $millions allocated to pay for attorneys for illegal immigrants who face deportation. Can't make this crap up. Also in the paper today -the Obama administration is looking at a site in Bethpage (Long Island NY) to house illegal immigrant children that are streaming across the border without their parents (how did they get to the border???). Of course that will lead to higher medicaid, welfare costs....not to mention higher school taxes since they have to go to school. In case you don't know this, Long Island school taxes are among the highest in the country already. Mine is $8,500/year and I am considered low.

This illustrates how f-up the country has become. USA = welfare state like in Europe but with 5 times the number of poor people.

if anyone watched World News tonight, the newest problem are hundreds of illegal immigrant kids now coming here with a sibling usually a few years older. A bill endorsed by both parties and signed by G.Bush, Jr. Says we cannot send them back to wherever they came from so Congress is now scrambling to change this. This is a huge problem, tax payer.

Here is one for all you to ponder. Here in NYC they just passed a budget with $millions allocated to pay for attorneys for illegal immigrants who face deportation. Can't make this crap up. Also in the paper today -the Obama administration is looking at a site in Bethpage (Long Island NY) to house illegal immigrant children that are streaming across the border without their parents (how did they get to the border???). Of course that will lead to higher medicaid, welfare costs....not to mention higher school taxes since they have to go to school. In case you don't know this, Long Island school taxes are among the highest in the country already. Mine is $8,500/year and I am considered low.

$8,500 a year! My God! How can you live in that shit hole state! CA and NY are in the same boat, run by liberal idiots! The kids crossing the boarder should immediately be put on C5A's and flown back to their own countries! We don't want them, need them or can afford them! See them back ASAP!

$8,500 a year! My God! How can you live in that shit hole state! CA and NY are in the same boat, run by liberal idiots! The kids crossing the boarder should immediately be put on C5A's and flown back to their own countries! We don't want them, need them or can afford them! See them back ASAP!

Difficult for even the cheapest conservatives like me not to care about children, any children. Whether we send them back or not, it is time for the very, very rich in Mexico and central america to pay for this. Let us send THEM the bill and require payment.

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