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Under 85% to goal warning letters! Get your resumes ready folks


Galderma just did the unthinkable. Anyone who came in under 85% to goal for either product this year has now been formally put on notice that you can now be fired the next time it happens. If the culture wasn't bad enough this certainly is the dagger of death. WTF was corporate thinking sending these out? is this going to make people work harder or start looking for a new job? The goals are complete BS which is evident as the company has missed every quarter this year. Wonder what percentage of the sales force received these warning letters? Seems like Fleming wants all the reps to quit so he can start from scratch and pay people minimum wage. This company is just so so bad now. Remember how EB always calls us the "Destination Company".


Is anyone refusing to sign the letters?

everyone should refuse to sign it. You would have to be crazy not to be looking to get out of Galderma. Deranged if you’re looking to come to Galderma. Must not have any other employment options. The letters were just a threat to tell reps to stop making any money at all. You may have been up one quarter down the next and leadership wants you to fall in around 85% so that you make no money. They’re okay if reps are entirely poor. In fact, they thrive on that idea.

It makes no difference if you sign this letter or not. Galderma can fire you for any reason. We've all been served our arrest warrants. Anything less than 85% and they can fire you in Q4. This basically puts the cherry on top of what has been a crappy year altogether. This justifies how stupid and out of touch senior leadership is when it comes to whats going on with our shrinking business. Ask this question- when was the last time EB or KH spent weeks in the field with reps talking to the average customer and going on field visits? They don't. They sit behind a computer, talk to a few big KOL's at conventions who already have a booming business and think the world is wonderful. The people at the top just destroyed the will and dignity of the sales reps. Spend the next few months looking for a job so you can be out of here in January. Galderma will gladly replace you with a younger, dumber version of yourself who they can pay less and less. Galderma is looking for answers on why our business is tanking and they refuse to listen to whats happening in the real world. No sane company would ever want to acquire us now that they threw a shitbomb all over the field force and IPO is long gone.

It makes no difference if you sign this letter or not. Galderma can fire you for any reason. We've all been served our arrest warrants. Anything less than 85% and they can fire you in Q4. This basically puts the cherry on top of what has been a crappy year altogether. This justifies how stupid and out of touch senior leadership is when it comes to whats going on with our shrinking business. Ask this question- when was the last time EB or KH spent weeks in the field with reps talking to the average customer and going on field visits? They don't. They sit behind a computer, talk to a few big KOL's at conventions who already have a booming business and think the world is wonderful. The people at the top just destroyed the will and dignity of the sales reps. Spend the next few months looking for a job so you can be out of here in January. Galderma will gladly replace you with a younger, dumber version of yourself who they can pay less and less. Galderma is looking for answers on why our business is tanking and they refuse to listen to whats happening in the real world. No sane company would ever want to acquire us now that they threw a shitbomb all over the field force and IPO is long gone.

This is on point! I agree that EB and KH aren't in the field talking to customers. EB is in Florida this past week cruising around on the water, drinking, eating and partying. Caulkins has no idea what the field is when she hears that term. All of this is a joke.

This is on point! I agree that EB and KH aren't in the field talking to customers. EB is in Florida this past week cruising around on the water, drinking, eating and partying. Caulkins has no idea what the field is when she hears that term. All of this is a joke.

I’m not in Florida, I’m in Newport Beach this week! Sun is better here while we try to sell this company. Keep selling you scrubs so we get a higher valuation and I make B B B B BAAANNNK!

Fleming wants you out. He has fired 100s of people around the world over the last 3 years. Now the sales force is in his focus. Galderma has no culture left and is a horrible place to work. Get out as soon as you can. It will only get worse.

There is no logic or thought put into decision making at this company anymore. There is no long term vision unless you consider a few months at best a long term vision. Fleming wants to get his money out of this place and move on. If you can outlast Fleming than stay and things should get better when someone who gives a crap takes over. Otherwise until that happens this place will keep falling apart

There is no logic or thought put into decision making at this company anymore. There is no long term vision unless you consider a few months at best a long term vision. Fleming wants to get his money out of this place and move on. If you can outlast Fleming than stay and things should get better when someone who gives a crap takes over. Otherwise until that happens this place will keep falling apart
I couldn’t agree more on everything you write. It cannot get worse post-Fleming. We have hit rock bottom across the company. I’ve never seen a place like it.

All jokes aside, you’re seriously stuuuupid and overvalue yourself. Get a real life self check, you’re not as good or as valuable as you think. You must be 47yo female!

I bet the people who come on here and defend Galderma are either completely brainwashed or some administrative assistant for Fleming. I bet in your home life you overvalue your wife too. Probably fat and ugly.

With his letter they made us all hate our job even more. It’s just amazing that this foolish leadership thinks bullying will increase sales. In fact, it’s bound to decrease sales. Pay me some bonus and get out of the way and you will see sales boom. And by the way, get me new products too. I am selling 10+ years old Restylane.

Screw this company!!! Got notified today that I’m being “let go” and and receiving one quarter compensation as we near the holiday season. This is a cold and heartless place. This will come back to bite them, my accounts will know how they’re treating all of us. Good luck to you all, my colleagues of 7 years. Sad and disgusted.

Screw this company!!! Got notified today that I’m being “let go” and and receiving one quarter compensation as we near the holiday season. This is a cold and heartless place. This will come back to bite them, my accounts will know how they’re treating all of us. Good luck to you all, my colleagues of 7 years. Sad and disgusted.
Sorry to hear. Happened to me too. There has been enough warning on this site for people to realize that Galderma is a cesspit and that getting out as fast as possible is really the only option.

I’d volunteer to leave if I could get a full quarter comp. Do you think it’s an option? Sick of the stress and anxiety this place creates especially when we’re selling our dusty ass products!

Galderma is back at it again with their sales performance warning letters. I totally take responsibility for my mediocre performance in Q4 as I grew my territory only a measly 20% which was not in line with my 70% growth goal. I get it- Galderma needs to hit a number to go ipo. But the fact that I grew in Q4 and the injectable business is sinking is so freaking silly. This company lacks any type of responsibility for its own actions. The terrible leadership has led to the absolute worst morale in any aesthetics company. Galderma was the best company many years ago. EB and KH have done more to kill morale than Valeant did many years back. That itself is a record that will go down in history. Dumpster fire is all I can say about Galderma. Go on… say some positive things about this company. Leadership has no clue how to run this business and an IPO will not save anyone’s job.

Galderma is back at it again with their sales performance warning letters. I totally take responsibility for my mediocre performance in Q4 as I grew my territory only a measly 20% which was not in line with my 70% growth goal. I get it- Galderma needs to hit a number to go ipo. But the fact that I grew in Q4 and the injectable business is sinking is so freaking silly. This company lacks any type of responsibility for its own actions. The terrible leadership has led to the absolute worst morale in any aesthetics company. Galderma was the best company many years ago. EB and KH have done more to kill morale than Valeant did many years back. That itself is a record that will go down in history. Dumpster fire is all I can say about Galderma. Go on… say some positive things about this company. Leadership has no clue how to run this business and an IPO will not save anyone’s job.
Shouldn’t you be blaming Sil for this mess too. She has been here for a few years and nothing has changed. I would bet money Flemming will be getting rid of her in the near future. This is his routine. Blames everyone but himself.

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