TSRs will be gone by April 2011


Damn. Just spoke with someone that was let go from HQ at 42nd st. He shared with me that all TSR's will be displaced by April '11.

They said they decided last year when they combined the Uro/Cv Tsr??? Not sure what the difference is. This person said this is what they did in 2008 when they combimed TSRs together then cut the field force in 2009.

Best of luck to ya all and the blackberries they gave you have GPS enhanced and your managers can log into the system and track your phone.

This company is going down the crapper.


April is 6 Months pre Lipitor LOE. We have a contract field force already. TSRs are highest paid reps here.

Honestly people. Will we need 3 people selling Toviaz? NO... So. Tsr role will be gone after April 2011. The PHRs will back fill along with Contract reps.

Chantix will be 100 % phr driven post April 11 cuts.

Best of luck

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