Transitioning out of Trauma sales


New Member
Coming up on 2 years as a trauma rep with big name company (1 year associate/1 year sales rep). Enjoy the job for the most part mon-fri but call weekends with no sleep are brutal. QOL is wearing on me. Looking for advice from anyone who has transitioned out of trauma to another sales role in med device, pharma, biotech or even other positions in operations or account management. Thanks!


I was a trauma rep for 5 years and wanted out for many of the same reasons. QOL sucked, money was above average, clinical experience was amazing, but I couldnt do it forever. I know probably 20 or so former trauma reps & I would say 75% are still in Ortho in some degree. Some are in mgmt, others started distributorships due to their relationships, others just got sales roles w/ different companies that didn’t require being on call. The other 25% got completely out & were done w/ that life. Within that 25%, some are still in sales, maybe even within medical device or healthcare, but it’s really going to vary. My advice would be network & use your relationships to your advantage. Good luck