Town Hall


Not sure what it was like in Tonka, but wow, whatever happened at the Town Hall did not translate well over the phone. Sensing the rumors about "The One" are true. Sounded very condescending, angry and just arrogant at the end of the meeting with the 'shame on you' for those on the phone for not asking questions and some red card bullshit. Easy to see why the corridors there are empty and why most good folks have left.


Not sure what it was like in Tonka, but wow, whatever happened at the Town Hall did not translate well over the phone. Sensing the rumors about "The One" are true. Sounded very condescending, angry and just arrogant at the end of the meeting with the 'shame on you' for those on the phone for not asking questions and some red card bullshit. Easy to see why the corridors there are empty and why most good folks have left.

You should have stood up and made these comments on the call. That's a RED card for you!

Not sure what it was like in Tonka, but wow, whatever happened at the Town Hall did not translate well over the phone. Sensing the rumors about "The One" are true. Sounded very condescending, angry and just arrogant at the end of the meeting with the 'shame on you' for those on the phone for not asking questions and some red card bullshit. Easy to see why the corridors there are empty and why most good folks have left.

There is no opportunity to voice real questions or concerns. The one is a fraud. The company is in serious trouble but dont worry your stock converted to performance shares and were immediately invested, wasnt it? Wait, you dont get any options either? BTW those pink and purple shirts with black buttons are expensive. Like 4 shares of stock each!

You're right. He's a total fake and everyone at HQ sees it and can't stand him. He trashes everything, every process, every employee, every product and every rep. Everyone laughs at him

I'm done with this guy. Don't know why he wants our feedback now, he doesn't believe anything anyone in the company tells him. He thinks everyone but him is stupid. Does he really think that was the forum for critical questions and comments? Even if someone did ask a question or had a thought, he'd slam it anyway. All most of wanted to do what hang up and get back to work. Half the sales team wasn't even on the call.
He can stand there and tout how profitable we are now but at what cost? The offices in Minnetonka are empty. He's running those that are left ragged and the salesforce thinks he's worthless with customers because he's so arrogant in front of them. He relishes this culture of fear but I hate to break it to him that it's not a fear of him or of change or anything he thinks he's doing to supposedly make us better. Its fear of him throwing a tantrum, putting us on some list he has and us losing our job in a tough market. If I could, I'd leave right now but I love AMS and hope we get bought before he sinks the entire ship.

I'm done with this guy. Don't know why he wants our feedback now, he doesn't believe anything anyone in the company tells him. He thinks everyone but him is stupid. Does he really think that was the forum for critical questions and comments? Even if someone did ask a question or had a thought, he'd slam it anyway. All most of wanted to do what hang up and get back to work. Half the sales team wasn't even on the call.
He can stand there and tout how profitable we are now but at what cost? The offices in Minnetonka are empty. He's running those that are left ragged and the salesforce thinks he's worthless with customers because he's so arrogant in front of them. He relishes this culture of fear but I hate to break it to him that it's not a fear of him or of change or anything he thinks he's doing to supposedly make us better. Its fear of him throwing a tantrum, putting us on some list he has and us losing our job in a tough market. If I could, I'd leave right now but I love AMS and hope we get bought before he sinks the entire ship.

Never forget, these town hall "productions" are an act. You are spot on in that the one does not want or seek feedback. If he wants to know what is up, he will commission BCG or McKinsey or another consultancy to spend $1M to tell Camille what the business and ELT is up to.

Honestly, what has he done? He's traveled. He's visited the global sites. He's enriched himself. Moral has never been lower and AMS is considered a joke in Mlps.

Rajiv envisions an Endo without AMS and yet given his history at Valeant and Endo and the history of acquistions and rajiv still cant sell AMS? Camille does not fundamentally understand urology. He is an accountant. A paper leader. He is a joke in front of customers and he envisions a company of camille followers. He demands personal loyalty above all else and when the poop hits the fan points the fingers outward rather than looking in the mirror.

Never forget, these town hall "productions" are an act. You are spot on in that the one does not want or seek feedback. If he wants to know what is up, he will commission BCG or McKinsey or another consultancy to spend $1M to tell Camille what the business and ELT is up to.

Honestly, what has he done? He's traveled. He's visited the global sites. He's enriched himself. Moral has never been lower and AMS is considered a joke in Mlps.

Rajiv envisions an Endo without AMS and yet given his history at Valeant and Endo and the history of acquistions and rajiv still cant sell AMS? Camille does not fundamentally understand urology. He is an accountant. A paper leader. He is a joke in front of customers and he envisions a company of camille followers. He demands personal loyalty above all else and when the poop hits the fan points the fingers outward rather than looking in the mirror.

Thanks for posting Rajeev!

I've been with four companies, two of which have been sold. Of all of the companies I've worked with, I've never seen a leader so completely out of touch, arrogant and just in his own world. He does think he's smarter than everyone else, but he doesn't have the emotional intelligence of a squirrel. Sure, he's driving the sale of us, but if he can't work with our own people, who from the outside is going to want to put up with him to put together a deal? He rules by fear and fear alone. Intimidation. Public and private disparaging. His people and their people and their people are so beaten down by him they just collapse and do what he says in order to avoid yet another public bitch slap. Old Brantley would be so shamed and sad. Our past presidents just shudder at what they see and hear. Oh, and for the record and even though I've only been around less than 10 years, we GREW under their watches and people wanted to work here and respected their leader. From what I understand, none of these are happening. It's sad, shameful and so discouraging. If it weren't for my customers and several other colleagues, I'd leave as The One instills no future, no positive, no belief in me or anyone else that will talk about it which is now almost an open forum it's so widely believed and observed. At least we are in the field and don't have to deal with the daily tirades they deal with in Minnesota. More than anything, this is just sad that someone can be so out of touch and bring down an entire organization.

I have a whole new respect for the folks working back at the home office as it sounds like their conditions are even more miserable due to "The One" (which is brilliant by the way as he probably believes it but doesn't realize the rest of us are making fun of him). The snickers that have existed coming out of nTm 2013 continue to grow just as the fear levels for all the HQ minions multiplies. Where's the pipeline?

The only pipeline they have out of Tonka is the pipeline of good employees leaving. Made my exit last year after many years with the company. The One really did help create a very toxic environment with no direction. How many times can you 'remediate' and do it wrong every time?

I'm the first to admit that I don't understand this whole remediation craze, but my GM says it's important so I'll believe that. What I do understand and hold "the One" accountable for is the treatment of people and the fear climate he's created. Red Card. Rajeev, do a 360 with the field!

I'm the first to admit that I don't understand this whole remediation craze, but my GM says it's important so I'll believe that. What I do understand and hold "the One" accountable for is the treatment of people and the fear climate he's created. Red Card. Rajeev, do a 360 with the field!

360 ? No chance. The results would enlighten Rajiv to the point that he would wast no time in closing Tonka. Throw them all out.

I'm the first to admit that I don't understand this whole remediation craze, but my GM says it's important so I'll believe that. What I do understand and hold "the One" accountable for is the treatment of people and the fear climate he's created. Red Card. Rajeev, do a 360 with the field!

Ha, the one. Camelle is a zero. He does dress snazy and wears too much cologne.

I see folks mention Camille. Your spot on. But the "leaders" under him are just as bad - or worse! I'm ready for the CEO to clean house of all of them. Many folks are looking for jobs outside of AMS. It IS a good company and has a ton of potential, just not under the current "leadership" currently at AMS HQ.

Rajiv - you can't possibly be blind to the lack of leadership within Camille's team. Do something about it.

People - begging for a culture change from the highest echelons of a corporate anarchy is analogous to miss america wanting world peace. AMS has hit the iceberg, but the ship is the consta concordia and the captain has no interest in saving anyone but himself. He will continue to get richer off your backs. Lifeboat anyone?

I see folks mention Camille. Your spot on. But the "leaders" under him are just as bad - or worse! I'm ready for the CEO to clean house of all of them. Many folks are looking for jobs outside of AMS. It IS a good company and has a ton of potential, just not under the current "leadership" currently at AMS HQ.

Rajiv - you can't possibly be blind to the lack of leadership within Camille's team. Do something about it.

What are you talking about? This is the Dream Team that Camille built himself after ditching Staples, Nealon, Whitney, etc. because he thought they were too inept to run the business. Say what you will about the old regime but most of the new one has no sense of what this business is about and what it will take to succeed.

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