Top Diabetes Doc Paid $21K in 5 months by AZ


And these clowns rule.
We all know what happens......VP or President club or down the tubes you go.

Dr. Greed raking it in...this BS needs to be banned from the industry.

They often do not remain speakers if:

1) They don't mention your drug enough during the presentation or breeze over that clinical data.
2) They fail to separate your drug from competition.
3) They are not writing your drug, or are strong prescribers of a competitive drug (DM's will often view the data with you). I've actually heard, "why are you using this guy?"
4) They are lousy speakers, although some big writers might still get used.
5) They blatantly go off label and compliance makes note.
6) Too many reps or managers give poor feedback.

The big influencers that are in high demand can be very difficult to book. Everyone wants them. It comes down to increasing sales in your territory. Managers are usually in a hurry for their reps to get the best ones booked - right about now for 2015.

Having DMs push us to do more and more speaker programs is BS. Honoring those reps who do the most programs, and "paying off" local speakers for market share. Shame on you AZ and the managers who do this. Speaker programs need to STOP. Their slides are the same info we have on detail pieces. Unless they are saying something beyond the slides, they do nothing more than reps......

Having DMs push us to do more and more speaker programs is BS. Honoring those reps who do the most programs, and "paying off" local speakers for market share. Shame on you AZ and the managers who do this. Speaker programs need to STOP. Their slides are the same info we have on detail pieces. Unless they are saying something beyond the slides, they do nothing more than reps......

They may say the same thing as you do, but they have "some" credibility, and that's the difference. You're right though, if don't spend your dollars on speaker programs your ass is grass. It's listed right there on scorecards and evaluation input. Down to the penny.

Having DMs push us to do more and more speaker programs is BS. Honoring those reps who do the most programs, and "paying off" local speakers for market share. Shame on you AZ and the managers who do this. Speaker programs need to STOP. Their slides are the same info we have on detail pieces. Unless they are saying something beyond the slides, they do nothing more than reps......

HELLO? Earth to OP!!!!??? If ANY of these doctors were truly ethical, they wouldn't take ANYTHING from ANY pharma company. NO coffee, NO breakfast, NO lunch, NO speaker fee, NO EXPENSIVE DINNER!!! They couldn't wait to get out on those golf courses back in the day. About 99% are prostitutes, and if the price is right, you're getting lucky!

And your point is? Listen guys, the speakers are our paid whores. Everybody knows that. Nothing new here. They are paid to get scripts for our overpriced, non-superior drugs. They also help get you a damn bonus, so quit bitchin'!

Hey smarts! Politicians make the laws, and we have to abide by them. Next year our so-called "KOLs" are going to be called to the carpet. I hope that its not going to be as bad as it was when Glaxo got caught pimping out KOLs….actually, some media outlet will try to make it APPEAR as bad as Glaxo's pimping by linking their mess to ours.

Hey smarts! Politicians make the laws, and we have to abide by them. Next year our so-called "KOLs" are going to be called to the carpet. I hope that its not going to be as bad as it was when Glaxo got caught pimping out KOLs….actually, some media outlet will try to make it APPEAR as bad as Glaxo's pimping by linking their mess to ours.
Just another left over dinosauer that just won't die. These programs have existed for the shear benefit of PSSs and marketing so they can claim that they are actually influencing sales. No Dr. worth a shit has attended one of these in years. They barely have time for patients and their families.

Just another left over dinosauer that just won't die. These programs have existed for the shear benefit of PSSs and marketing so they can claim that they are actually influencing sales. No Dr. worth a shit has attended one of these in years. They barely have time for patients and their families.

Agreed. The whole thing is a house of cards: we pretend to make compelling sales calls, while faking a good 33 to 50% of 'em. Our managers pretend to "lead us", and write all kinda BS in their reports. And on on the charade goes, up the chain.

Seriously though, if they cut those worthless programs and clipped our manager headcount by a third, what do you think would happen to our Tanzeum sales? NO CHANGE, either way is my educated guess.

Its freakin' hilarious how marketing departments from all of our competitors are as clueless are ours. Do they REALLY think that a doc that attends a GSK promotional program, and then those sponsored by Lilly, Novo, Merck, Takeda, and then Sanofi in a 4 week period is going to change their writing habits one jot or tittle?

I am so glad that my s.o. had me start a side biz. This sh** is gonna end, and soon!

And your point is? Listen guys, the speakers are our paid whores. Everybody knows that. Nothing new here. They are paid to get scripts for our overpriced, non-superior drugs. They also help get you a damn bonus, so quit bitchin'!

Have seen one big writing speaker create ms/vol havoc for more than one rep. Shows how little reps can actually do if the competitor feeds the beast a bigger chunk of steak!

Agreed. The whole thing is a house of cards: we pretend to make compelling sales calls, while faking a good 33 to 50% of 'em. Our managers pretend to "lead us", and write all kinda BS in their reports. And on on the charade goes, up the chain.

Seriously though, if they cut those worthless programs and clipped our manager headcount by a third, what do you think would happen to our Tanzeum sales? NO CHANGE, either way is my educated guess.

Its freakin' hilarious how marketing departments from all of our competitors are as clueless are ours. Do they REALLY think that a doc that attends a GSK promotional program, and then those sponsored by Lilly, Novo, Merck, Takeda, and then Sanofi in a 4 week period is going to change their writing habits one jot or tittle?

I am so glad that my s.o. had me start a side biz. This sh** is gonna end, and soon!

Here is who attends most of these programs, semi retired, residents, nurse practioners, etc. looking for a free meal or doing a favor for the speaker or rep.
The same docs attend most of these programs and could give two shits which company is paying or even the subject of the talk.

Do not post anything negative about HCPs on this site. This site is for bashing your DSM and calling out your lazy pod mates and making fun of the brand team lady who presents bullshit at the BEMs. We also can complain about objectives and targets and scorecards and then debate what constitutes an actual call.

Please do not discuss customers ever. This is about hating ourselves.

The website is false. There are doctors I know for sure that got tens of thousands from AZ alone, and who speak for every single company with a product to sell, and the website reports that they got a $15.27 lunch from a single company.

Typical government waste and corruption.