Tomorrow is the deadline for the gender discrimination lawsuit.


Tomorrow is the day.

Last count there were 400 of 3000 women signed up for the lawsuit.
Lots of opinions on this and many haven't even read the details.

I'll cut to the chase for you: Plaintiffs’ evidence included information suggesting that Named Plaintiffs were paid less than men they identified as comparators, as well as a preliminary expert report finding that female sales representatives in the S1 and S2 tiers earned less per year on average than male sales representatives in those tiers.

Questions or Additional Information (844) 979-7301

If you read the documents, it's pretty interesting as it talks about how sales reps were placed in S1, S2 roles with minimal manager input and managers read a script. Reps were never given rationale but the bonuses and pay were different despite S1 & S2 doing essential the same jobs.

Also talks about reps going on maternity leave and then not receiving a merit increase because it was a "busy year" for your family.

Google merck gender lawsuit for the website and documents. You can see & submit documents online.



Tomorrow is the day.

Last count there were 400 of 3000 women signed up for the lawsuit.
Lots of opinions on this and many haven't even read the details.

I'll cut to the chase for you: Plaintiffs’ evidence included information suggesting that Named Plaintiffs were paid less than men they identified as comparators, as well as a preliminary expert report finding that female sales representatives in the S1 and S2 tiers earned less per year on average than male sales representatives in those tiers.

Questions or Additional Information (844) 979-7301

If you read the documents, it's pretty interesting as it talks about how sales reps were placed in S1, S2 roles with minimal manager input and managers read a script. Reps were never given rationale but the bonuses and pay were different despite S1 & S2 doing essential the same jobs.

Also talks about reps going on maternity leave and then not receiving a merit increase because it was a "busy year" for your family.

Google merck gender lawsuit for the website and documents. You can see & submit documents online.
here is a group of lazy useless bitches devoid of work ethic but long on bullshit.

Tomorrow is the day.

Last count there were 400 of 3000 women signed up for the lawsuit.
Lots of opinions on this and many haven't even read the details.

I'll cut to the chase for you: Plaintiffs’ evidence included information suggesting that Named Plaintiffs were paid less than men they identified as comparators, as well as a preliminary expert report finding that female sales representatives in the S1 and S2 tiers earned less per year on average than male sales representatives in those tiers.

Questions or Additional Information (844) 979-7301

If you read the documents, it's pretty interesting as it talks about how sales reps were placed in S1, S2 roles with minimal manager input and managers read a script. Reps were never given rationale but the bonuses and pay were different despite S1 & S2 doing essential the same jobs.

Also talks about reps going on maternity leave and then not receiving a merit increase because it was a "busy year" for your family.

Google merck gender lawsuit for the website and documents. You can see & submit documents online.
These poor excuses of humanity never worked a surely didn't earn a bonus useless whiners!

The count is over 600 so Merck will have a hard time handling each case by case. But they have deep pockets and shouldn't have screwed all of us over the years. Ken could settle with his own salary!! If you read the lawsuit public documents, a few current managers are named with details of incidents and still employed. It will be an interesting time.

The count is over 600 so Merck will have a hard time handling each case by case. But they have deep pockets and shouldn't have screwed all of us over the years. Ken could settle with his own salary!! If you read the lawsuit public documents, a few current managers are named with details of incidents and still employed. It will be an interesting time.
This is exactly why I don't even consider hiring useless brain dead females. Vast majority do nothing and expect everything. Piss on them!

Tomorrow is the day.

Last count there were 400 of 3000 women signed up for the lawsuit.
Lots of opinions on this and many haven't even read the details.

I'll cut to the chase for you: Plaintiffs’ evidence included information suggesting that Named Plaintiffs were paid less than men they identified as comparators, as well as a preliminary expert report finding that female sales representatives in the S1 and S2 tiers earned less per year on average than male sales representatives in those tiers.

Questions or Additional Information (844) 979-7301

If you read the documents, it's pretty interesting as it talks about how sales reps were placed in S1, S2 roles with minimal manager input and managers read a script. Reps were never given rationale but the bonuses and pay were different despite S1 & S2 doing essential the same jobs.

Also talks about reps going on maternity leave and then not receiving a merit increase because it was a "busy year" for your family.

Google merck gender lawsuit for the website and documents. You can see & submit documents online.
I left the company last year and I know for a fact that a female that was the same as me, S2 made 15 thou less than me has been with the company for 15 years as me and in the same market. Didn't seem right to me, hope she joins the suit.
And yes, I'm a much happier person for leaving when I did. Long over due.

I left the company last year and I know for a fact that a female that was the same as me, S2 made 15 thou less than me has been with the company for 15 years as me and in the same market. Didn't seem right to me, hope she joins the suit.
And yes, I'm a much happier person for leaving when I did. Long over due.
If you had higher ratings then your lowly friend then you received higher salary increases. You needed to go what a dunce!

The world is a fabulous venue for the producers of society. We unlike the dregs of society pay for everything because we make everything. Of course, we sequester all that we securely confine from probing government hacks!
Understand that the curtain is falling on the parasites within the corporation liberation is at hand and money to be made. Put the pinworms to their fate!
South Africa investment opportunity is progressing and the little crystalized carbon nodules will add to the income stream. We pay next to nothing and sell at extreme the way that it is suppose to be done. Foolish lower classes!