Tomorrow IS a work day folks...let's act like it


no its not a work day. in response and retribution to how the company treats its employees, Ill be taking the day off as well. of course I wont report it that way. you want to screw with people, great. We can play that game too. who cares. you dont like it, fire me dick

The cut/keep descisions have already been made, no matter what you do form this point on it wont change a thing.

Enjoy it while you can, if you make the cut, good for you - if you get cut, god bless and keep your head up!

How about this: F--k you. Brainless CTL prick.

Seriously, even if you are retained or not affected by today's layoffs, we have friends and colleagues whose lives are being changed...FOREVER. We need time to provide support. It is impossible to treat today as business as usual because it isn't. Good Luck and God Bless!!!!

so who is being let go today? just a few primary care sales reps is what we have heard in our region. are others being laid of today or is this mysterious video going to tell us all our fate? who is the video from?