Thoughts on our genius call plan...

True in the South as well. You have tenured SP reps now calling on PC docs that they have NEVER met in their ENTIRE career. They don't even know how to find offices without gps. Stunningly stupid

The reason the SP is calling on your PC is because you shit the bed for too long. Just because you hid behind all dirt numbers and now that you had your lunch money taken away SP is forced to come to the rescue to your pathetic territory. Wouldn't it be great if PC ever pulled their weight!!

That's a laughable statement! In my territory, the Toujeo business was all from Pcp doc. The special targets were way behind goal. Now, will all the Pcp reps gone, it's Hilarious!

The reason the SP is calling on your PC is because you shit the bed for too long. Just because you hid behind all dirt numbers and now that you had your lunch money taken away SP is forced to come to the rescue to your pathetic territory. Wouldn't it be great if PC ever pulled their weight!!

Your willful ignorance is duly noted since I don't work for Sanofi any longer... and... many of the SP reps FAILED with Toujeo launch but keep drinking the koolaid pal.

Best boss ever was a guy who's last name was Brilliant despite the fact that he was dumb as a box of rocks (his nickname was "Not So" and is not so brilliant). His saving grace is that he knew he was not very bright but he had a knack for picking people who were and just leaving them alone. He would pass out assignments to get things done, some times very difficult assignments, and then leave people to their own devices while he focused on keeping the micromanager he worked for at bay. Everybody was happy.

Raw intelligence is one thing, but you can be very wise without being particularly bright and where it counts, your guy did indeed live up to his name: he was brilliant!

The reason the SP is calling on your PC is because you shit the bed for too long. Just because you hid behind all dirt numbers and now that you had your lunch money taken away SP is forced to come to the rescue to your pathetic territory. Wouldn't it be great if PC ever pulled their weight!!

former SP with a solid record here..... you are a dick and i hope you get herpes in your eyes. aidinc that asshole. I hope most PCP reps understand the majority of SP had better access and appreciate the work PCP put into the geography. seriously bro....eye herpes.

The reason the SP is calling on your PC is because you shit the bed for too long. Just because you hid behind all dirt numbers and now that you had your lunch money taken away SP is forced to come to the rescue to your pathetic territory. Wouldn't it be great if PC ever pulled their weight!!

See here you troll. Took it upon myself to call on SP' s tier ones after I got tired of the silo mentality.

I carried them for 18 Months. Result? Hello Mexico. Stop kissing the mirror you baby.

let's face it....most of you fake your calls anyway. every competitor has the same targets and these targets don't see you without a lunch, if they do lunches. so just continue what you've done all along and make sure you drive the distance and plug in the calls.

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