Thoughts on open South Florida job?

Lots of competition. Are they leaning towards any particular candidate?

Yeah, lots of competition amongst a bunch of the loser pharmaceutical reps that are a bunch of wannabes that want to get in the medical device arena and can't get a job with a real device company so they land at ZOLL lifevest.

ya ok, another example of management painting lies to candidates about this company and device. there are not CRM reps interviewing for this job....the lies just continue and continue.... companies that build themselves on lies ALWAYS FAIL. You'll see very soon. to any of you that believe these cheesy posts management puts on this site to try to cover up the truth of the postings here, you deserve to take a job at zoll and fail out of your own stupidity.

Untrue - there are CRM reps interviewing.

really? is that why 99% of the new hires are pharma reps? LMAO. this company is so ridiculous. Not only do they lie about the device, risk, data, reimbursement, etc, now they get on cafepharma and lie..... what other company on cafepharma has management / leadership people that post on this site to negate all the truth being spoken? that's the proof in the pudding that this place is a complete scam.

Untrue - there are CRM reps interviewing.

Ya, the ones that got fired because they are shitheads and cant get a job anywhere and they have to come here to collect a paycheck for working 5 hours a week until they find something, GO AHEAD CAFEPHARMA ZOLL PATROL TEAM, keep dishing bullshit out, because we will keep giving the truth in our responses. COME ON, bring on another bullshit lie, we are ready to answer and combat it with truth. NEXT?

Untrue - there are CRM reps interviewing.

Regional manager here, it's quite funny that somebody would post that there are CRM people interviewing with this company, when as a regional manager I have been told by upper leadership not to hire any CRM reps because all of them quit within six months to a year after taking the job here and we are instructed to now hire Pharma reps.The above poster that stated that any CRM people that come here are fired ones is indeed true, it's only those that have been fired or are looking for something to milk out and collect money until retirement. The intelligent CRM people other than that do not come To ZOLL , I can guarantee you that. I've been a regional manager here for a long time and I never see resumes from CRM. Just so most of you understand, most of the regional managers here feel the same way as you all do. We know that the device has no clinical data and that you have nothing to do with your day, and that it's probably not going to last too much longer, so we just keep our mouth shut and check the box for as long as we can until the wave ends.

Regional manager here, it's quite funny that somebody would post that there are CRM people interviewing with this company, when as a regional manager I have been told by upper leadership not to hire any CRM reps because all of them quit within six months to a year after taking the job here and we are instructed to now hire Pharma reps.The above poster that stated that any CRM people that come here are fired ones is indeed true, it's only those that have been fired or are looking for something to milk out and collect money until retirement. The intelligent CRM people other than that do not come To ZOLL , I can guarantee you that. I've been a regional manager here for a long time and I never see resumes from CRM. Just so most of you understand, most of the regional managers here feel the same way as you all do. We know that the device has no clinical data and that you have nothing to do with your day, and that it's probably not going to last too much longer, so we just keep our mouth shut and check the box for as long as we can until the wave ends.

What area do you manage sweetie?

What area do you manage sweetie?

allow me.......Manage? I will tell you what area I manage. I manage that area in the back of my throat that keeps the vomit from spewing out of my mouth whenever I have to listen to your incessant dribble pouring out of your pie hole. The crap you expect us to believe, engender and turn a blind eye too. I manage the area that keeps me from pulling on your steering wheel and slamming us into a wall during "field rides". I manage biting my tongue when I see another naïve BS artist pining for "the job". I manage not to laugh inappropriately most of the time. Oh and I forgot to mention I manage the "Land of Fuck you", that's where I manage. Now take your steak knives and go back to your is for closers asshole.

allow me.......Manage? I will tell you what area I manage. I manage that area in the back of my throat that keeps the vomit from spewing out of my mouth whenever I have to listen to your incessant dribble pouring out of your pie hole. The crap you expect us to believe, engender and turn a blind eye too. I manage the area that keeps me from pulling on your steering wheel and slamming us into a wall during "field rides". I manage biting my tongue when I see another naïve BS artist pining for "the job". I manage not to laugh inappropriately most of the time. Oh and I forgot to mention I manage the "Land of Fuck you", that's where I manage. Now take your steak knives and go back to your is for closers asshole.

I meant "what geographical area in the US do you manage?" I did not mean for you to vomit your Prozac low feelings. Grow up and learn to sell. Zoll needs closers so maybe tug that wheel next time you are alone! Hasta La Vista

allow me.......Manage? I will tell you what area I manage. I manage that area in the back of my throat that keeps the vomit from spewing out of my mouth whenever I have to listen to your incessant dribble pouring out of your pie hole. The crap you expect us to believe, engender and turn a blind eye too. I manage the area that keeps me from pulling on your steering wheel and slamming us into a wall during "field rides". I manage biting my tongue when I see another naïve BS artist pining for "the job". I manage not to laugh inappropriately most of the time. Oh and I forgot to mention I manage the "Land of Fuck you", that's where I manage. Now take your steak knives and go back to your is for closers asshole.

Forget slamming the car into the wall, that has happened hundreds of times already. Instead of "fixing the car", they just replace the driver. FYI-love all your other points, they are spot on!

I meant "what geographical area in the US do you manage?" I did not mean for you to vomit your Prozac low feelings. Grow up and learn to sell. Zoll needs closers so maybe tug that wheel next time you are alone! Hasta La Vista

Then you should have said so. "Sweetie" is such a condescending term. You obviously missed the movie references....perhaps you are the one in need of a thicker skin or a Prozac to go with your morning screwdriver.

This place is simply mismanaged and caustic. If you can't trust the people at the top, there's no reason to trust anything they produce. There is nothing that points otherwise.

allow me.......Manage? I will tell you what area I manage. I manage that area in the back of my throat that keeps the vomit from spewing out of my mouth whenever I have to listen to your incessant dribble pouring out of your pie hole. The crap you expect us to believe, engender and turn a blind eye too. I manage the area that keeps me from pulling on your steering wheel and slamming us into a wall during "field rides". I manage biting my tongue when I see another naïve BS artist pining for "the job". I manage not to laugh inappropriately most of the time. Oh and I forgot to mention I manage the "Land of Fuck you", that's where I manage. Now take your steak knives and go back to your is for closers asshole.

Wow, sounds like a very angry RM. Who in their right mind would want to work with this person?

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