Thoughts on Diversity Webcast?


I'm just wondering what folks are thinking about today's bizarre webcast that went on and on forever about diversity? It seemed to go far beyond the typical HR talking points when these trainings/webcasts are required. Why were they talking specifically about product launches, being successful in the future, and going beyond just race, gender, etc. etc? Seems like weird timing for this too? Just trying to make sense of all this....though it may be nothing more than true diversity. Who knows...after all, this is Sanofi!


It was a total clown show. The culture at Sanofi is horrific. Corporate bullies are rampant and this is nothing more than a go through the motions on changing the culture. Culture change starts at the top and the RBL's are key in making sure the culture stays toxic. I never heard such cow manure as I heard this am. I will admit the new HR guy (Packers Fan) is a nice change from that witch Judy OHagan who destroyed the culture at Sanofi with her mean spirit and her hatred for the sales teams. So I guess we have to take our great launch record and make it more diverse and target minorities more in new drug launches . Sanofi can't launch even in the best of times. I can see marketing genius targeting Mongolian dwarfs because they think this is a good target base to launch the next blockbuster Sanofi has in the hopper. All this culture talk will soon pass as it always does as the legal department makes them do this dog and poney show. This was the worst webcast ever and anyone who had a hand in putting it on should be ashamed of themselves for trying to make everyone think this is a kind company that cares about people.

It was a nice set up for the upcoming layoff!! We know diversity will be front and center when people are targeted. So minorities are safe and white men are on the chopping block!

It was a nice set up for the upcoming layoff!! We know diversity will be front and center when people are targeted. So minorities are safe and white men are on the chopping block!
Yes of course ALL 6 PEOPLE THAT WORK AT SANOFI THAT QUALIFY AS DIVERSE WILL BE SAVED..LOL. WTF is wrong with people? Are you that fucking paranoid and IGNORANT that you HAD TO GO THERE? The point is that there is little to NO diversity at Sanofi. They claim they see the need for increased diversity. Minorities absolutely get thrown into the same hopper for chopping as everyone else in case of lay off. They may go through motions and pretend they are going to HIRE more minorities going forward but being a diverse employee will never save you during a downsize. They will keep a certain number of white guys, black guys (the 2 that work here), older employees, female etc etc etc. It is handled way the fuck above your pay grade so don't you worry your pretty little shaved head.

It was a total clown show. The culture at Sanofi is horrific. Corporate bullies are rampant and this is nothing more than a go through the motions on changing the culture. Culture change starts at the top and the RBL's are key in making sure the culture stays toxic. I never heard such cow manure as I heard this am. I will admit the new HR guy (Packers Fan) is a nice change from that witch Judy OHagan who destroyed the culture at Sanofi with her mean spirit and her hatred for the sales teams. So I guess we have to take our great launch record and make it more diverse and target minorities more in new drug launches . Sanofi can't launch even in the best of times. I can see marketing genius targeting Mongolian dwarfs because they think this is a good target base to launch the next blockbuster Sanofi has in the hopper. All this culture talk will soon pass as it always does as the legal department makes them do this dog and poney show. This was the worst webcast ever and anyone who had a hand in putting it on should be ashamed of themselves for trying to make everyone think this is a kind company that cares about people.
agree with all of this

Yes of course ALL 6 PEOPLE THAT WORK AT SANOFI THAT QUALIFY AS DIVERSE WILL BE SAVED..LOL. WTF is wrong with people? Are you that fucking paranoid and IGNORANT that you HAD TO GO THERE? The point is that there is little to NO diversity at Sanofi. They claim they see the need for increased diversity. Minorities absolutely get thrown into the same hopper for chopping as everyone else in case of lay off. They may go through motions and pretend they are going to HIRE more minorities going forward but being a diverse employee will never save you during a downsize. They will keep a certain number of white guys, black guys (the 2 that work here), older employees, female etc etc etc. It is handled way the fuck above your pay grade so don't you worry your pretty little shaved head.

And some people are too damn stupid to read/detect sarcasm . You are a real bright one and Sanofi's best I can tell... now relax, take a Xanax and go back to beating on your wife.

Some of you are clueless. I can't speak for the field but in HQ commercial it's obvious Sanofi Genzyme has a diversity issue. Sure, there are female leaders which counts as diversity, but pretty much zero minorities. I can think of over a half dozen minorities who came into the home office, saw how unfriendly it was, and then left to go elsewhere shortly after

Diversity is a noble goal, but one that remains unachievable in most companies. Did you ever try to hire a PhD qualified candidate in the life sciences that happened to be African American? You can shoot a cannon through a typical scientific meeting and never hit a dark skinned participant, although that same cannon ball will take out hundreds of those with Asian ancestry. Sanofi, or any other large company, is not going to fix the issue of unbalanced hiring pools. Sales and other functions have a broader mix of candidates to recruit from, and everybody should get a shot at a decent job.

As for layoffs, why do you think outside firms like ZS Associates are used? ZS can go into a courtroom where an employment discrimination case is being heard and honestly testify that they know nothing about the race, gender, or religious affiliation of any member of the sales force, and that they made their downsizing recommendations based purely on performance metrics. That goes a long way to cover Sanofi's butt if those recommendations happen to impact certain groups of individuals more than others. It doesn't always work out the way it was intended as sometimes the outside consultant will determine the individuals the company would love to target are, in fact, the most productive employees. Oops.

Yes of course ALL 6 PEOPLE THAT WORK AT SANOFI THAT QUALIFY AS DIVERSE WILL BE SAVED..LOL. WTF is wrong with people? Are you that fucking paranoid and IGNORANT that you HAD TO GO THERE? The point is that there is little to NO diversity at Sanofi. They claim they see the need for increased diversity. Minorities absolutely get thrown into the same hopper for chopping as everyone else in case of lay off. They may go through motions and pretend they are going to HIRE more minorities going forward but being a diverse employee will never save you during a downsize. They will keep a certain number of white guys, black guys (the 2 that work here), older employees, female etc etc etc. It is handled way the fuck above your pay grade so don't you worry your pretty little shaved head.

Is it racist to say that minorities can take all the jobs with Sanofi that they want?
I feel it's wishing ill will on the brothas and sistas.

Is it racist to say that minorities can take all the jobs with Sanofi that they want?
I feel it's wishing ill will on the brothas and sistas.

It is not racist if it is true. I never quite understood affirmative action in the workplace because rigid goals lead to hiring underqualified minorities who never should have been in the jobs in the first place, thus setting them up for failure. Worse, those minorities who are highly qualified and deserving of the job on their merits will always be suspected of getting the position on something other than merit.

I am old enough (barely) to remember what it was like in the early 1960's before the Civil Rights Act was passed, and it is not a time that we ever want to revisit as a country. However, piecing together an ineffective workforce to meet a politically correct goal of diversity doesn't help anybody.

As for AZ handling layoffs . I'be seen suits brought on when somebody was screwed. AZ has a poor track record and everyone of these re-aligns- layoffs we spend months trying to fix alignments that some pencil head in a office with a dartboard thought up. The number 1 thing that works against you is where you live!! Period - second is the zipcode you live in. If you are working a territory outside of where you live well you better have plan A ready to go as your outnof a job. Second is rankings and ratings - third is age- - sex - and if your a minority. Then it happens - its that simple . Ask anyone that been at Sanofi for sometime. Good luck to all

I'm just wondering what folks are thinking about today's bizarre webcast that went on and on forever about diversity? It seemed to go far beyond the typical HR talking points when these trainings/webcasts are required. Why were they talking specifically about product launches, being successful in the future, and going beyond just race, gender, etc. etc? Seems like weird timing for this too? Just trying to make sense of all this....though it may be nothing more than true diversity. Who knows...after all, this is Sanofi!

It's high time our company took this serious. It will help sales! People like buying from people they look like.

It's no wonder Pakistani or Indian reps win year after year. Because many docs are from those countries.

Diversity is not only the right thing to do, it makes good business sense.

It's high time our company took this serious. It will help sales! People like buying from people they look like.

It's no wonder Pakistani or Indian reps win year after year. Because many docs are from those countries.

Diversity is not only the right thing to do, it makes good business sense.
who cares

It is not racist if it is true. I never quite understood affirmative action in the workplace because rigid goals lead to hiring underqualified minorities who never should have been in the jobs in the first place, thus setting them up for failure. Worse, those minorities who are highly qualified and deserving of the job on their merits will always be suspected of getting the position on something other than merit.

I am old enough (barely) to remember what it was like in the early 1960's before the Civil Rights Act was passed, and it is not a time that we ever want to revisit as a country. However, piecing together an ineffective workforce to meet a politically correct goal of diversity doesn't help anybody.
Are you old enough to remember Jim Crow laws? The notion that someone gets placed that is under qualified is nonsense. How to explain the non minority that gets placed that is under qualified. Should we suspect them. Just because you don't believe in targets for hiring doesn't mean targets for hiring do not have merit. And it is laughably a moot point because Sanofi is as white as the driven snow. If there ever were mandated target numbers (and that NEVER comes into play unless gross misconduct in hiring practices is uncovered) then they failed miserably. But is is really nice of you to concern yourself with all of this. You have never quite understood affirmative action because you don't understand affirmative action. You get to sit there and judge and you know nothing about how it works, when , or why. How nice for you. By the way how are your qualifications? Are you 100% sure that you are qualified? How do you know? Do you worry about white people that got a job because of their connections? Or are your only concerned about the potential "failures" of black folk? Kiss my ass dummy.

I'm just wondering what folks are thinking about today's bizarre webcast that went on and on forever about diversity? It seemed to go far beyond the typical HR talking points when these trainings/webcasts are required. Why were they talking specifically about product launches, being successful in the future, and going beyond just race, gender, etc. etc? Seems like weird timing for this too? Just trying to make sense of all this....though it may be nothing more than true diversity. Who knows...after all, this is Sanofi!

Diversity programs are always front and center when heads are about to be chopped. Why? When the few Hispanics or blacks lose their jobs in massive downsizing in the next 12 months, we can point to a double minority VP or Director (almost always a black female in this industry) we have running our "diversity department" as proof that we actively look for diverse candidates.

Same B.S. Sanofi shuffle, although this time to a slightly different tune.

If I were a minority, I'd be working very hard to get my resume out there. That crappy webcast was a warning shot.

It's high time our company took this serious. It will help sales! People like buying from people they look like.

It's no wonder Pakistani or Indian reps win year after year. Because many docs are from those countries.

Diversity is not only the right thing to do, it makes good business sense.

Yeah, it couldn't be because the Indo-Pak reps are good, its just that they get scripts from their countrymen. I hate to break it to you Sparky, but 75%+ of docs and NPs in this country are white.

*head slap*

We really ARE the dullest knives in the pharma drawer!

Are you old enough to remember Jim Crow laws? The notion that someone gets placed that is under qualified is nonsense. How to explain the non minority that gets placed that is under qualified. Should we suspect them. Just because you don't believe in targets for hiring doesn't mean targets for hiring do not have merit. And it is laughably a moot point because Sanofi is as white as the driven snow. If there ever were mandated target numbers (and that NEVER comes into play unless gross misconduct in hiring practices is uncovered) then they failed miserably. But is is really nice of you to concern yourself with all of this. You have never quite understood affirmative action because you don't understand affirmative action. You get to sit there and judge and you know nothing about how it works, when , or why. How nice for you. By the way how are your qualifications? Are you 100% sure that you are qualified? How do you know? Do you worry about white people that got a job because of their connections? Or are your only concerned about the potential "failures" of black folk? Kiss my ass dummy.
Affirmative Action in itself is racist in the sense it says the the af/am person is weak and needs govt to step in to make things even. This is offensive to intellectual black people who resent the notion they are weak. Think about it, if your good at what you do, you will sought after, no matter your color.
Work hard and get educated. As Oprah says, it overcomes racism. Stop making excuses. Peace. All lives matter.

Affirmative Action in itself is racist in the sense it says the the af/am person is weak and needs govt to step in to make things even. This is offensive to intellectual black people who resent the notion they are weak. Think about it, if your good at what you do, you will sought after, no matter your color.
Work hard and get educated. As Oprah says, it overcomes racism. Stop making excuses. Peace. All lives matter.

Yup. Racism is dead. Nothing to see here. Sanofi always hires and promotes the very best of the best. There is zero cronyism, nepotism, good old boy network, or conscious and unconscious bias here. We have NEVER lost a discrimination lawsuit.

Move along now.

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