This is why you should hope you are gone on February 1, 2012. Link included.

As for me, I gonna ride this dead horse till the saddle falls off. They put the golden handcuffs on and I am going to let them take'em off of me kicking and screaming the whole time. Nothing last forever so make the best of it while I can. YES SIR, may I have another.

I think a lot of people have your attitude. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. However, be prepared to be gone on February 1, 2012. I have been laid off before being ranked in the top 10% of the company sales rankings. So, it can happen to anyone.

I would use January to get your resume polished and start applying for jobs. Apply for some jobs that you are not sure you even want. Why? It can really help you practice your interviewing skills.

I agree with the OP. You have to be aware of the future even if you survive this layoff. I think he/she makes a good point, there really is no hope even if you are retained. I think you are still wearing your AZ glasses! My advice as well, get out soon even if you are retained.

Well said! There is no future at AZ even for those retained. If you are kept, I think it buys you about 11 months. Layoffs again in December of 2012.

But you are hoping you get laid off February 1? At which time you will get the same package you could have gotten by self ID'ing. Doesn't make much sense. Sounds like you're really hoping to be reatined, and trying to sound all macho about leaving. "yeah, well if they had offered an enhanced package, I would have done it in a heartbeat!"

Right. Mealy mouthed excuse.

If you had taken the package you could have looked for that new job telling your prospective employers, "It was time for me to take my career in another direction even though I could have stayed".

If you get laid off you will be answering the question, "Why did Astra Zeneca let you go while they reatined others?". Oh and 1100 others will be competing for the jobs out there with you.

For such a smart guy, you misspelled retained twice!

Hey dude, I would have self ID'ed as well if they would have given me an extra two months. AZ should have given everyone who really does not want to be here an incentive to leave. At least in theory those that stayed behind after turning down an enhanced package and did not self ID wanted to try and make it work at AZ.

I would have taken this too. I am looking now to get out even if I am retained.

My manager told me they are having teleconferences on the 19th and 20th to discuss the actual layoff procedure. He thinks he will find out his fate the following Monday.

CSA are doing an excellent job and many of them are former sales professionals with excellent social skills. No wonder why the program is profiting so much from these positions. Keep up the good work!