The Truth about Global Security


Upon having dinner with a girlfriend last night I was stating how grateful I am to no longer be an Ab-bot (I quit 2 years ago). I brought up "Global Security", what a joke it is and Abbott's way of weeding people out.... Come to find out, that used to be her job. She WAS Abbott Global Security. Here's the scoop:

1. They are contract, salaried lawyers so they have nothing but time to kill sifting through your worthless Abbott file.
2. You have been "red-flagged" by someone and are considered a liability if not investigated.
3. You CAN bring a lawyer to the meeting- it is your legal right. They just try to scare you into thinking you can't. Not to mention the last-minute notification of being at Abbott Park gives you little time to find one.
4. You CAN talk to whoever you want after the meeting (teammates, etc). It is worded so you think you can't (or as my friend stated, "it get's misinterpreted"- that's a lawyer for you). You just can't discuss specific physicians' that were mentioned in the investigation.
5. Best advice is to keep your trap shut during interrogation. That's probably what got you there in the first place. "I don't recall" works well.
6. You're just a fucking drug rep. Find another job. You could be a garbage man and have higher work satisfaction, not to mention, probably a better bonus.


This poster sounds credible. Generally Abbott is used to getting away with everything in a vacuum. Recent college graduates will take just about anything to have, what is to them, a terriffic employment opportunity. It is relative. The Kos acquisition is a litmus test for Abbott. Most companies wouldn't hire too many people in an expansion as the newly acquired reps from company A would create a subculture not conducive to the acquiring company B. Abbott is now figuring that out. In hopes that many Kos reps will move on Abbott is trying to dodge this bullet while saving salary money.

Global Security is a mechanism of the revolving door paradigm that usually scares employees into leaving on their own or through self incrimination during the interrogation at A/Park. If they had anything on you prior to your "meeting" in Abbott Park you would already be moved out through the termination process. HR is always a firewall btwn the unilateral ill intentions of the employee versus the company. The company is hoping that the employee is gullible enough to assume that HR is marginally on their side. There is no such loyalty. The company signs the checks of the GS folks. They are not compelled by law to give you a equitable voice in the exchange.

At the end of the day your participation in the GS process is voluntary. You don't have to show up. You will probably be terminated for not showing, but remember Abbott holds the cards once you are summoned. At a former pharma' company a scoundrel/coworker avoided the process by going on STD. In this person's case they actually could make an argument as they were the total sociopath package; SSRI's and all. Any psyciatrist worth their salt could come up with categorization, and some choice meds that will pack on the pounds and put you to sleep for 3 weeks, all for your company induced anxiety. You've bought youself a little time by getting the diagnosis and time off. The next step involves hiring an attorney, working with a headhunter or gutting it out until you can sell enough real estate on the side to make working for Abbott long enough to get the pension.

If you find yourself in the uneviable position of going to Abbott Park to answer questions remember the preponderance of proving you did something inappropriate is on the Abbott organization. You can practice cliches until you are blue in the face but "I don't recall that was long ago" will get you out of just about any situation. My personal favorite is"I always follow company policy unless it conflicts with the law. I'm sure (insert company name here)doesn't want me to break the law. Do they?" Answer a question with a question until they burn out. If you get flustered or rattled you have the right to excuse yourself to splash some water on your face in the restroom. Set up the possibility of needing to leave the room by stating the flight made you a bit nauseaous and the GI upset gave you diahrea. Have the doctor's note with you. You can also state that you need a minute to gain your composure. If it's fair, answer the question honestly and completely. If it's unclear where they are going with a line of questioning, ask for clarity. They will quickly tire of the game if you know how to wear them out.

Good luck in any event.

Upon having dinner with a girlfriend last night I was stating how grateful I am to no longer be an Ab-bot (I quit 2 years ago). I brought up "Global Security", what a joke it is and Abbott's way of weeding people out.... Come to find out, that used to be her job. She WAS Abbott Global Security. Here's the scoop:

1. They are contract, salaried lawyers so they have nothing but time to kill sifting through your worthless Abbott file.
2. You have been "red-flagged" by someone and are considered a liability if not investigated.
3. You CAN bring a lawyer to the meeting- it is your legal right. They just try to scare you into thinking you can't. Not to mention the last-minute notification of being at Abbott Park gives you little time to find one.
4. You CAN talk to whoever you want after the meeting (teammates, etc). It is worded so you think you can't (or as my friend stated, "it get's misinterpreted"- that's a lawyer for you). You just can't discuss specific physicians' that were mentioned in the investigation.
5. Best advice is to keep your trap shut during interrogation. That's probably what got you there in the first place. "I don't recall" works well.
6. You're just a fucking drug rep. Find another job. You could be a garbage man and have higher work satisfaction, not to mention, probably a better bonus.

Ok, Ok.... enough about GS...does your girl friend take it up the butt????

This poster sounds credible. Generally Abbott is used to getting away with everything in a vacuum. Recent college graduates will take just about anything to have, what is to them, a terriffic employment opportunity. It is relative. The Kos acquisition is a litmus test for Abbott. Most companies wouldn't hire too many people in an expansion as the newly acquired reps from company A would create a subculture not conducive to the acquiring company B. Abbott is now figuring that out. In hopes that many Kos reps will move on Abbott is trying to dodge this bullet while saving salary money.

Global Security is a mechanism of the revolving door paradigm that usually scares employees into leaving on their own or through self incrimination during the interrogation at A/Park. If they had anything on you prior to your "meeting" in Abbott Park you would already be moved out through the termination process. HR is always a firewall btwn the unilateral ill intentions of the employee versus the company. The company is hoping that the employee is gullible enough to assume that HR is marginally on their side. There is no such loyalty. The company signs the checks of the GS folks. They are not compelled by law to give you a equitable voice in the exchange.

At the end of the day your participation in the GS process is voluntary. You don't have to show up. You will probably be terminated for not showing, but remember Abbott holds the cards once you are summoned. At a former pharma' company a scoundrel/coworker avoided the process by going on STD. In this person's case they actually could make an argument as they were the total sociopath package; SSRI's and all. Any psyciatrist worth their salt could come up with categorization, and some choice meds that will pack on the pounds and put you to sleep for 3 weeks, all for your company induced anxiety. You've bought youself a little time by getting the diagnosis and time off. The next step involves hiring an attorney, working with a headhunter or gutting it out until you can sell enough real estate on the side to make working for Abbott long enough to get the pension.

If you find yourself in the uneviable position of going to Abbott Park to answer questions remember the preponderance of proving you did something inappropriate is on the Abbott organization. You can practice cliches until you are blue in the face but "I don't recall that was long ago" will get you out of just about any situation. My personal favorite is"I always follow company policy unless it conflicts with the law. I'm sure (insert company name here)doesn't want me to break the law. Do they?" Answer a question with a question until they burn out. If you get flustered or rattled you have the right to excuse yourself to splash some water on your face in the restroom. Set up the possibility of needing to leave the room by stating the flight made you a bit nauseaous and the GI upset gave you diahrea. Have the doctor's note with you. You can also state that you need a minute to gain your composure. If it's fair, answer the question honestly and completely. If it's unclear where they are going with a line of questioning, ask for clarity. They will quickly tire of the game if you know how to wear them out.

Good luck in any event.

Good Post/Info sooooo true!

Original Poster wrote "Upon having dinner with a girlfriend last night I was stating how grateful I am to no longer be an Ab-bot (I quit 2 years ago). I brought up "Global Security", what a joke it is and Abbott's way of weeding people out.... Come to find out, that used to be her job. She WAS Abbott Global Security. "

Hi - I would be VERY interested in finding out anything your girlfriend knows about the guys in Abbott Global Security, especially Rich P. Any scoop?

Thank you so much for this valuable information.
Can anyone help me with Short term disability?
What do I have to come down with to get the max time.
Does HR report any information about your being on STD when a potential employer calls for a check?

Re: The Truth about Global Security- Need ADVICE

I read your thread about GS and I need some advice. ** I am a DM at a large pharma company on the east coast and I was called Friday by my boss who told me an investigation has occurred and I'm to cancel all my field travel appointments next week with my reps, I'm to have no contact with any of my reps, and I'll be meeting with HR and/or legal next week. I asked if I was fired or if I need to look for a job. She said I'm still employed but there are some "serious concerns" that they have found. The only thing I could think of is possibly how I used profanity around reps just as they used it around me and (doesn't justify it) but I also heard from a source, that the reps bringing these complaints to the table have some sort of text message or email from me where I called someone "gay". I can't recall the comment but I need advice for my meeting next week with legal and/or HR. By the way, I tried to fire a female rep of mine for stealing from the company on her expense reports. HR and Legal got involved and this woman walked even though she was clearly guilty!! I couldn't believe it. So, my point is, I've seen the company use this threat before only to end up with a fruitless search. On a side note, my relocation contract ends this July and I believe it says if I leave before my year is up, July 1, I'll have to pay back the full amount of the relo. Good luck collecting that! What's your advice at the meeting? My thoughts are: - admit nothing, - say "I don't recall ever doing or saying that", - possibly bring an attorney, - claim STD until I can find another job, - during the meeting, always say "Does not sound like anything I would do or say", - turn everything into a question, "Do you want me to send obscene texts or use profanity in front of my reps?", - Talk as little as possible. Advice??? Thank you....MC

There is another thread regarding Global Security a few pages back on Abbott. DENY, "I don't recall that" , DON't Say anything. Get to a Dr. and talk about this. If you are suffering psychologically from job stress - get on STD for anxiety and stress. Do it ASAP - you're getting fired, it'll happen the day after your meeting.

Where khaki's to the meeting, and mid-sentence soil yourself so that the piss and shit stains are painfully obvious. I recommend eating 2 dozen "suicide" hot wings the night before, with large quantities of Busch (nothing shits like Busch!) If you can manage the trifecta by also puking on yourself, you should be golden for a disability claim.

Re: The Truth about Global Security- Need ADVICE

I read your thread about GS and I need some advice. ** I am a DM at a large pharma company on the east coast and I was called Friday by my boss who told me an investigation has occurred and I'm to cancel all my field travel appointments next week with my reps, I'm to have no contact with any of my reps, and I'll be meeting with HR and/or legal next week. I asked if I was fired or if I need to look for a job. She said I'm still employed but there are some "serious concerns" that they have found. The only thing I could think of is possibly how I used profanity around reps just as they used it around me and (doesn't justify it) but I also heard from a source, that the reps bringing these complaints to the table have some sort of text message or email from me where I called someone "gay". I can't recall the comment but I need advice for my meeting next week with legal and/or HR. By the way, I tried to fire a female rep of mine for stealing from the company on her expense reports. HR and Legal got involved and this woman walked even though she was clearly guilty!! I couldn't believe it. So, my point is, I've seen the company use this threat before only to end up with a fruitless search. On a side note, my relocation contract ends this July and I believe it says if I leave before my year is up, July 1, I'll have to pay back the full amount of the relo. Good luck collecting that! What's your advice at the meeting? My thoughts are: - admit nothing, - say "I don't recall ever doing or saying that", - possibly bring an attorney, - claim STD until I can find another job, - during the meeting, always say "Does not sound like anything I would do or say", - turn everything into a question, "Do you want me to send obscene texts or use profanity in front of my reps?", - Talk as little as possible. Advice??? Thank you....MC

Talk as little as possible, don't admit anything. Keep in mind your prior experience with the expense-report-cheating rep - it's not as easy to fire someone as everyone thinks it is, even if there is proof.

Also, if they tell you who is bringing the complaint, and it is anyone with whom you've had a documented incident with before, such as the expense report cheater, any other rep who received a reprimand or poor performance evaluation, etc., claim that you are being retaliated against. (They should give you specifics if they want to be factual and "prompt" your memory. How do they expect you to respond to generalizations? "Some of your reps say you use foul language in their presence." What reps? When? What did I say?)

Do not agree to or sign anything, even if they are just reprimanding you. Do not agree to a suspension, resignation, etc. Ask to get back to them, and that you want to have your lawyer review the facts.

This sounds so much like a situation I had before as a National Manager. I worked with a rep who in November told me how much she loved her DM, how good he was, etc. Then in December, when she got an "Achieves" on her review, and she wanted an "exceeds" she filed a complaint with HR about her manager - literally within 15 minutes of getting the review. Her complaint? Her manager (60 year old Boston Irish Catholic gentleman with 30 years with the company) says "Jesus Christ" in her presense, and it offends her. Didn't offend her for the first three years she worked for him! In this case, we knew it was probably true, because the man had used the term all his life. Didn't make it right though, so he did get written up, per company policy, but not fired.

Thank you so much for your reply!! I'm consulting with an Attorney right now to also see what my options are. I could be overreacting but I want to be prepared if this all goes down. I can tell you I took over a District of average-below average performers and half of them - particularly the women, do NOT like me because of my expectations I have compared to the prior DM. As vindictive as it sounds, I also have a Folder in Outlook in which I have several saved email jokes from other DM's that have been circulated in the past that are very off-color; sexual, discriminatory, etc. I have half of mind to bring these out should the interview go sour. What you think?

Thank you so much for your reply!! I'm consulting with an Attorney right now to also see what my options are. I could be overreacting but I want to be prepared if this all goes down. I can tell you I took over a District of average-below average performers and half of them - particularly the women, do NOT like me because of my expectations I have compared to the prior DM. As vindictive as it sounds, I also have a Folder in Outlook in which I have several saved email jokes from other DM's that have been circulated in the past that are very off-color; sexual, discriminatory, etc. I have half of mind to bring these out should the interview go sour. What you think?

Save those emails to your home computer or print them off NOWWW!! Remember, it is Abbott's computer and they can remove anything at anytime. Or take your computer at anytime.

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