The Last Administration Didn’t Even Have A Vaccine Plan!


But they got Mexico to pay for that wall AND hey rolled out a "most excellent" replacement to Obama Care!

oh, yeah and what about her emails?

And his Leech of a Wife wants Welfare from me! Get a job!!! Go “shake” it for change like you did for your “come up”!!!

To that end, she “discreetly” asked a volunteer aide in the East Wing to find out what was available to her in terms of a post-White House budget and staff, Bennett reported. These inquiries with West Wing acquaintances and someone with the Office of Management and Budget indicate that she is thinking of establishing an official office after her husband leaves office, Bennett added. Most first ladies tend to continue initiatives or policy goals begun during their husbands’ terms.

Unfortunately, Melania Trump learned that first ladies aren’t entitled to taxpayer funds for post-White House projects, Bennett reported. While presidents enjoy certain perks, including funds to set up an official office and to cover some travel costs, first ladies get nothing from the government, aside from a small $20,000-a-year pension, which is paid out after her husband dies.

So, that means Melania Trump will have to come up with her own budget to hire assistants or pay for travel if she wants to continue her “Be Best” platform, which is aimed at helping children.

Trump made some crazy decisions in office, but, I like his vaccine plan of fast tracking development of vaccines...AKA Operation Warp Speed. If Biden were in office we'd still be looking at another year for a vaccine. Now that's what I call a plan. The rollout plan may not have been great but at least there are vaccine options. Both administrations have their pluses and minuses. Hopefully, Biden can get the distribution to be more effective than the Trump administration.

What a Disgrace! Biden has to start from scratch!!!! The worst Pres in History!!!!!
Spoon fed by CNN I see, that story has been roundly;y debunked. Even the great Fauci stated there was a plan, may need t be improved. If your going to spout political garbage on a Pharma chat board, at least be informed..

Spoon fed by CNN I see, that story has been roundly;y debunked. Even the great Fauci stated there was a plan, may need t be improved. If your going to spout political garbage on a Pharma chat board, at least be informed..

The same Fauci that said he was Free like he was fresh out of Prison? The same one wh said he was WTF at Hydroxychloroquine and all the other dumb shite that Jackass said. That’s the past though. And what’s this shite about my taxpayer money going towards protection for adults Jr, Ivanka, and Tiffany?! They love welfare and living off my dime!!!! Since he’s supposedly so rich, let the Proud Boys protect him. Their dumbasses would be proud to.

"I take no responsibility, at all"

Yet the Fox News crowds still worships at the church of slurping bunker boy's orange niblet.

Go ahead, form a Patriot Party. Will be great to carve of 30% of the Repub power in Congress.

The same Fauci that said he was Free like he was fresh out of Prison? The same one wh said he was WTF at Hydroxychloroquine and all the other dumb shite that Jackass said. That’s the past though. And what’s this shite about my taxpayer money going towards protection for adults Jr, Ivanka, and Tiffany?! They love welfare and living off my dime!!!! Since he’s supposedly so rich, let the Proud Boys protect him. Their dumbasses would be proud to.
Fauci, the guy who has been wrong on just about everything CoViD related, guy does like his media time. Joe already admitted his biggest campaign promise was a lie, he cannot “shut down the virus”.

Fauci, the guy who has been wrong on just about everything CoViD related, guy does like his media time. Joe already admitted his biggest campaign promise was a lie, he cannot “shut down the virus”.
Fauci is nothing but a govt career employee turned politician who happens to have MD after his name. He’s nothing special. If he was he’d be researching, seeing patients & contributing instead of constantly on every news channel. The man literally does nothing!