Tell me about KK?

Why you worry about illicit activities Iam sure you all wrote the book on them. You know stalking and rooting peoples phone so you can eavesdrop is highly illegal right? So keep it up you are going to get caught and when you do, I don't think y'all going to be happy. Then when your in jail I guess you can write about tales of not dropping the soap. Perverts

Why you worry about illicit activities Iam sure you all wrote the book on them. You know stalking and rooting peoples phone so you can eavesdrop is highly illegal right? So keep it up you are going to get caught and when you do, I don't think y'all going to be happy. Then when your in jail I guess you can write about tales of not dropping the soap. Perverts
you can think your little friend S for the heads up. Lol

You have out of your mind if you think for a second, I don't for a second who all is really these dumb ass posts. You best believe it ain't any phram sales reps. Your getting mad because people are calling you stalkers and losers, well hell if the shoe fits wear it. You meth heads.o_O kettle pot black. Lol
You have to be out of your. If think I don't know who's really writing this

I think it's amazing that people are so obessed with one person just because that person won't let them in their pants, whether it be in their actual pants or in pockets where they usually keep the dead presidents. Lol Bottom line everybody knows that most of you ain't nothing but a bunch of cut throat hustlers. Who is just looking for someone to use. That's it. Iam so supposed to be upset because people like you are not part of my life.Give me a break. Trying make me think Iam missing out on something not. Iam sorry ,who would be lonely for that, you would have to hate yourself to put with people like you on a personal level. I feel sorry for your significant other s. If you would dog out people that you care about. What the hell you would to do for me.

You eavesdroping perve, did you think I was playing about law enforcement Iam not. Like I said thanks S your so smart you just gave everybody away. You morons, you smart town mid westerns can't hold hot water. That's good for me though. Lol

Did you know that obtaining somebody's security code to their phone so you can eavesdrop is highly illegal and punishable by law. Some people are going to want to talk to all of you very soon. Winners LOL