Tell me about KK?

Too funny! We have several Shire reps (5+ years) that are annoying in our district as well. They are basically Average at Best performers. I am surprised that they are still here and hanging on. They are definitely not entrepreneurs or risk takers. They just trudge along in life. I say make way for the young chargers!! Go KK!!

You freaking jerks! You're movers and shakers?.. In pharma? Hahahahahaha!
You are immature naive little turds who have no idea what reality is.
KK is. Joke!

Do you know anything about the market landscape, insurance coverage or physician access in the north? I'm guessing by your post that answer is NO!!!! Try selling up there of you're such a hot shot. Doesn't anybody wonder why so much of the success is always concentrated in specific states? It's not rocket science. I'd take a rep selling in a tough market place over one selling in an easy environment any day.

This is always a poor argument. Tough MARKET place means tough for EVERY rep, EVERY company, EVERY product. Easy MARKET place means easy for EVERY rep, EVERY company and EVERY product. Which presents different challenges. The sales calls may be different based on area, but to say one is easier than the other is just stupid. I have sold in both markets in the last 5 years. I can say the south my call was heavily focused on relationships and cost. In the North my calls was heavily focused on gaining access and cost. I didn't find one easier or harder than the other, just different.

Too funny! We have several Shire reps (5+ years) that are annoying in our district as well. They are basically Average at Best performers. I am surprised that they are still here and hanging on. They are definitely not entrepreneurs or risk takers. They just trudge along in life. I say make way for the young chargers!! Go KK!!

Yeah whatever. They're not called districts you optical moron!

This KK clone doesn't seem like she is an adult, nor an actual employee. Just some adolescent lurker on the site.

Message to old Shire reps - I can tell you the message in crayons if y'all want: It was said in the old days that every year Thor made a circle around Middle-earth, beating back the enemies of order. Thor got older every year, and the circle occupied by gods and men grew smaller. The wisdom god, Woden, went out to the king of the trolls, got him in an armlock, and demanded to know of him how order might triumph over chaos."Give me your left eye," said the king of the trolls, "and I'll tell you." Without hesitation, Woden gave up his left eye. "Now tell me."
The troll said, "The secret is, Watch with both eyes!

Message to old Shire reps - I can tell you the message in crayons if y'all want: It was said in the old days that every year Thor made a circle around Middle-earth, beating back the enemies of order. Thor got older every year, and the circle occupied by gods and men grew smaller. The wisdom god, Woden, went out to the king of the trolls, got him in an armlock, and demanded to know of him how order might triumph over chaos."Give me your left eye," said the king of the trolls, "and I'll tell you." Without hesitation, Woden gave up his left eye. "Now tell me."
The troll said, "The secret is, Watch with both eyes!

Blah blah blah blah blah blah... KK. Blah blah blah blah blah... Performers. Blah blah blah blah blah blah... Go girl!!

This is what we hear when you post.

And what we think is KK still sucks.

Typical old Shire post - vulgar! Here is a tip from us top performers - - - there's a way that you can throw negativity out there that seems rebellious. But we've always taken pleasure in a different kind of rebellion, which is putting a positive spin on everything, trying to enjoy oneself at all times.

Typical old Shire post - vulgar! Here is a tip from us top performers - - - there's a way that you can throw negativity out there that seems rebellious. But we've always taken pleasure in a different kind of rebellion, which is putting a positive spin on everything, trying to enjoy oneself at all times.

Keep squirtin that syrupy shit, especially when you can't defend the onslaught of disgruntled people since this bim took over. KKSUX

Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
Typical old Shire post - vulgar! Here is a tip from us top performers - - - there's a way that you can throw negativity out there that seems rebellious. But we've always taken pleasure in a different kind of rebellion, which is putting a positive spin on everything, trying to enjoy oneself at all times.

This is simply a-grammatical and incoherent. Why even respond? The poster obviously is waiting for soccer practice to begin.

Keep squirtin that syrupy shit, especially when you can't defend the onslaught of disgruntled people since this bim took over. KKSUX

I know it's sounds somewhat quaint , but I bet there's a market for civility and niceness out there that, while probably not as titillating as a junkyard scrap between shirtless adversaries, it'd sure be healthier. Practice being open minded to change and quit the spoiled little brat behavior.

I know it's sounds somewhat quaint , but I bet there's a market for civility and niceness out there that, while probably not as titillating as a junkyard scrap between shirtless adversaries, it'd sure be healthier. Practice being open minded to change and quit the spoiled little brat behavior.

Talk to your "leader" who is the biggest spoiled brat out there. None of this type of exchange ever happened until she got here. Change is inevitable but there is a right way and wrong way to go about it. She chose the wrong way.

No doubt KK reads this or at least has heard about this thread- which is a phenomenon at this point. However I think we've got it all wrong. Nothing here bothers her - instead she must take this mass disapproval as proving her correct - that she needs to bring in new loyalists and that the legacy reps need to go.

No doubt KK reads this or at least has heard about this thread- which is a phenomenon at this point. However I think we've got it all wrong. Nothing here bothers her - instead she must take this mass disapproval as proving her correct - that she needs to bring in new loyalists and that the legacy reps need to go.

And there lies the proof of her narcissistic personality disorder.

Cafepharma Editors: Please take down this worthless thread. It is primarily a haters posting opportunity. The losers at the Shire spend more time posting than working. Thank you and have a pleasant day. Shire Employees For Growth

Cafepharma Editors: Please take down this worthless thread. It is primarily a haters posting opportunity. The losers at the Shire spend more time posting than working. Thank you and have a pleasant day. Shire Employees For Growth

Maybe if KK improved her attitude and approach towards people she is supposed to be "leading" they wouldn't feel the need to post such comments. Let's face it, all of these people can't all be wrong. Whats disturbing is that this very topic on this thread has gone on for years at several companies on many other threads all about the same person. She's finally come up against a population who "have been around the block" and are not going to take her bullshit.

Wake up and look in the mirror KK. Your actions bring this on yourself, but you still refuse to take any ownership of the mess you created. You have lost this sales force just like the others.