Tell me about KK?

Nice shouting. The point by many, clearly too subtle for some, is that our "numbers" look good due to price increases and not big increases in market share. So "SALES!!!!" is a bit more complicated than your infantile post suggests. Nice try though.

Let's be transparent - - - we are salespeople and we are paid to deliver SALES!! KK must deliver SALES!! In business, words are words; explanations are explanations, promises are promises, but only performance is reality. The sooner we get rid of sub-par and just average salespeople the stronger the Shire will be! Support KK and sales management as we grow our company to financial sustainability and do not have to worry about the Abbvies buying us!! Have a great Mother's Day to the outstanding sales performers at Shire!!

So why is it then that a certain RD in The southeast who is "performing" based on goal attainment is actually losing share and barely growing any volume that is well below the market or the national average? Can you seriously call that performance while others are growing both but barely meeting goal attainment if at all? Sales and tracking those sales is bullshit and the whole incentive comp system is broken. Fix that KK. We've only been asking you for a year now. Didn't you say you would fix this in New Orleans and Chicago last summer? Or, are you just another empty suit like PS?

I looked up your family tree and found out you were the sap. Too bad you are a poor performer, adios!!!

I just love these one or maybe two idiots posting on here who think that everything that KK does is driven by performance. She is motivated by ego, jealousy & fear. She is a very insecure person and feels threatened by anyone who doesn't immediately line up and do what she wants. There is no "healthy debate." So, unless you have actually had interaction with her that consists of more than reciting your name, rank & territory, don't assume that you know what goes on behind the scenes. Ask anyone at corporate and you'll get an earful.

Performance? Ha, what a fucking laugh.

I just love these one or maybe two idiots posting on here who think that everything that KK does is driven by performance. She is motivated by ego, jealousy & fear. She is a very insecure person and feels threatened by anyone who doesn't immediately line up and do what she wants. There is no "healthy debate." So, unless you have actually had interaction with her that consists of more than reciting your name, rank & territory, don't assume that you know what goes on behind the scenes. Ask anyone at corporate and you'll get an earful.

Performance? Ha, what a fucking laugh.

Hey Loser: People who make the choice to study, work hard or do whatever they endeavor is to give it the max on themselves to reach to the top level. And you have the people who get envy and jealous, yet are not willing to put that work in, and they want to get the same praise.
Furthermore, you drunks envy people who drink like you -- at least you know what to blame everything on.

So why is it then that a certain RD in The southeast who is "performing" based on goal attainment is actually losing share and barely growing any volume that is well below the market or the national average? Can you seriously call that performance while others are growing both but barely meeting goal attainment if at all? Sales and tracking those sales is bullshit and the whole incentive comp system is broken. Fix that KK. We've only been asking you for a year now. Didn't you say you would fix this in New Orleans and Chicago last summer? Or, are you just another empty suit like PS?

Because goals are based on the expected growth of the territories. Many territories were hit hard with affordable care act. Many territories are hit hard with immediate release. Many territories are effected by ACA or even had wins with it. Many territories have little adult business or very little immediate release in their territories. Many territories are more cash based, many are not. The list goes on. Therefore, for a territory with a high share who was just hit with aca and are not covered well on it or are step edited than of course these territories will have a loss in market share. Or any of the other reasons. If KK and PS are aware of this the expectations for those territories is more on maintaining than growing. These territories will still make the company way more than a smaller territory who is growing market share. Territories with a a lower volume and/or who have just gained a win, would of course be expected to grow and therefore the goals will reflect that. It's not rocket science people.

Because goals are based on the expected growth of the territories. Many territories were hit hard with affordable care act. Many territories are hit hard with immediate release. Many territories are effected by ACA or even had wins with it. Many territories have little adult business or very little immediate release in their territories. Many territories are more cash based, many are not. The list goes on. Therefore, for a territory with a high share who was just hit with aca and are not covered well on it or are step edited than of course these territories will have a loss in market share. Or any of the other reasons. If KK and PS are aware of this the expectations for those territories is more on maintaining than growing. These territories will still make the company way more than a smaller territory who is growing market share. Territories with a a lower volume and/or who have just gained a win, would of course be expected to grow and therefore the goals will reflect that. It's not rocket science people.

That sounds all very well and good, but if you believe that degree of analysis is going into goal setting, you're an even bigger idiot than you are getting credit for.

Hey Loser: People who make the choice to study, work hard or do whatever they endeavor is to give it the max on themselves to reach to the top level. And you have the people who get envy and jealous, yet are not willing to put that work in, and they want to get the same praise.
Furthermore, you drunks envy people who drink like you -- at least you know what to blame everything on.

Part of the growth process on that journey to success is asking for and getting feedback. KK has received zero feedback along the way which is why she is a bull in a china shop. Have you ever tried giving her any? Her head will explode at the audacity of it. Thats not a leader, its a bully and a tyrant. She lacks professional skills (which explains other issues she has). In fact, its very much like your response calling someoe a "loser" for offering feedback that is well deserved. If I didn't know better (which I do) I'm pretty sure its KK so agressively defending herself here.

Because goals are based on the expected growth of the territories. Many territories were hit hard with affordable care act. Many territories are hit hard with immediate release. Many territories are effected by ACA or even had wins with it. Many territories have little adult business or very little immediate release in their territories. Many territories are more cash based, many are not. The list goes on. Therefore, for a territory with a high share who was just hit with aca and are not covered well on it or are step edited than of course these territories will have a loss in market share. Or any of the other reasons. If KK and PS are aware of this the expectations for those territories is more on maintaining than growing. These territories will still make the company way more than a smaller territory who is growing market share. Territories with a a lower volume and/or who have just gained a win, would of course be expected to grow and therefore the goals will reflect that. It's not rocket science people.

Please tel me you know that "affordable care act" and "ACA" are one in the same? Or has it hit you so hard, you feel the need to mention it twice? Funny it didn't seem to bother y'all in the south when managed care restrictions and generics first policies hurt the norther territories. What happened to all that great salemanship you all display down there? Woops!

Please tel me you know that "affordable care act" and "ACA" are one in the same? Or has it hit you so hard, you feel the need to mention it twice? Funny it didn't seem to bother y'all in the south when managed care restrictions and generics first policies hurt the norther territories. What happened to all that great salemanship you all display down there? Woops!

Have you seen the northern territories goals? They are ridiculously low always have been.

Part of the growth process on that journey to success is asking for and getting feedback. KK has received zero feedback along the way which is why she is a bull in a china shop. Have you ever tried giving her any? Her head will explode at the audacity of it. Thats not a leader, its a bully and a tyrant. She lacks professional skills (which explains other issues she has). In fact, its very much like your response calling someoe a "loser" for offering feedback that is well deserved. If I didn't know better (which I do) I'm pretty sure its KK so agressively defending herself here.

Dear Loser: The truth hurts - - - What has eight arms and an IQ of 60? - - - Four old Shire guys drinking Bud Light and watching a wrestling match!

Dear Loser: The truth hurts - - - What has eight arms and an IQ of 60? - - - Four old Shire guys drinking Bud Light and watching a wrestling match!

Here's one for these old Shire guys (we have two in our district): This morning when the old Shire rep put on his underwear, he could hear the Fruit of the Loom guys laughing at him.

These "men" are such complainers and anything new is wrong to them. I hope we get rid of them all!! Farty old wankers!

Have you seen the northern territories goals? They are ridiculously low always have been.

Do you know anything about the market landscape, insurance coverage or physician access in the north? I'm guessing by your post that answer is NO!!!! Try selling up there of you're such a hot shot. Doesn't anybody wonder why so much of the success is always concentrated in specific states? It's not rocket science. I'd take a rep selling in a tough market place over one selling in an easy environment any day.

Have you seen the northern territories goals? They are ridiculously low always have been.

The Road North goes ever on and on. Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road North has gone, And I must follow, if I can,Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way. Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say!

Here's one for these old Shire guys (we have two in our district): This morning when the old Shire rep put on his underwear, he could hear the Fruit of the Loom guys laughing at him.

These "men" are such complainers and anything new is wrong to them. I hope we get rid of them all!! Farty old wankers!

Too funny! We have several Shire reps (5+ years) that are annoying in our district as well. They are basically Average at Best performers. I am surprised that they are still here and hanging on. They are definitely not entrepreneurs or risk takers. They just trudge along in life. I say make way for the young chargers!! Go KK!!