Teleconference tomorrow, Time to say goodby


It looks like Mother Merck is tired of paying us to do nothing. Teleconference tomorrow for all the details. It’s been really fun these 4-5 months. I remodeled my kitchen, repainted the kids rooms and installed a new swimming pool. Well I didn’t to the work, I just watched because i got paid to do nothing.


It looks like Mother Merck is tired of paying us to do nothing. Teleconference tomorrow for all the details. It’s been really fun these 4-5 months. I remodeled my kitchen, repainted the kids rooms and installed a new swimming pool. Well I didn’t to the work, I just watched because i got paid to do nothing.
What is being announced is a four week academic training program with hard qualification end points. Pass and you stay flunk and your are gone

It looks like Mother Merck is tired of paying us to do nothing. Teleconference tomorrow for all the details. It’s been really fun these 4-5 months. I remodeled my kitchen, repainted the kids rooms and installed a new swimming pool. Well I didn’t to the work, I just watched because i got paid to do nothing.
What is being announced is a four week academic training program with hard qualification end points. Pass and you stay flunk and your are gone

Any pharmaceutical company whose CEO is spewing Marxist drivel about "systemic racism" (and thus has joined the ranks of TWANLOC *) is doomed.

*Those who are no longer our countrymen

When the CEO of Merck states that a covid vaccine is very difficult to ever produce you know he has a very negative attitude. No wonder why Merck has been failing for so many years with type of leadership outlook. Now employees will pay the price. Time long has passed for a change.

When the CEO of Merck states that a covid vaccine is very difficult to ever produce you know he has a very negative attitude. No wonder why Merck has been failing for so many years with type of leadership outlook. Now employees will pay the price. Time long has passed for a change.

Maurice Hilleman would have cursed him out (Hilleman's speciality) and kicked his ass.