Supreme Court to review overtime pay for reps


This has no bearing on the Pfizer overtime suit. The GSK overtime suit was shot down by a California circuit court, and the US Supreme Court is taking the case to overturn it in favor of the sales reps. The high court has already made their opinion known when they denied Novartis an appeal (Novartis reps won). Since the Pfizer suit will follow the Novartis case in the same NY circuit, it's pretty much a done deal.

The real question is this: does Pfizer settle with the suit ( and pay only those who opted in) or roll the dice and let a judge decide how much they owe ALL past reps?

This has no bearing on the Pfizer overtime suit. The GSK overtime suit was shot down by a California circuit court, and the US Supreme Court is taking the case to overturn it in favor of the sales reps. The high court has already made their opinion known when they denied Novartis an appeal (Novartis reps won). Since the Pfizer suit will follow the Novartis case in the same NY circuit, it's pretty much a done deal.

The real question is this: does Pfizer settle with the suit ( and pay only those who opted in) or roll the dice and let a judge decide how much they owe ALL past reps?

I was personally told be in the field from 8 - 5pm. Complete expense report and other administrative functions after hours, dinners, travel etc is after hours and no time off to compensate. I found myself working 12-17 hour days every day for the 10+ yrs I was at Pfizer. This was just required.

I think who ever signed on should be compensated. If someone chose not to sign on then they should not be compensated. They did not take the risk of signing the suit, nor did they take the risk in paying charges if the suit is lost. Because they could opt in or opting out the employee in my opinion did not feel they were working overtime. Those who opted in new they were working overtime. Probably 95% do work overtime...but should everyone be compensated whether they signed or not? In my opinion NO.

I was personally told be in the field from 8 - 5pm. Complete expense report and other administrative functions after hours, dinners, travel etc is after hours and no time off to compensate. I found myself working 12-17 hour days every day for the 10+ yrs I was at Pfizer. This was just required.

I think who ever signed on should be compensated. If someone chose not to sign on then they should not be compensated. They did not take the risk of signing the suit, nor did they take the risk in paying charges if the suit is lost. Because they could opt in or opting out the employee in my opinion did not feel they were working overtime. Those who opted in new they were working overtime. Probably 95% do work overtime...but should everyone be compensated whether they signed or not? In my opinion NO.

They can sue on their own.

Everybody works all weird hours more than 40, even if you are in the field a half day. The extra work is endless.

You are your own secretary for christ's sake.

Those who didn't sign on fear retribution. Get a clue.

If pfizer is found to owe overtime, then they broke the law. Everyone should be made whole on that, not just the brave employees who filed the suit.

Think about how busier/crowded/overwhelmed the courts would be if everyone filed suit now. how much it would cost pfizer in attorneys' fees. It would be much smarter for Pfizer to just cut fat checks for all sales' employees over the last 3-5 years where their statutes of limitations hasn't expired yet.