Supreme Court Decision


Look asswipe, nobody played golf with docs and nobody asked to be paid for such recreational activities if they were friends with a doc.

Now get back to your welfare life in your section 8 apartment, loser.

The Supreme Court has voted 5-4 AGAINST overtime pay for sales reps. Sorry, but your golf time with docs won't be paid for!!!

I used to work for a competitor and came here a few years ago. It told everyone there and here, aint no way on Gods green earth that we're going to win any money off of this mess. Everyone, and I mean everyone, shouted me down. I even posted same on both CP sites. Again, everyone shouted me down. Because of my tenure and the amount of "extra" hours I put in over the past 18 years, I wanted to shove this down Pfizer's gullet as much as anyone else. Tables are ALWAYS slanted toward those that already have what most of us seek.

The Supreme Court has voted 5-4 AGAINST overtime pay for sales reps. Sorry, but your golf time with docs won't be paid for!!!

Finally a decision that is worth reading about. I told everyone a long time ago that this would happen, but no one believed me. And I agree with the other poster. You don't get paid for playing golf with the docs. GREAT CALL BUDDY! I'm sorry but I think reps are the biggest waste of money and resources EVER! The products sell themselves with the research backed behind them. WE don't need a bunch of babies pushing these products. I say get rid of all the reps and make them work in the facility MAKING the drugs. They need to work 13 hour shifts every other weekend like the rest of us. HAHAHAHA! You guys thought you were going to get OT pay for doing nothing. Bunch of losers!

Finally a decision that is worth reading about. I told everyone a long time ago that this would happen, but no one believed me. And I agree with the other poster. You don't get paid for playing golf with the docs. GREAT CALL BUDDY! I'm sorry but I think reps are the biggest waste of money and resources EVER! The products sell themselves with the research backed behind them. WE don't need a bunch of babies pushing these products. I say get rid of all the reps and make them work in the facility MAKING the drugs. They need to work 13 hour shifts every other weekend like the rest of us. HAHAHAHA! You guys thought you were going to get OT pay for doing nothing. Bunch of losers!

Your self evident lack of intellect and shitty attitude will always keep you in the "facilities for 13 hour shifts".

Just be happy someone pays a dolt like you to do anything as simple as an assembly line widget builder, and let us make the rest of the world work to supply you with any kind of future. But hey, keep biting the hand that feeds you. How's that working out for ya?

And you think we're 'losers"? Wow, the irony!

Your self evident lack of intellect and shitty attitude will always keep you in the "facilities for 13 hour shifts".

Just be happy someone pays a dolt like you to do anything as simple as an assembly line widget builder, and let us make the rest of the world work to supply you with any kind of future. But hey, keep biting the hand that feeds you. How's that working out for ya?

And you think we're 'losers"? Wow, the irony!

A simple assembly line widget builder huh? O.K. that's why I have a Double Bachelor's in Chemistry and Biology. I'm the Supervisor overseeing a staff of 30 employees, and everyone respects me. The Directors come to me for advice on shifting employees from one department to another, and who I can afford to let go and not. The company sent me to Ireland for 3 years, paid for the entire thing, and allowed my wife and kids to visit me once a month....all free. I"m the highest paid supervisor on staff, been in the company for over 15 years, and worked my way up. I'll keep that widget mentality anyday, compared to having to kiss ass to all the people who think I'm a bore like you anytime. I have turned down 5 jobs in the past year, all with better 'possibilities' promised because I"m loyal. I do what I do and I do it better than anyone. And yes, I do think you guys are the loser because you tried to get something that wasn't owed to you. You wanted free money for no work.....and you live in America. Gee can you notice the irony? Probably not because you have no idea what that is because you never went to college.

A simple assembly line widget builder huh? O.K. that's why I have a Double Bachelor's in Chemistry and Biology. I'm the Supervisor overseeing a staff of 30 employees, and everyone respects me. The Directors come to me for advice on shifting employees from one department to another, and who I can afford to let go and not. The company sent me to Ireland for 3 years, paid for the entire thing, and allowed my wife and kids to visit me once a month....all free. I"m the highest paid supervisor on staff, been in the company for over 15 years, and worked my way up. I'll keep that widget mentality anyday, compared to having to kiss ass to all the people who think I'm a bore like you anytime. I have turned down 5 jobs in the past year, all with better 'possibilities' promised because I"m loyal. I do what I do and I do it better than anyone. And yes, I do think you guys are the loser because you tried to get something that wasn't owed to you. You wanted free money for no work.....and you live in America. Gee can you notice the irony? Probably not because you have no idea what that is because you never went to college.

and yet you're wasting time on cafepharma bragging about yourself as an anonymous user.

A simple assembly line widget builder huh? O.K. that's why I have a Double Bachelor's in Chemistry and Biology. I'm the Supervisor overseeing a staff of 30 employees, and everyone respects me. The Directors come to me for advice on shifting employees from one department to another, and who I can afford to let go and not. The company sent me to Ireland for 3 years, paid for the entire thing, and allowed my wife and kids to visit me once a month....all free. I"m the highest paid supervisor on staff, been in the company for over 15 years, and worked my way up. I'll keep that widget mentality anyday, compared to having to kiss ass to all the people who think I'm a bore like you anytime. I have turned down 5 jobs in the past year, all with better 'possibilities' promised because I"m loyal. I do what I do and I do it better than anyone. And yes, I do think you guys are the loser because you tried to get something that wasn't owed to you. You wanted free money for no work.....and you live in America. Gee can you notice the irony? Probably not because you have no idea what that is because you never went to college.

You still only have a Bachelors degree, do you know you can get one now from Univ of Phoenix really cheaply? My semi-retarded sister got a bachelors degree from a state school. It's obvious that someone coasted you your job then. Good luck you've had, but you are still NOT a rep.

Your self evident lack of intellect and shitty attitude will always keep you in the "facilities for 13 hour shifts".

Just be happy someone pays a dolt like you to do anything as simple as an assembly line widget builder, and let us make the rest of the world work to supply you with any kind of future. But hey, keep biting the hand that feeds you. How's that working out for ya?

And you think we're 'losers"? Wow, the irony!

Holy cow! That "widget builder" will take all of 10-12 weeks to get another job if we go bottom-up in the next 2-3 years, and have to undergo another surprise lay-off. But we, as sales people? My manager was let go 2.5 years, and now works for InVentiv at less than half of her salary here.

Bottom line is that we really shouldn't appear to be so ignorant or arrogant on CP. We have a bad enough perception out there. The Supreme Court decision, and all of the bad press (faked studies, hidden side effects, customer pay-offs, WAY off-label detailing) makes it harder and harder for people on the outside to respect what we do.

Please don't add fuel to the fire by calling people from R&D, doctors/office staff silly little names.

You still only have a Bachelors degree, do you know you can get one now from Univ of Phoenix really cheaply? My semi-retarded sister got a bachelors degree from a state school. It's obvious that someone coasted you your job then. Good luck you've had, but you are still NOT a rep.

Only have 2 Bachelor's Degree's you loser. You don't have one, and our Associate Director, just got his Master's from University of Phoenix, so I'll pass your good thoughts along to him on what you think of his schooling. Um, in response to your remark " coasted you your job then." Learn to use proper English and understand the meaning of what big words you are trying to use, then I will respond to your remarks. Oh and I would not be a rep, if my life depended on it. I have too much pride and self-respect , plus I never have,nor will I ever respect a rep who does nothing, does not understand work ethics, nor has ever put in an honest day's work in his/her life. And yes, that remark is directed towards ALL reps. Sorry, but it's the truth.

and yet you're wasting time on cafepharma bragging about yourself as an anonymous user.

not wasting my time, I never waste my time. The person I am conversing with knows who I am and I know who they are. It's a private conversation so you can butt out anytime you feel like it. Go and book your next flight to "represent" the company and see if you can somehow sue for some overtime that you claim you worked. Leave the real work to people like me. We have always done it in the past, and will continue to do it in the future.