Stop citing Jan 12!


It is amazing how rumors get started and how cafepharma is relied on as the end all be all source of information.

If something happens on Jan 12th is is all coincidence


It happened today. Where were you?

I already told all you idiots on previous threads that layoffs are in late January or early February before the meeting! AND, NQ are the only ones going. Its not going to be the bloodbath everyone thinks. Go back to work and stop making excuses for your lazy ass attitude just because you dont want to work! Throw all your Simcor PI stuff away, you got a fresh approved batch coming!! Good selling!!

I already told all you idiots on previous threads that layoffs are in late January or early February before the meeting! AND, NQ are the only ones going. Its not going to be the bloodbath everyone thinks. Go back to work and stop making excuses for your lazy ass attitude just because you dont want to work! Throw all your Simcor PI stuff away, you got a fresh approved batch coming!! Good selling!!

How about you take a look at the quota reports and give me an answer as to what is going on with those? Did the 500+ extra scripts per month in all the historical data just magically show up there or could there possible be some sort of "change" taking place right now? These quotas are already in motion. How can they not tell us what is going on?

Either they are lumping all of CSS+DSS together again and/or the zips completely changed. And this is not a rumor from cafe pharma you asshole, this is a FACT in black and white. Why do you think Oct snap and the IC deck are mysteriously missing? Since when have we ever gotten an IC report before snap? Or a quota report before the IC deck? THink about it!

How about you take a look at the quota reports and give me an answer as to what is going on with those? Did the 500+ extra scripts per month in all the historical data just magically show up there or could there possible be some sort of "change" taking place right now? These quotas are already in motion. How can they not tell us what is going on?

Either they are lumping all of CSS+DSS together again and/or the zips completely changed. And this is not a rumor from cafe pharma you asshole, this is a FACT in black and white. Why do you think Oct snap and the IC deck are mysteriously missing? Since when have we ever gotten an IC report before snap? Or a quota report before the IC deck? THink about it!

Well, think it is obvious to all that if you ever attended a college or university, that your major was not in philosophy or any science major of any sort. Your thinking and deductions are warped. No, not "Star Trek" warped, rather "illogical conclusion" warped. Your deductive reasoning is on par with my first grade child... you try really, really hard, but don't have the background information or brain power to reach a conclusion that makes any sense. Come back in a few years and humor us then.

Well, think it is obvious to all that if you ever attended a college or university, that your major was not in philosophy or any science major of any sort. Your thinking and deductions are warped. No, not "Star Trek" warped, rather "illogical conclusion" warped. Your deductive reasoning is on par with my first grade child... you try really, really hard, but don't have the background information or brain power to reach a conclusion that makes any sense. Come back in a few years and humor us then.

Really? "Illogical conclusion"? Do you even know how to read a quota report asshole? If you did (which I am positive you don't), you would see that 300-1,000 extra scripts per month (amt varies per territory) for the 12-month historical data do not just fall out of the sky! This is historical data that should NOT change. Here is an easier way to explain it to your first grade thinking. Take a look at your Q4 quota report and compare it to the Q1 2011 quota report. Now look at the colorful graph at the top and compare the data for July/Aug/Sept on both reports. Doesn't match up does it? Hmmmmmm.....wonder why it could be off when historical data does not change? You will be the one who looks like a complete idiot when these changes get announced.

I already told all you idiots on previous threads that layoffs are in late January or early February before the meeting! AND, NQ are the only ones going. Its not going to be the bloodbath everyone thinks. Go back to work and stop making excuses for your lazy ass attitude just because you dont want to work! Throw all your Simcor PI stuff away, you got a fresh approved batch coming!! Good selling!!

Go away DM