Stealth Religious Discrimination: Favoratism for L.D.S. Mormons


Pfizer has numerous upper management and DM's that are Mormon and take care of their own during downsizings. This is especially prevalent in Western states where Mormon favoratism in the workplace is pervasive. They usually get threads discussing this issue pulled by Cafe Pharma. How many of your LDS colleagues were cut? The EEOC is looking into this and need more Pfizer employees that have witnessed this religious favoritism to contact them.


Pfizer has numerous upper management and DM's that are Mormon and take care of their own during downsizings. This is especially prevalent in Western states where Mormon favoratism in the workplace is pervasive. They usually get threads discussing this issue pulled by Cafe Pharma. How many of your LDS colleagues were cut? The EEOC is looking into this and need more Pfizer employees that have witnessed this religious favoritism to contact them.

So here we go. I knew that you would come out in the open. You really did try to get someone to take your bait with your earlier posts, didn't you? So freakin sad, this company is.

Oh, well. Your...religious-ism will get you fired wherever else you may end up. I'm sorry to say that most of the outside world isn't like you.

Hmm, interesting post. I'd like to hear more about your theory. How bad is this anyway? I get that mormons hire mormons, jews hire jews, jocks hire jocks and smokin hot chicks (wait this is pharma, everybody hires smokin hot chicks).

My question is my manager may or may not know my religion of choice - but how does corporate or the company that orchestrates these cuts? Because, if I understand this correctly, my manager had zero input in the cuts. And his manager and her manager had no say in the cuts. So how would you explain LDS favoritism in this layoff situation? I'm not in Utah but I would bet that mormons were cut. If you are correct then maybe all non-mormons were laid off and all mormons were kept. Someone in Utah give us some stats stat!

Magic underwear people are no worse than any other religious group, Catholic or Evangelistas, as long as they have the decency to keep their religion to themselves. Unfortunately, there are those in all of the above that insist on spreading their poison. That is when we come out and jump on them with both boots. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom to prosetilize. Besides, true spirituality comes from within; it is not sold door-to-door, and it is not derived from some rambling idiot who has been out in the desert for too long.