Has anyone ever heard of Spectracell laboratories? What's the deal with them?
Honestly, I think this is a racket. I am convinced that the doctor who referred me was getting a hefty kickback because she hard-sold me these tests like it was a new car and it was going to solve all my ills and make me live 120 years. The Spectracell tests can cost upwards of $1000 if your insurance declines to pay (as mine did, because they considered it an "experimental" test.) I find that funny since the assay was patented in 1985 (4,499,064; Shive, William.) It's still considered experimental? Maybe that's because it has never been subjected to the rigor of peer review or FDA approval.
Does it actually work and is it useful? It's fairly irrelevant. If your Spectracell tests show you have a supposed "subclinical deficiency" in Vit D, guess what your doctor is going to do? He or she is going to tell you to take Vit D. So, no matter how you arrive at the "answer," the treatment is exactly the same- take more vitamins. You want to live longer and avoid future health problems due to micro-nutrient deficiency (like Spectracell hypes?) Same answer- take your vitamins.
My Spectracell tests were totally normal (even though I eat like cr.a.p, don't take vitamins and I went in to the doc for fatigue.) So, I paid over $1000 to be told that I need to eat right, take a high quality multivitamin with a good B complex. Take a comprehensive mineral complex. Take cod liver oil. Take aminos. Take probiotics. Eat blueberries. Don't eat sugar. Essentially, everything I've ever read in Prevention. Herp derp!
Oh yeah! I was also told to take iron. But I got that helpful tip from a $15 CBC.
Also, I have never dealt with a more inept company from an organizational standpoint. Their business arm is completely dysfunctional and it is clear that the customer service people give zero ducks about you. They don't have to. Most people are going to be cash customers because insurance isn't likely to cover their tests so once they have your money- who the he// are you?! I am so glad to be done with them. Gawdawful experience.