Should Coworkers Who Attended Insurrection At The DC Capitol Be Fired?


They were not very smart to post videos and pictures on social media (live) while committing violence, treason and crimes against the US. How stupid? The news shows they are being rounded up, arrested and LOKED UP. Make America great one arrest at a time!

Here you all go with hate on all sides.

I wasn't there but I know people who were. People of Eastern, Latino, Caucasian, Thai, etc. and yes, a few African people who were at the initial rally and DID NOTHING but behave fine. And MANY of the huge crowd of over 200 thousand or more left even as President Trump repeated his speak from the last week in Georgia, etc.

And what did the elected, outgoing President with apparently, narcissist and self-aggrandizement mental disorder actually SAY in that speech?! Well, the people I spoke too, who left at the end of it (just as I did speak to people at the many peaceful protests this summer), said he did not encourage going to the capital to do anything other than cheer on support for an electoral vote recount. Did he say things to say the election was rigged? Of course he did. That's his narrative. Was his intonation volatile? It always is in my estimation. He has problems like Joe Biden, has as many think, pre-senile dementia. Sadly, unfortunately. Mental illness or mental disease is everywhere.

Anyway, the people who tore this country up and down, one city and time this summer have not been prosecuted to the fullest extent of law. Public buildings including Police Stations burned out. Churches burned. Statues destroyed. Dozens and dozens of businesses looted and burned. Hundreds injured. Police vehicles burned out. Threw cement filled water bottles at police officers, etc. Threw Molotov cocktails at law enforcement. Attacked police and other law enforcement with many many injuries to law officers. Killed some law enforcement including retired officer called in to help business owners. Business owners killed or beaten. Any one that looked like a Trump target, targeted for injury including at least one shot in cold blood, dead. Taking over entire blocks of cities unlawfully. And many not saying one word to condemn the protracted violence. Keep reading as you will see I am not on one side but all sides of the people.

Now some simply seize this as an opportunity to call it an insurrection on Capital Hill. Complete misuse of the word. The pipe bombs or whatever, recovered were not used. The small percentage of that massive crowd who did walk the ~1 mile to the Capital, those lunatics storming into the Capital did little damage but yes it's a Federal crime, prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. And one white female, a 14 year veteran of the military was shot dead in cold blood by an AFRICAN AMERICAN Capital Hill police officer. And I am sure he feels remorseful beyond belief but she won't be breathing another breath as he is today. You don't hear that much because it doesn't fit our major media agenda, ratings, narrative, etc. To find the truth you have look at all sides and dig deep in your research to even come close to a 'truthful' perspective.


This country is simply DIVIDED by the Political and Corporate ELITISTS. Who runs this game, this country? It isn't our professional politicians. We have so many problems in this country, race is certainly one. But, to serve ALL in this Republic (as it is not a true democracy).

We need calm, thoughtful discourse to do the following with our bought out politicians:

1) ENACT TERM LIMITS in the Federal Government and the 7 States or so that still have NOT ENACTED TERM LIMITS.




We are ONE PEOPLE torn apart by the real powers that be in OUR ONE AMERICA. We are being played one against the other for power, thought control and wealth.

This is not be incendiary (see link on YouTube), that is to heighten animosity and hate to drive revenge and vengeance. But to document a bit the call to violent act were common this past year. Just as our outgoing President has said many, many things on social media and live speeches for several years that are dividing. It's all bad, likely evil and it tears us apart. Violence of any type is never higher moral ground by anyone or any group.

We have to rise above the power broker manipulators running major corporations like this one, the aristocrats that tell you how to think and the politicians 'bought & paid' for by those groups. We want as perfect a Union, in peace with everyone able to pursue life, liberty and pursuit of happiness as they see it in a fast fading, free land.

Yes, CP may be better served if we leave political banter aside, but at this time, I think not. Calm, balanced ideas to move us forward, together, as the one people we are, is needed everywhere we interact.

In peace.

How did you think it would end? Democrats and Progressives Inciting Violence.

It’s all Trumps fault from his lies and criminal conduct! He encourages it. He uses hate and division. I like the previous post, make America great one arrest at a time. The criminals involved are going down across the county from murder to stealing govt property. This is just the beginning. Prison terms up to 20 years. Watch the news closely the FBI will make examples of the ring leaders. There are a lot of scared MAGA terrorist scrambling across the county right now. Get your popcorn ready....

It’s all Trumps fault from his lies and criminal conduct! He encourages it. He uses hate and division. I like the previous post, make America great one arrest at a time. The criminals involved are going down across the county from murder to stealing govt property. This is just the beginning. Prison terms up to 20 years. Watch the news closely the FBI will make examples of the ring leaders. There are a lot of scared MAGA terrorist scrambling across the county right now. Get your popcorn ready....

They are your neighbors, coworkers, Policeman (Yes, defund), Military. Scary times not only for Minorities but the Vanilla Isis is going after their own.

It’s all Trumps fault from his lies and criminal conduct! He encourages it. He uses hate and division. I like the previous post, make America great one arrest at a time. The criminals involved are going down across the county from murder to stealing govt property. This is just the beginning. Prison terms up to 20 years. Watch the news closely the FBI will make examples of the ring leaders. There are a lot of scared MAGA terrorist scrambling across the county right now. Get your popcorn ready....

See how uniformed, manipulative, or unchallenged this poster is to look at things truly with an unbiased, "uncolored" lens? The wisest of us, is the person who can incorporate the greatest number of contradictions in looking at complex situations and issues such as what ails us here in America.

Words matter:
  • All "blank person's" fault - Anyone knows that is rarely the case in human matters.
  • Uses hate and division - Anyone knows that revenge and vengeance is in its root form, hate and common on either side of an downward spiral in human relations.
  • "Make America Great" one arrest at a time play on a marketing slogan just as one could make a nasty cut on slogans from this Spring and Summer. That yields nothing positive. Only more anger and hate.
  • Ring leaders - There are ring leaders every where. Most are not seen.
  • Terrorists - There are terrorists every where. But to use such a volatile word is in fact, volatile.
  • Get your popcorn ready..... This is no game. No show. No rehearsal. This is lives. Dignity and respect is what every one wants, correct? Well, most say, you have to give it to receive it. For example if I am talking to person convicted of a felony, or I visit a convicted felon in jail, do I show him sincere respect? You know I do because that is right. I am not their judge. I know they've been disrespected for typically a long time. Even if you say, they don't deserve respect, I give it. It's right, to move FORWARD.

This is not a joke. An act. An experiment like here in the labs of AZ. This is life for everyone. I have one major hope, we see we are being manipulated by forces that want division on either side or sides. If we are divided we are weak and have no collective voice of reason. If hate and violence lead our behavior on any side, that's succumbing to low human behavior. We have to be calm, respectful and act together on things that can make a big difference for the people collectively to regain control of our country.

  1. Term Limits for all politicians, including the six or seven states that still have no term limits.
  2. No pension for politicians, they are public servants. Period.
  3. Major lobbyist reform to limit the massive influence and corruption. So even if you root for AZ and PhRMA, you should root for this more if you have the moral integrity your claiming.
  4. A third (3rd) Major Political Party should be considered and made viable asap.
  5. Support small or at least smaller regional business wherever and whenever you can. Not these massive corporations that play a real role in shaping the world to serve them more and more.
So, you work for a major corporation do you!?!?
So, you make a living getting paid by a mammoth corporation do you?!
So you have a passion for social and moral, ethical issues do you?
Then, be consistent in your logic and character/integrity across all sides of this mess.​

We deserve the chance to be ONE PEOPLE undivided by any party, any particular agenda, etc.

Here you all go with hate on all sides.

I wasn't there but I know people who were. People of Eastern, Latino, Caucasian, Thai, etc. and yes, a few African people who were at the initial rally and DID NOTHING but behave fine. And MANY of the huge crowd of over 200 thousand or more left even as President Trump repeated his speak from the last week in Georgia, etc.

And what did the elected, outgoing President with apparently, narcissist and self-aggrandizement mental disorder actually SAY in that speech?! Well, the people I spoke too, who left at the end of it (just as I did speak to people at the many peaceful protests this summer), said he did not encourage going to the capital to do anything other than cheer on support for an electoral vote recount. Did he say things to say the election was rigged? Of course he did. That's his narrative. Was his intonation volatile? It always is in my estimation. He has problems like Joe Biden, has as many think, pre-senile dementia. Sadly, unfortunately. Mental illness or mental disease is everywhere.

Anyway, the people who tore this country up and down, one city and time this summer have not been prosecuted to the fullest extent of law. Public buildings including Police Stations burned out. Churches burned. Statues destroyed. Dozens and dozens of businesses looted and burned. Hundreds injured. Police vehicles burned out. Threw cement filled water bottles at police officers, etc. Threw Molotov cocktails at law enforcement. Attacked police and other law enforcement with many many injuries to law officers. Killed some law enforcement including retired officer called in to help business owners. Business owners killed or beaten. Any one that looked like a Trump target, targeted for injury including at least one shot in cold blood, dead. Taking over entire blocks of cities unlawfully. And many not saying one word to condemn the protracted violence. Keep reading as you will see I am not on one side but all sides of the people.

Now some simply seize this as an opportunity to call it an insurrection on Capital Hill. Complete misuse of the word. The pipe bombs or whatever, recovered were not used. The small percentage of that massive crowd who did walk the ~1 mile to the Capital, those lunatics storming into the Capital did little damage but yes it's a Federal crime, prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. And one white female, a 14 year veteran of the military was shot dead in cold blood by an AFRICAN AMERICAN Capital Hill police officer. And I am sure he feels remorseful beyond belief but she won't be breathing another breath as he is today. You don't hear that much because it doesn't fit our major media agenda, ratings, narrative, etc. To find the truth you have look at all sides and dig deep in your research to even come close to a 'truthful' perspective.


This country is simply DIVIDED by the Political and Corporate ELITISTS. Who runs this game, this country? It isn't our professional politicians. We have so many problems in this country, race is certainly one. But, to serve ALL in this Republic (as it is not a true democracy).

We need calm, thoughtful discourse to do the following with our bought out politicians:

1) ENACT TERM LIMITS in the Federal Government and the 7 States or so that still have NOT ENACTED TERM LIMITS.




We are ONE PEOPLE torn apart by the real powers that be in OUR ONE AMERICA. We are being played one against the other for power, thought control and wealth.
You sound guilty. We’re you the one who rubbed his balls on Prlosi’s desk or spread your feces around the capital? All because your itty bitty feelings were hurt cause your hero lost the election?? I’m siding with the BLM people you a$$wipe