Shire needs to incorporate "teamwork" training

Our culture has been diluted by these simpletons who have to hang onto KK and PS. And like those two, these simpletons think they are clever when they are simply dull.
HR indicated it is just one person writing negative posts daily! What a shame this troll doesn't have a life. Get lost and go to another site like Dumb and Dumber!!

HR indicated it is just one person writing negative posts daily! What a shame this troll doesn't have a life. Get lost and go to another site like Dumb and Dumber!!
Nice try... No way HR would even know this unless they are the web host. I also suppose this one troll has followed these idiots from company to company posting the same displeasure and mistrust?

What a lame attempt to divert from the truth. That is exactly how KK and PS lead.

Blah! Blah! One poster has highjacked our site with his negative tripe! He was fired at B&L and now has polluted the Shire site. Ignore his stupidity! As for teamwork, I agree that doubling up on D-10s really doesn't lead to incremental Rxs.

Blah! Blah! One poster has highjacked our site with his negative tripe! He was fired at B&L and now has polluted the Shire site. Ignore his stupidity! As for teamwork, I agree that doubling up on D-10s really doesn't lead to incremental Rxs.

Hey dumbass, stop with your propaganda. Ask anyone here at Shire and the response is the same about the ineptness of this horrible leadership. Yhey dupply not motivation, no vision and are OBSESSED with busy work to make thrmselves look good after they spin the sales numbers.

Now its time for YOU, the one lone poster hijacking this site in defense of a egotistical, narcissistic VP of sales.

I'm curious, what skin do you have in this? If you were in touch with your peers, you would know the complaints about kobe anf sternberg are very real and widespread. We all laugh at what a trainwreck she is particularly. Were you awake at any meetings this year?

Dear Lone Negative Poster: Shire Security will be contacting you today! There is a court order to ban you from posting on this site! Try the Pfizer or Merck sites next. Adios Loser!

Dear Lone Negative Poster: Shire Security will be contacting you today! There is a court order to ban you from posting on this site! Try the Pfizer or Merck sites next. Adios Loser!
I have a friend who is in corporate security. They said that the entire department loves reading these posts about PS and KK. The truth is KK is the one that security is watching out for since she routinely breaks compliance policies and is a walking lawsuit waiting to happen. It'll be real exciting the day they walk her out in handcuffs. Just ask the TX team about her "field days"

I have a friend who is in corporate security. They said that the entire department loves reading these posts about PS and KK. The truth is KK is the one that security is watching out for since she routinely breaks compliance policies and is a walking lawsuit waiting to happen. It'll be real exciting the day they walk her out in handcuffs. Just ask the TX team about her "field days"
What a looney tune you are!! bawhahahaha!

It's funny that one depraved "person" who defends years and hundreds of posts calling out hostile leadership is calling someone else a looney tune.

I've seen it all now... check please?

We are on a site advertised and specified as anonymous, speaking freely. I wonder what comic book world our lone defender lives in where he/she thinks silly threats to track down the several hundred posters who opine truthfully about leadership hold any water. Shows the immaturity of the few supporters, as if more proof were needed.