Shire = Fear-based workplace

No need to work here... plenty on money in the bank. U must be the bum that was begging for their commision check on here because they are broke. I hear McDonald's pays weekly... u might be able to get hired there.
So with all your money why stay here where people can't stand you and you make them miserable?

From the same fired troll at Merck, Novartis, B&L and soon to be Shire.

If Perry ever decides to pack it in and retire (and for the sake of all of pharma I hope he does) what will our sweet, plump, over medicated ice-queen do in life?
Dear Fired Troll: Your false and vile posts are laughed at by the Shire sales team. We are doing quite well without little thugs being in our Shire family. You really need to seek help and try to turn to a positive and enriching lifestyle. Just remember that while you post crap, we are making great salaries/bonuses. Have a nice day!

Dear Fired Troll: Your false and vile posts are laughed at by the Shire sales team. We are doing quite well without little thugs being in our Shire family. You really need to seek help and try to turn to a positive and enriching lifestyle. Just remember that while you post crap, we are making great salaries/bonuses. Have a nice day!

Hi KK, you have a nice day too and don't spend your entire day on CP. Hit the gym and start working on that stubborn belly f at.

Dear Fired Troll: Your false and vile posts are laughed at by the Shire sales team. We are doing quite well without little thugs being in our Shire family. You really need to seek help and try to turn to a positive and enriching lifestyle. Just remember that while you post crap, we are making great salaries/bonuses. Have a nice day!

You are absolutely right... we do laugh at these posts but not for the reasons you think... we laugh because though some posts are exaggerated a little most are so accurate we laugh... that is all there is to do with these leaders is laugh at them... I used to get mad and discouraged but when those thoughts creep in my mind I just whisper to myself how lucky I am to be at the top of Shires pyramid... and then I laugh at the incompetence of fo ps kk and kc... it is all so sad but funny at the same time

You are absolutely right... we do laugh at these posts but not for the reasons you think... we laugh because though some posts are exaggerated a little most are so accurate we laugh... that is all there is to do with these leaders is laugh at them... I used to get mad and discouraged but when those thoughts creep in my mind I just whisper to myself how lucky I am to be at the top of Shires pyramid... and then I laugh at the incompetence of fo ps kk and kc... it is all so sad but funny at the same time

LOL... yep

Dear Fired Troll: Your false and vile posts are laughed at by the Shire sales team. We are doing quite well without little thugs being in our Shire family. You really need to seek help and try to turn to a positive and enriching lifestyle. Just remember that while you post crap, we are making great salaries/bonuses. Have a nice day!

Who is making great bonuses? Not NBU. Our national goal attainment last year was 95% and 98%. In 2016 most reps made $15,000-$25,000 less than the previous year (at the same time we hit over $2 billion in sales for Vyvanse). Now 2017 is set to follow that same trajectory since the nation is currently at 98%.
As the other post said, the only thing on here we're laughing at is the "leadership" of those in charge running this company in the ground. I also laugh at the one Shire cheerleader on here trying to defend leadership and the company. It couldn't be more obvious who this one person is!

Who is making great bonuses? Not NBU. Our national goal attainment last year was 95% and 98%. In 2016 most reps made $15,000-$25,000 less than the previous year (at the same time we hit over $2 billion in sales for Vyvanse). Now 2017 is set to follow that same trajectory since the nation is currently at 98%.
As the other post said, the only thing on here we're laughing at is the "leadership" of those in charge running this company in the ground. I also laugh at the one Shire cheerleader on here trying to defend leadership and the company. It couldn't be more obvious who this one person is!
What a stupid fool you is!

Dear Fired Troll: Your false and vile posts are laughed at by the Shire sales team. We are doing quite well without little thugs being in our Shire family. You really need to seek help and try to turn to a positive and enriching lifestyle. Just remember that while you post crap, we are making great salaries/bonuses. Have a nice day!

I've decided KK isn't even trying to hide her identity on here by always referring to either Fired troll or Old Shire. She must think it will intimidate people to know she is on here or something. It can't be because she thinks people will actually believe her posts.

And KK please don't use the phrase "Shire family". You're just the awful step mom our senile father screws and none of the kids respect. No amount of money will change what you are and how you got in our household.

I've decided KK isn't even trying to hide her identity on here by always referring to either Fired troll or Old Shire. She must think it will intimidate people to know she is on here or something. It can't be because she thinks people will actually believe her posts.

And KK please don't use the phrase "Shire family". You're just the awful step mom our senile father screws and none of the kids respect. No amount of money will change what you are and how you got in our household.
Seriously Kathy, you shoild read and believe this post above because its exactly what most of OBU and NBU really think when they are sitting there watching you on stage.

Congrats to the top fastest survey completers from the OBU!!!

KK actually sent out an email to the OBU on the three reps who responded the fastest to the bullshit survey she sent out....Insanity!!!


Dear BL Troll: Quit posting fake news! We now have 94% third party coverage!! Go back to smoking weed!
Shire Security is collecting IP addresses in order to sue for harassing and inaccurate postings! Good luck!

Great. More of the NBU hard earned money going to more ridiculous things. Like legal fees to sue people who are telling the truth. Good luck with that one. These posts on CP aren't harassment or inaccurate and they aren't being made by "fired trolls" and it's not "fake news". We all wish it was. The truth is right in front of your face. Open your eyes and accept it. I'm still waiting for a response to a question I've asked the one Pro Shire person posting: what is one thing Shire leadership has done that's positive? Just one thing. Anything? It's hard to think of something I know. Maybe that's why no one has answered it.

Dear BL Troll: Quit posting fake news! We now have 94% third party coverage!! Go back to smoking weed!
Shire Security is collecting IP addresses in order to sue for harassing and inaccurate postings! Good luck!

First, I have nothing to do with Shire.. Don't know a thing about the company. I happened across this thread only because it was one of the "newest post" threads at the top of the Forums section. I always like to check out what is going on at other companies.

But whoever posted this..... well, you are an idiot. Cafepharma doesn't even collect IP addresses. This board has been around for about 20 years now. A long long time. Sarah and the other employees have made it very clear since day 1 that everything you are claiming simply does not happen. Maybe you should catch up a little on how cafepharma works before posting idiotic comments.

"Per our policies, cafepharma does not record IP addresses with anonymous posts. So even with a subpoena or a court order, there is no information to provide on the origin of anonymous posts."