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Shire Coming to Kick Your Butts

do have a question for you Allergan reps. If you are not worried and your company isn't worried about Xiidra, how com every time, and I mean every time we meet y'all have a spy that tries to get into the meeting? They get caught every time. Tells me y'all are very worried loosing market share to us. Just saying, it stinks of desperation!

"Loosing" market share? Lol
Apparently Shire Reps are worse at spelling than my 2nd grader. I'll take the enterprise rep all day over this idiot.

"Loosing" market share? Lol
Apparently Shire Reps are worse at spelling than my 2nd grader. I'll take the enterprise rep all day over this idiot.

So sorry I misspelled a word. Sometimes typing fast my finger doesn't hit a letter hard enough on this iPad, unlike I hard I would beat your bi!ch a$$. Wasn't aware that we were "being graded on cafe pharma"...so, no one has made a comment regarding my initial post. If you, the most wise and awesome Allergan reps are not worried, why try to sneak into Shire meetings? Desperation at its finest! LMAO

"Loosing" market share? Lol
Apparently Shire Reps are worse at spelling than my 2nd grader. I'll take the enterprise rep all day over this idiot.

Do yourself a favor Shire Reps!! Go sell some Saline Solution instead of your garbage, "sign and symptom" crap of a product. Xiidra should really be sold for rinsing and storing contact lenses!! Years of product denials and that is the best you guys got?!! Cherry picking to find any little difference you could from Saline. Saline did as good as Xiidra in your garbage studies! My 3 year old daughter could design a better study than your product investigators!

Do yourself a favor Shire Reps!! Go sell some Saline Solution instead of your garbage, "sign and symptom" crap of a product. Xiidra should really be sold for rinsing and storing contact lenses!! Years of product denials and that is the best you guys got?!! Cherry picking to find any little difference you could from Saline. Saline did as good as Xiidra in your garbage studies! My 3 year old daughter could design a better study than your product investigators!
Sounds like someone is hostile bc we actually have a dry eye indication and work FASTER! You mad you didn't get hired?

So sorry I misspelled a word. Sometimes typing fast my finger doesn't hit a letter hard enough on this iPad, unlike I hard I would beat your bi!ch a$$. Wasn't aware that we were "being graded on cafe pharma"...so, no one has made a comment regarding my initial post. If you, the most wise and awesome Allergan reps are not worried, why try to sneak into Shire meetings? Desperation at its finest! LMAO
Yes! you are and your grade is a C-

Do yourself a favor Shire Reps!! Go sell some Saline Solution instead of your garbage, "sign and symptom" crap of a product. Xiidra should really be sold for rinsing and storing contact lenses!! Years of product denials and that is the best you guys got?!! Cherry picking to find any little difference you could from Saline. Saline did as good as Xiidra in your garbage studies! My 3 year old daughter could design a better study than your product investigators!
You obviously don't know the history of your own product. You might hold off on spouting off.

Why does everyone get so personal about an IBS drug?! You all are legitimately fighting over bowel movements. It's ridiculous.

It is going to be difficult for any drug to top Linzess. It's a fantastic product that has sold really well and will probably continue to do so. I've never heard a bad thing about it from a doctor.

It's a market that kind of reminds me of the thyroid market. After Synthroid became established, there was never an opportunity for real success with any other product. No matter what has come out, nothing has been able to top it. I think Linzess is on the track for the same type of success - it works and it's affordable.

You're right. It's weak. So much so that it's NOT the biggest product in eye care with a single indication and no doctor knows about it. Shire's new saline product will crash and burn next to Restasis.

No one cares. This place is not a good place to work anyways. Many people have left. I have worked in the industry for 13 years and have never seen any place so horrible.

Shire friends, you got nothing. You have been sold a big story. You are toast in a year.

Someone has been sold a big story alright, but it doesn't appear to be Shire. All I know is one of my longtime Restasis supporters told me today that one of his patients came back after just 3 weeks saying words like "miracle"/"unbelievable"/"this is the first time anything has worked for me". The doctor also said the patient said she didn't even care if it wasn't covered and would pay full price for it because of how her eyes felt. OMG!! I think our management is the one that sold US the big story that Xiidra wasn't all it's cracked up to be. Figures, just when I was having a good year. Oh well, I'll ride it out and hope that managed care story plays.

Someone has been sold a big story alright, but it doesn't appear to be Shire. All I know is one of my longtime Restasis supporters told me today that one of his patients came back after just 3 weeks saying words like "miracle"/"unbelievable"/"this is the first time anything has worked for me". The doctor also said the patient said she didn't even care if it wasn't covered and would pay full price for it because of how her eyes felt. OMG!! I think our management is the one that sold US the big story that Xiidra wasn't all it's cracked up to be. Figures, just when I was having a good year. Oh well, I'll ride it out and hope that managed care story plays.


Most people on Xiidra comiing back complaiiniing about shiit taste iin theiir mouth, liittle to no effiicacy, hiigh cost, iirritation way worse than Restasis.