Saying goodbye


it is time, a lot of good people have come and gone and this place is just being fixed up for a sale - so obvious remember what they told us over the years the US funds R and D and and now that the profit is so tight it is a fore gone conclusion that there is no longer a long term strategy for this place. We will be faced with higher goals, higher profit goals and increasing pressure from Managed Care plans.

A lot of us have been planning for this for a long time and have other opportunities and the time is to leave while we are in control of our own destiny not sitting around waiting for some stooge to call you on a teleconference and announce what a sad day it is for Galderma and a sad day for you. That was DLS line what an incompetent fool. When are those guys getting there severance package? they continue to be part of the problem not the solution. Leave while you can and others in the industry are still interested in you.

Most of those middle management hacks will be lucky to find a rep job when this house of cards comes falling down...they better start to cut back, out their McMansions up for sale and face reality

I left turned in my resignation last August/September and was paid for the remainder of my vacation time (there are jobs out there and much happier since I left).

So glad to hear that, thank you for your response! I look forward to working in less of a "Big Brother" environment...I still can't believe that these creepy iPads sync every 15 minutes. "You've been checkpointed"=ugh, get me the F out of this place

I don't know, but was talking to someone still there and heard a classic dumbass no foresight management decision. They told certain reps use the restricted target cards wherever they thought made sense and that they "trusted" them and then exactly a week later sent out a rediculoisly detailed email in legal print changing the entire protocol and restricting to a short target list again. What a bunch of middle management hacks!!! Same crap leadership that crashed and burned us the last few years. How did these tools survive the layoff while we walked.... When it was their dumbass managing that got the company here.

I'm better off now, but just cannot believe these two idiots!!!!! You just have to laugh at the good old boys... Them there are some smart mans!!

Our so called management has no idea how to compete and grow a company in this environment. The only people left are a bunch of ass kissing morons that sucked up to the European goofs that own and run the company worldwide. Keep working on your exit strategy, control your own destiny and don't worry about these guys. The sooner you get out the sooner you can move on with a company that is growing and has a future.

So glad to hear that, thank you for your response! I look forward to working in less of a "Big Brother" environment...I still can't believe that these creepy iPads sync every 15 minutes. "You've been checkpointed"=ugh, get me the F out of this place

One more thing that HR told me, to put my last day as September 1st on my resignation letter because that way I will still have medical coverage the entire month of September even though I put my resignation in the last part of August.