Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare deal

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Sussman did nothing to break the law.

She did her job and she did it well. Kindler, according to my sources, was the one who was in on back door deals and very heavily involved with the Democratic Party.

If anyone is the blame it's the Pres. for partaking in the backdoor deals and leaving Congress out of it. ObamaCare would have never passed Congress if they had known about all the different backdoor, sweetheart deals to healthcare industry. Obama, according to Congressmen, also alledgedly bribed some members of Congress with PORK that would benefit their states.

ObamaCare is not a good deal for America but obviously neither is Capitalistic Healthcare because of the excessive greed in every corner which has driven costs out of sight.

Ah, a Susman minion...she may have done her job for Pfizer....BUT she is also an a mjor campaign bundler for how do you expect Pfizer to be trusted by the public when the person that is our face to the public does $35k a plate fundraisers for Obama in Manhatten in her spare time...the public does not trust politicians and will not trust her either...

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

You're pathetic; your self-righteous demeanor impresses no one!

What?? I agree with the comment, AND fact is if Obama is reelected it would surprise no one if like her daddy she got a job from the administration for all her fundraising...Obama and politics is her first priority, Pfizer is just a way to line her pockets with some spending money...Susman is the poster child for what is wrong with this company...

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

What?? I agree with the comment, AND fact is if Obama is reelected it would surprise no one if like her daddy she got a job from the administration for all her fundraising...Obama and politics is her first priority, Pfizer is just a way to line her pockets with some spending money...Susman is the poster child for what is wrong with this company...

Like I said, you're pathetic; your self-righteous demeanor impresses no one! Sally is a great person and has brought many benefits to Pfizer Inc. You're just jealous of her success!

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Like I said, you're pathetic; your self-righteous demeanor impresses no one! Sally is a great person and has brought many benefits to Pfizer Inc. You're just jealous of her success!

lol, either Sally herself or one of her drones...the only person Susman has brought "great benefits" to is herself and Obama, certainly not Pfizer. And I do not think the PP was being self-righteous, merely stating fact with some opinion mixed in. You are of that opinion becase you are the type of person that thinks anyone who does not have your views is wrong. You are obviously a kool-aide drinker who is blinded by loyalty to Susman...and no one missed the fact that you claim Susman has brought "great benefit" to Pfizer but failed to back it up with any facts...

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Like I said, you're pathetic; your self-righteous demeanor impresses no one! Sally is a great person and has brought many benefits to Pfizer Inc. You're just jealous of her success!

ah yes, the age old liberal tactic when they have no facts to back-up their position...resort to name predictable

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Like I said, you're pathetic; your self-righteous demeanor impresses no one! Sally is a great person and has brought many benefits to Pfizer Inc. You're just jealous of her success!

I am not at all jealous of people who use other people's money to buy and spotlight politicians, in return for their own agendas. This is my opinion. I also believe that anybody affiliated in an Industry who "lobbys" for public policy, needs to be registered as a "lobbyist". An unregistered "lobbyist" who "lobbys" is like a Dr. who practices medicine without a lisence; or a person who drives a car without a registration.

Personally, I would rather be self-righteous; than self-serving.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I am not at all jealous of people who use other people's money to buy and spotlight politicians, in return for their own agendas. This is my opinion. I also believe that anybody affiliated in an Industry who "lobbys" for public policy, needs to be registered as a "lobbyist". An unregistered "lobbyist" who "lobbys" is like a Dr. who practices medicine without a lisence; or a person who drives a car without a registration.

Personally, I would rather be self-righteous; than self-serving.

very well stated, I agree!

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I think her biggest mistake was getting her name plastered all over the Media for being an Obama Campaign Bundler.

I don't have so much of a prob with back door deals regarding policy that can benefit the company and industry. She was doing her job. If anybody is to fault it is the White House who alledgedly, decided to keep these deals hidden from Congress.

The extra monies to the O campaign, and organizing a very high profile campaign dinner as a bundler, under the Pfizer name,(Sally Sussman of Pfizer) seemed self serving. One could argue it was done on her personal time, but having the Public Position of being "Pfizer's Face, PAC handler and Poster Woman"...not so cool. But that's my opinion.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I think her biggest mistake was getting her name plastered all over the Media for being an Obama Campaign Bundler.

I don't have so much of a prob with back door deals regarding policy that can benefit the company and industry. She was doing her job. If anybody is to fault it is the White House who alledgedly, decided to keep these deals hidden from Congress.

The extra monies to the O campaign, and organizing a very high profile campaign dinner as a bundler, under the Pfizer name,(Sally Sussman of Pfizer) seemed self serving. One could argue it was done on her personal time, but having the Public Position of being "Pfizer's Face, PAC handler and Poster Woman"...not so cool. But that's my opinion.

You summed it up well.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I think her biggest mistake was getting her name plastered all over the Media for being an Obama Campaign Bundler.

I don't have so much of a prob with back door deals regarding policy that can benefit the company and industry. She was doing her job. If anybody is to fault it is the White House who alledgedly, decided to keep these deals hidden from Congress.

The extra monies to the O campaign, and organizing a very high profile campaign dinner as a bundler, under the Pfizer name,(Sally Sussman of Pfizer) seemed self serving. One could argue it was done on her personal time, but having the Public Position of being "Pfizer's Face, PAC handler and Poster Woman"...not so cool. But that's my opinion.

I agree, thats what many have an issue with. Not what she did on Pfizer's behalf, however much we may disagree with it, but what she does outside of Pfizer that the company name is associated with. She is now known nationally as an Obama fundraiser, bundler, which runs in the family as it got her daddy the UK ambassador job. Now when she represents Pfizer as our face to the public, this is what the public sees...she did it to herself, with self-serving motivations...

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

The question is -- when Sally guides Pfizer's policy efforts, is she doing what's best for Obama and the Democrats or is she doing what's best for Pfizer? It's hard to believe that Obama's interests and Pfizer's are aligned. This sort of conflict of interest is really quite damaging to her reputation.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

The question is -- when Sally guides Pfizer's policy efforts, is she doing what's best for Obama and the Democrats or is she doing what's best for Pfizer? It's hard to believe that Obama's interests and Pfizer's are aligned. This sort of conflict of interest is really quite damaging to her reputation.

Dang, three decent CP posts in a row without somebodies mom mentioned. The earth shakes!

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I think the rumours of her departing within the month must be true. How else can one explain her recent, overt, very high profile political activities in any other way than she just does not care how bad it makes Pfizer look. Perhaps this is her way of say F U Pfizer on her way out. Because of her, Jeff, and Sandy Beatty, the Republicans (our traditional allies and protectors) are now out to get us more than even the Democrats are. Nothing good will come from this.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I think the rumours of her departing within the month must be true. How else can one explain her recent, overt, very high profile political activities in any other way than she just does not care how bad it makes Pfizer look. Perhaps this is her way of say F U Pfizer on her way out. Because of her, Jeff, and Sandy Beatty, the Republicans (our traditional allies and protectors) are now out to get us more than even the Democrats are. Nothing good will come from this.

Jeff K. is known as a big democrat, not a republican. Last I heard he is an advisor to the POTUS along with other CEO's.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

The question is -- when Sally guides Pfizer's policy efforts, is she doing what's best for Obama and the Democrats or is she doing what's best for Pfizer? It's hard to believe that Obama's interests and Pfizer's are aligned. This sort of conflict of interest is really quite damaging to her reputation.

Her father was a DEM campaign bundler and it landed him the UK ambassador job, Sally is following in his footsteps with her Obama fundraising efforts...Her personal agenda and activities put her at a clear conflict of interest at times with her role at Pfizer AND diminishes her credibility with the public as the external face of the company...yet she continues to drive her personal agenda...I think the answer to that question is clear

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Jeff K. is known as a big democrat, not a republican. Last I heard he is an advisor to the POTUS along with other CEO's.

you missed the point of the PP, the GOP is looking at us as a result of the backroom Obamacare deal done with the DEMS

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I think the rumours of her departing within the month must be true. How else can one explain her recent, overt, very high profile political activities in any other way than she just does not care how bad it makes Pfizer look. Perhaps this is her way of say F U Pfizer on her way out. Because of her, Jeff, and Sandy Beatty, the Republicans (our traditional allies and protectors) are now out to get us more than even the Democrats are. Nothing good will come from this.

It can be easily explained through sheer arrogance, a desperate need to be in the political spotlight and a personal agenda that trumps all else...