Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare deal

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

If your contribution decreases you will go on our "list." If you wind up there, better not do anything considererd questionable... you will be on the other list. Just kidding. or do I know who posts? Or am I a LIER? try us? Who owns this site anyway?

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I have learned of your company's leadership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the organization’s undue influence on state lawmaking. It is time you joined Pepsi, Coke and Kraft to publicly disclaim all association with ALEC.

Why would you want to cozy up behind closed doors with the Koch Brothers and Big Tobacco to financially underwrite an organization whose agenda is to rewrite state laws throughout the country in a venue where the American people have no vote and no voice?

Please sever all ties with ALEC and stop underwriting their agenda.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I have learned of your company's leadership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the organization’s undue influence on state lawmaking. It is time you joined Pepsi, Coke and Kraft to publicly disclaim all association with ALEC.

Why would you want to cozy up behind closed doors with the Koch Brothers and Big Tobacco to financially underwrite an organization whose agenda is to rewrite state laws throughout the country in a venue where the American people have no vote and no voice?

Please sever all ties with ALEC and stop underwriting their agenda.

Pfizer will not disclose anything, they even think they are getting one over on their employees with people like Susman trying to play kingmaker "behind the scenes". Problem is, some people do their research and are smarter than management gives them credit for...I have very little trust in Pfizer senior management, even less trust that they will do the right thing and stop playing politics until we get another huge fine thanks to their cleverness

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

if Pfizer management put half as much effort into growing the business that they do trying to play politics and and being on the forefront of social progressiveness we might actually have a future...

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

if Pfizer management put half as much effort into growing the business that they do trying to play politics and and being on the forefront of social progressiveness we might actually have a future...

So true! I read somewhere that Pfizer spend over 120Million Dollars last year to influence politicians. No wonder why they are doing away with our pensions.

No Pension. No PAC. And this ALEC organization sounds pretty creepy. Any politician who is a member of that should be ousted. Huge conflict of interest.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I have learned of your company's leadership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the organization’s undue influence on state lawmaking. It is time you joined Pepsi, Coke and Kraft to publicly disclaim all association with ALEC.

Why would you want to cozy up behind closed doors with the Koch Brothers and Big Tobacco to financially underwrite an organization whose agenda is to rewrite state laws throughout the country in a venue where the American people have no vote and no voice?

Please sever all ties with ALEC and stop underwriting their agenda.

Liberal hack, you think we're going to turn this countr over to Liberal Americans for Progress and our firsy socialist president?

I'm doubling down on Alec and giving to American crossroads.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

If you truly believed in Free Enterprise, you would be against Drug Companies dictating their prices and creating monopolies. Now whose the real "libtard" hear?

It may take close to a Billion Dollars to bring a drug to market, but you people make that up when the drug comes to market in six months and then send all your lobbyiests around DC to try to get patent extensions for 12 YEARS??? Give us a break!

Your company just doesn't hand you it's koolaide, it yanks out your soul.

Take a look at your company on Wiki and go look at yourself in the mirror. It will kick you to the curb like it has Thousands of others as quick as your 2 second detail.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

So true! I read somewhere that Pfizer spend over 120Million Dollars last year to influence politicians. No wonder why they are doing away with our pensions.

No Pension. No PAC. And this ALEC organization sounds pretty creepy. Any politician who is a member of that should be ousted. Huge conflict of interest.

No pension, no PAC...I like it, has a nice ring to it!

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d


I can see the Posters and the T-Shirts in my head right now!

And if Pfizer didn't have political representation, you would be complaining about dumb management, right? I only give to political group when they can provide me with some plan, movement or justification. Given to groups on both ends of the spectrum. Seems like that is reason enough not to contribute if you have courage. Bet you would be missed as I was one time when I was left completely off the roster.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Pfizer has plenty of Political Representation and always will. Regardless of employee PAC, they would Bundle, instigate campaign dinners and entertain legislaters through ALEC. When a company or industry has too many lobbyiests it can backfire and cause public dissent.

What the posters are proposing (and its most likely fantasy of their part) is that if Pfizer, gives back their PENSION, then they would feel more engaged and willingly give to the PAC. It's called Negotiation and Pfizer ELT, Pfizer legal does it all the time, why can't employees?

Pfizer had no reason to take away the Pension Plan for those grandfathered in. The company is vibrant, has plenty of money rakes in massive profits. There are other areas that can be cut and areas that can even be Sold off.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Pfizer has plenty of Political Representation and always will. Regardless of employee PAC, they would Bundle, instigate campaign dinners and entertain legislaters through ALEC. When a company or industry has too many lobbyiests it can backfire and cause public dissent.

What the posters are proposing (and its most likely fantasy of their part) is that if Pfizer, gives back their PENSION, then they would feel more engaged and willingly give to the PAC. It's called Negotiation and Pfizer ELT, Pfizer legal does it all the time, why can't employees?

Pfizer had no reason to take away the Pension Plan for those grandfathered in. The company is vibrant, has plenty of money rakes in massive profits. There are other areas that can be cut and areas that can even be Sold off.

I'd rather have a nice, portable, well matched 401K.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Someone told my DM that they heard Sussman was leaving Pfizer. I guess she will be the fall guy for the Obamacare deal.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Someone told my DM that they heard Sussman was leaving Pfizer. I guess she will be the fall guy for the Obamacare deal.

Fall guy makes it sound like Susman is innocent of all this, she is FAR from that. I would be perfectly happy seeing her take the fall for it, she DESERVES no less...

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Sussman did nothing to break the law.

She did her job and she did it well. Kindler, according to my sources, was the one who was in on back door deals and very heavily involved with the Democratic Party.

If anyone is the blame it's the Pres. for partaking in the backdoor deals and leaving Congress out of it. ObamaCare would have never passed Congress if they had known about all the different backdoor, sweetheart deals to healthcare industry. Obama, according to Congressmen, also alledgedly bribed some members of Congress with PORK that would benefit their states.

ObamaCare is not a good deal for America but obviously neither is Capitalistic Healthcare because of the excessive greed in every corner which has driven costs out of sight.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Yes, you must be right.

What a minute, Sally's father was appointed to be ambassador to the UK by Obama himself -- based on his extremely deep ties to the Democratic party and huge fundraising for President Obama. Sally was and is a huge supporter of all things Obama, not a passive Kindler drone.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Then she should go work for Obama and leave Pfizer. This company needs to clean up it's act and get back to it's founding principles.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Obama, the king of transparency as promised. Ha! Backdoor secret deals with big labor, pharma, Immelt, politicians, etc.

Obama lied and people died! (Iraq and Fast and Furious)

I'm willing to bet big money that Sussman and Kindler violated numerous federal criminal laws, but were given immunity by the dear leader Obowmao himself.

I'm also certain that the mainstream media will or has covered it all up and would never expose such horrid corruption because it's all about keeping the dear leader in power.

If you think the first four years were worse than nixon, just wait for the second term where he's unhampered by another election and unleashes his leftist fury. Go read what Alinsky has taught him and tell me I'm wrong.